Chapter 1177

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Interrogation, interrogation, interrogation, torture, torture, these are completely different ways of treatment.

Most of the time, what ordinary people can contact is only inventory, which may be on the street or in law enforcement agencies.

Those law enforcement officers will watch you look like you want to eat people and ask you some routine questions.

Such as "where are you at a certain time", "who can fucking prove for you that you are not lying", "how is your relationship with whom".

They won't beat you, let alone take some measures to make you tell the truth. They just stare at you with a fierce expression.

Then there is the interrogation. The questions will become more detailed. It is possible that your uncooperative attitude will drive the interrogators crazy, and then they make some inappropriate actions that do not meet the requirements mentioned in the law enforcement Manual of federal law enforcement officers.

But this process is relatively safe. The greatest deterrent comes from a small number of physical conflicts, and such physical conflicts will not be too serious.

At the trial stage, law enforcement officers have a certain degree of mastery of the laws you have violated, and they even have key evidence.

What they have to do is let yourself admit the crime you have committed.

In this case, the question will have a very obvious pertinence and will be cross examined repeatedly for a few questions.

In addition to the physical pressure, they may also increase a lot of psychological pressure, such as making fatigue and fear, so that you think you're finished. It's better to say it than not to say it.

In fact, when you get here, everything is still under "control". You won't be subjected to inhuman treatment because you close your mouth.

But if you think torture is similar to torture, then you are wrong, very wrong.

If the first three ways to get the truth still retain human nature, then torture and torture have no human nature.

The first three methods still seem to retain the bottom line of each other as human beings, and the last two are completely lost.

They will use all means to get the answer. It's completely... Funny to preserve the basic dignity of the tortured object on TV.

What they have to do is to completely destroy a person psychologically, physically and even spiritually, but not let him or her die, and confess everything they are interested in.

It's hard. Not everyone can stick to it. Only those martyrs with their country and people in mind can stick to it to the end.

Without a firm will and a strong heart, ordinary human beings can't bear this.

Charlie (sister) who was hanged was black and blue, and the inhuman torture against her had lasted all night.

If she had not been afraid of the sudden death of this woman, she might have received more means, but just like this, she almost didn't look like a person.

The atmosphere in the room became more depressed, and the scar face needed to rest. This is good news and gave Charlie (sister) a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

She can clench her teeth until now in order not to die.

She knows the pain, knows the pain, but she knows more clearly what will happen to her after she says it.

She can only hold on. She also hopes that the federal people will respond faster.

In the dim light, Charlie (sister) couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep.

Her arms were long unconscious.

At this time, Scarface's actions are gradually showing their stupidity.

At eight o'clock that night, the president stood on the steps in front of the presidential palace and said the key words Lynch said in front of many media, which immediately aroused the panic and anger of the whole federal society.

These foreign armed forces enter the territory of the Federation unscrupulously to attack and harm federal citizens. Their purpose is to create a social terrorist atmosphere and force the federal government to bow down, so as to obey some of their requirements, especially political requirements!

This is an obvious, despicable terrorism trying to challenge the existing social order!

The president waved his fist and told the people of the whole Federation that the Federation would not compromise and the federates would not compromise. They would strike hard and destroy all terrorists and behind the scenes who tried to hurt the federal people and the Federation!

With a speech that was not too long, the federal people were said to be boiling with blood, but this is not the end of the influence of this matter.

Because on the next day, parades broke out again in major cities.

Everything happened... It was very smooth. The workers' Union held urgent consultations with the capitalists, and then got the consent of the capitalists. A large number of workers began to march for "anti international terrorism".

They walk in the street, holding up slogans. In fact, they are far from the core and essence of this matter. They enjoy the pleasure of daring to fight back and want to stick to it.

From "we protest" to "we will strike hard", these changes have had a very terrible overall impact on the federal society.

The diplomats from other countries standing behind the windows looked at the angry federates waving their fists and made them feel something terrible from the inside out.

This country is more terrible than they thought!

This is the first time that the federal government and federates have shown such strong aggression. They want to find the terrorists who caused the tragedy, find the behind the scenes, and kill those people!

Some people hold the placard "this is a war". At this time, these diplomats have just realized that the Federation, which retained all its strength in World War I, is more eager for war than any country or force in the world!

Yes, they are longing for war.

In the first World War, people were far away from the self denial brought by the war. After the policy change of the whole country, they began to be re examined. They were eager to succeed, win and become the protagonist of the world.

It seems that it is far away from ordinary people's life, but in fact it is very close.

The opportunities brought by further intervention in international affairs will soon be fully integrated into the whole society by the upper capital groups, political groups and interest groups.

More branches, more expatriate opportunities, more promotion opportunities, more job opportunities

All this has a terrible effect on the working and living environment of every ordinary person!

Some countries were deeply shocked by the sudden outbreak of the parade, while others were cold.

The Federation is far more terrible than it shows!

People here are more eager for war than those who are tired of war!

Mr. President, Mr. Truman, and other cabinet members were enjoying the parade.

They are well aware that this is the change brought about by the continuous success of several foreign military operations and the continuous renewal of military equipment in recent years.

People are no longer afraid of war, but full of confidence and expectation.

Mr. Truman thought of what Lynch said to him with his glass. The federates need to win and some people need to pay. If this is the prosperous age, everything will be as Lynch wishes!

He thanked everyone. He was born in a good age, and thus bred another desire that made him tremble.

He is eager to be the helmsman of this country, and he is eager to take this country to a new peak.

The amber liquid in the wine glass continuously ripples, which collide with the glass wall and bounce back.

His hands trembled slightly. He took a sip of the wine and drank the strong wine in the glass.

Spirits with ice will not bring a taste that is difficult to swallow at first. When they enter the abdomen, the heat rises and makes people full of strength!

At the same time, hundreds of Blackstone safety employees have entered the incident city.

Under the influence of the conscription act, they can now openly hold weapons, cross examine targets they think suspicious, and investigate and search buildings they think suspicious.

As the president's brief speech qualified the case, the state court directly approved a large number of blank search warrants and arrest warrants.

In terms of process, this is obviously against the rules, but there are special methods at special times, and Congress also plans to take this incident as the prototype to promote a new bill and legislation. The general content is that when a "terrorist attack" occurs, the law enforcement agencies can relatively bypass the complex judicial links and deal with it in a simplified manner.

After the case is solved, complete the formalities.

In short, the employees of Blackstone security entered the public's sight for the first time in such a special way. They are no longer a member of external "aggression", but an angel to protect the safety of people's lives and property!

Early in the morning, Scarface wiped his face and woke up from a deep sleep. The sun never penetrated through the thick curtains. Today is a good weather.

He went to the window, gently lifted a small part, looked out, and then the whole person became nervous.

He clapped his hands, shouted the names of his companions, and loaded his weapons.

Just now, he saw Blackstone's safe man.

They were standing at the door of a resident about forty or fifty meters away diagonally opposite, and more than one family was knocked open by them, which made scar face feel a burst of fear.

Soon people woke up. They were more or less injured after a high-intensity battle yesterday and slept heavier than before.

"What's the matter?" someone asked.

Scar face stood in the room with his waist pinched. "The people of Blackstone are coming. Maybe we've been exposed. First find a way to deal with the current situation."

"You clean up the house, others turn to the side hall, bring out the owner, and then..., his eyes swept the faces of the remaining companions one by one.

None of them looked like ordinary people. They were all "hard to mess with". He had a headache and ordered the only woman, "it's up to you to deal with Blackstone with them."

"If you can't handle it, just do it!"