Chapter 1174

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In the lounge of the station, Charlie (sister) looked at the empty lounge and the four people in the lounge. She asked curiously, "are you only four?"

The salesman who had been communicating with her smiled, "what are you worried about?"

Charlie (sister) didn't hesitate. She is now a "customer". She spends money, and she also knows that she spends several times more money than normal orders. She won't hurt herself after spending so much money.

The strong attitude began to rise again within the safe range. She looked at the salesman, "I don't think you can protect me if there are only four people."

The salesman looked around, "please rest assured, we are professional..."

At the same time, in the conference room of buppen's international affairs department, Mr. Truman folded his five fingers and tapped the table twice with his knuckles. He reiterated, "please rest assured that we are professional!"

He paused and looked at the gentlemen in the room. This is the sixth meeting around the "World Development Committee". Gavra didn't stand up to slow down the process, but it doesn't mean they won't do anything.

They may have reached some agreements with some countries privately, put forward some objections and problems to be solved, so as to try to increase the workload of the Federation.

In fact, whether they themselves, the federal government or Mr Truman, we all know that this ugly little hand can not play any role.

Eventually it will pass, but disgusting people... It is not just a bad taste, it actually meets the psychological needs of the "victim".

It sounds a little confusing. What psychological needs can the victim have?

In fact, there are also some. In some cases that have been solved by the Federation, many victims eventually become accomplices of the perpetrators, or habitually bear the acts of being hurt.

This is a kind of psychological need. They can complete this process through some hints. In the process, whether they ultimately need safety or anything else, the whole process will be surprising and sometimes scary.

Diplomacy is the same. Adding trouble to the Federation may not prevent the final establishment of the world development committee, but for gavra people, they are very satisfied to see the federal head hurt.

The position of those small countries is the same. They will not be too difficult for the federals. They just get some benefits promised by gavra, such as trade orders, and are slightly responsible for their own interests, that's all.

So far, the main reason why the World Development Committee has not been established is that many similar small problems have not been solved.

For example, some countries hope that the headquarters of the world development committee can be located in their own countries. At least four or five countries have this idea.

Others believe that in the process of weighting the federal currency, the Federation should also give more benefits to Member States in mutual trade, such as reducing bilateral tariffs, increasing more exportable equipment, and providing opportunities for the transfer or cooperation of sensitive technologies.

In fact, these things are not things that can be solved in the end, but there are too many names and there are always endless talks.

This time, some small countries hope to let the federals help them develop their industries. Now 23 countries have expressed their willingness to join the world development committee, which also makes the federal government very excited.

But then there are some... Begging problems.

For example, some small countries that do not have the foundation of industrialization also want to achieve basic industrialization. They have no choice but to turn to the Federation.

The bargaining chip in exchange is that they will agree to most of the provisions of the treaty.

A consortium can solve the problems, but it still has to be solved in the talks. Mr. Truman gave a positive answer without considering these problems.

Moreover, he is right in saying that federals are indeed professional in helping other countries develop basic industries.

As for whether the developed basic industry should rely on the continuous blood supply of the Federation, that is another question.

After all, they didn't talk about these in the talks. They just hope to realize the idea of basic industry.

The representatives of several small countries smiled with satisfaction. Most of them are resource-based countries or agricultural and animal husbandry countries.

The country's main industrial commodities depend on imports, which makes them lack the initiative and are always taken advantage of by others.

For example, a country once invited international bidding for a thermal power plant. Up to now, this set of backward core technology of thermal power generation is still in the hands of others.

Whenever there is a problem in the thermal power plant, they have to spend a lot of money and invite the original construction party to solve the problem.

Sometimes they just come to do things in the East and West, and they solve the problem without changing one of the parts, but the charge can scare people to death.

Another country supplies a kind of rough machined parts to the world. There are some consumables in the whole assembly line. The manufacturing technology of these consumables has been firmly grasped by the technology exporting countries.

Every once in a while, they have to spend a lot of money to buy some actually worthless consumable parts and put them on the assembly line to maintain production.

A lot of profits are taken away by foreign enterprises, which makes them hate these foreigners and urgently want to realize the process of basic industrialization.

At least, they can make some simple things themselves, rather than relying on foreigners for everything.

Lynch sat in the last position and looked at some materials in his hand. He thought that all things would be settled and established by about October.

Looking at the diplomats who were still talking about various demands, Lynch raised his wrist and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was not far from eleven o'clock.

As soon as the weekend ended, the strike of the whole Federation ended. In fact, the strike is more like a demonstration. There is no complete confrontation between labor and management, and there is still room for easing.

And that's what the workers' Union needs.

The working class can't really give up their current jobs, and the capitalists can't really shut down factories. The redevelopment of real industries makes it impossible for them to leave the long-term shutdown of workers.

So the representatives of the workers' Union changed into formal clothes and appeared in the office or workshop with briefcases in their hands, as in the best days of the past.

They are responsible for negotiating on behalf of the working class and the capitalists, and discuss the results of the negotiations with the working class. In this process, the workers' Union once again embodies its role and value, and thus obtains a lot of invisible benefits.

There are intangible benefits, such as prestige and workers' recognition of the workers' Union.

There are tangible benefits, such as money, cars, houses

It seems that the strike is over. In fact, the negotiations entangled with interests have just begun.

However, strikes and demonstrations are not all bad. At least after the strike and demonstration, the public security of various cities has been improved to a certain extent.

Some sociologists have specially studied this problem. Wherever a parade has been held, public security will be improved to a certain extent after the parade.

According to the scholar's report, the main inducement of this situation is that the police will show considerable weakness during demonstrations, resulting in a very subtle psychological change.

In order to retaliate for their embarrassment and incompetence in the demonstrations, they will intensify their crackdown on various public security cases and criminal cases after the demonstrations.

There are indeed many police on duty in the street these two days, and those dishonest people hide and wait for the police to calm down and go back to the street again.

Seeing that the time of the talks is coming to an end, Lynch has begun to pack up his things. The core of the talks now is wrangling and asking for benefits. He doesn't care much about this.

However, some people should be interested in helping some small countries build basic industrial facilities.

This is another big order. The consortium's support for the federal government is fully reflected in the process of promoting the World Development Committee.

Even the Congress, usually known as the "most troublesome" Congress, did not say a word of nonsense in the whole incident, let alone ask Mr. Truman or some personnel to explain the situation in Congress and make trouble.

Federal capitalists can see obvious benefits. If it is good for them, they will not block it, and whoever dares to block it is our common enemy.

Gavra used the wrong strategy from the beginning. It's childish for them to find those small countries to cause trouble to the Federation. It's better to directly transfer the interests to a large consortium.

Then let the consortium take action from the Congress. As soon as the hearing is held, it will be 20 or 30 times. Maybe it can postpone the meeting until next year.

It's all inexperienced!

Mr. Truman, sitting in the chief, looked at Lynch who had packed his briefcase. He picked his mouth slightly. He should have been angry, but he almost laughed when he saw Lynch who was so lazy.

Just then, two people came in. One came to Lynch, bent down and whispered in his ear.

Another man came up to Mr. Truman and spoke in his ear, as if he were saying the same thing.

"Just now,... There was an armed fire at the city station..."

Mr Truman and Lynch looked at each other. He frowned and announced the end of the meeting in advance.

Then they left quickly. Looking at their backs, many diplomats didn't know what had happened and played with each other.

Instead of returning to Mr. Truman's office, they went directly to the presidential palace. The reason why this incident interrupted the process of the talks was that it alerted the president!

Mr. President is very upset now. He is also a little uneasy. What's more, he doesn't look good on his face.

When the diplomatic missions of so many countries gathered in the Federation, he first thought of his face.

He can't imagine how people will evaluate him. It may become a big scandal during his administration!