Chapter 1194

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Mr. wickcliff was arranging the next things when someone knocked on the door of the ward.

Both of them were slightly stunned. If they were doctors, they would basically knock twice and push the door in. They didn't care whether patients needed privacy or not.

And there is a layer of frosted glass on the door panel, and the people outside are not wearing white doctor's clothes.

When the discipline walked towards the door, the door had been pushed open, and three staff members who knew at a glance that they belonged to the federal government came in.

The man at the front took out his certificate, "FBI..." his eyes turned around the room and soon fell on Mr. wickcliff.

The housekeeper stood between them and Mr. wickcliff, "I'm sorry, Mr. wickcliff is unwell. It's not suitable to see you now..."

The FBI agent smiled. "I suspect there is something wrong with your immigration procedures. If you don't cooperate with the investigation, according to the regulations, you will be expelled before 24 o'clock tonight..."

They will probably be transported to the international port and left there waiting for the first departing passenger ship to leave the union after dawn.

Just a word, people can't refuse.

Mr. wickcliff coughed twice and attracted people's attention. He looked at the housekeeper. "It's all right. I believe they can't take up too much of my time..." he looked at the three people. "Am I right?"

The leading agent smiled and came in.

He looked around, even in the presence of Mr. wickcliff, picked up the report on his bedside table and turned it up.

The housekeeper was about to say something and was stopped by Mr. wickcliff.

He knows that without a search warrant, these people can only stand here and ask questions. They are not qualified to look at anything in this room. This is the justice of the federal judicial process.

If you miss a little, you won't miss it at all, but now Mr. wickcliff doesn't know the purpose of these people. After showing a tough attitude on other people's territory, appropriate concessions can give both sides room for relaxation.

"It seems that your health is really bad..." the agent smiled and threw the report back on the bedside table.

He turned to Mr. wickcliff. "Not long ago, a group of people attacked one of our stations, resulting in the terrible results of four deaths and 15 injuries."

"These people thought they could escape, but finally they were arrested and they were still alive!" the agent gave a very sensitive keyword.

Capture meant they could speak. Mr. wickcliff frowned. He raised his hand and pressed his chest. The feeling of palpitation erupted again. He closed his eyes and lowered his head.

After three or four seconds, I was relieved and looked up again.

He looked at his housekeeper. "I need some water."

After two seconds, the housekeeper looked at the people in the room, turned and walked towards the door of the ward, "as you wish, sir."

As the housekeeper left, the agent continued, "one of the leaders gave us an interesting name when he confessed. Your name, Mr. wickcliff."

Mr. wickcliff shook his head. He sat back on the hospital bed. When he looked up, he gave a... Very sharp feeling.

It's hard to describe. It's like an old wolf looking at you.

You can feel his once tough, but now, in front of people is only an old man with serious heart disease.

"There is not only one person named wickcliff in the world, and he has no direct evidence against me. I was framed." the old man's counterattack tone was not so strong.

It's not like a cat with a trampled tail exploding its hair and jumping up, showing a look of "let old hair annoy you and see how powerful you are".

Plain, but powerful.

The agent smiled and looked around again. His eyes finally returned to Mr. wickcliff. "So I just came to see today. If we have direct evidence, now it's the soldiers."

He said, "if you have seen Mr. President's speech, you should understand that the dignity of the Federation is not provocative. Whether you are the planner of terrorist attacks or not, we should let you understand our determination."

"Whether you are a person, an organization or a country, as long as you cross the red line, there will be a bullet from the Federation shot into your head!"

Wickcliff looked at him first. "Is this a threat?"

"This is a kind reminder and a warning!"

The agent paused for a moment. "We will ask you to cooperate with our investigation at any time. For the time being, you don't leave the city, and when we need to find you, you must be found by our people."

"Well, that's all. I'm sorry to disturb your rest, Mr. wickcliff. Good night!"

The three quickly left the room and happened to meet the housekeeper who brought the water back.

The housekeeper took the initiative to one side. He looked back at the three people and returned to the room.

"Sir, do we need to leave?"

Mr. wickcliff shook his head. He took a sip of water with his glass. "If I leave now, I will have trouble. Besides, my body is not enough to support me to leave here in a short time."

"They won't do anything to me. Someone will speak for me."

At this time, with hundreds of millions of debts, he became the person who could not have an accident in the eyes of others.

Anyone can have an accident, but he can't!

When the three people at the door came to the parking lot and entered the car, the leader threw the FBI ID he had just shown into the co driver's toolbox.

In addition to this certificate, there are other certificates and a gun.

The car soon started up and joined the traffic.

The co pilot suddenly asked, "I don't quite understand why we should remind him."

The drivers are not hidden. They all belong to the safety committee. In fact, there are many factions in the safety committee.

Like the natives, these people are handed down from generation to generation after the establishment of the initial security committee. They do not favor a certain political position and maintain absolute neutrality.

Although it is not the most powerful in the safety committee, it is the strongest.

Then there are the ruling party, the Conservative Party and the progressive party. They all have their own people in the security committee.

Like the current president, he sent some people to important positions in the Security Committee on behalf of the progressive party.

After Mr. President leaves office, many offices of the security committee are Mr. President, that is, people from the ruling faction.

Can't the new president sort out the whole security committee when he takes office?

Then, in addition to some important positions will be replaced, other previous people will be marginalized.

They will become dirty workers and wait for the next candidate for their political position to come to power, and then get some opportunities again.

The three people in the car belong to the Progressive Party camp, which can also be said to be the ruling faction. After all, Mr. President is a member of the progressive party.

"It's not the time yet. He can't give full play to his maximum value. This may be another deal, which has nothing to do with us."

"As long as we do what we need to do well, others try to stay out of the way..."

The job was arranged by an action director, who had a very good relationship with Mr. Truman. He suspected that there were more inside stories.

But as an executor, he doesn't need to know so much.

Actually... He guessed right.

After Mr. wickcliff entered the country, Scarface explained that he had been locked.

When it comes to how to deal with this person, Mr. Truman's suggestion is to put it aside first.

He doesn't have much value yet. He is just an international speculator. There may be a shadow of violent groups behind him, but he has only such a little value.

Killing him now will not have much significance and effect. It is in line with Mr. Truman's view that while reminding the other party to bring him psychological pressure, leaving him to be a time bomb that can be started at any time.

When the federation needs to do something and it is not easy to open the situation, there is no more effective way than to find and catch the planners of terrorist attacks and interrogate extremely important inside information.

Say who is a bad person, who is a bad person, not a bad person is also a bad person!

Soon these people were restored, and then the news was sent to Mr. Truman. He just looked at it and burned the note.

This line is temporarily pressed down.

He likes this feeling more and more, and it even seems to inspire his collectors!

Put every useful and valuable thing neatly where he thinks it is appropriate.

When he needs something, he can calmly choose a suitable one from these things and throw it out, and then solve all the problems!

A few days later, after a consultation with experts, Mr. wickcliff came to a very pessimistic result.

He may die at any time now. His heart is "aging" and losing vitality at a very fast speed. He can live only if he always maintains the high cost of medical maintenance.

No one wants to die, nor does Mr. wickcliff, and he doesn't want to die.

Actively raising money can only make him live longer in a relatively safe environment. The doctor's advice to him is to use drugs to maintain his current situation.

When the medicine is difficult to take effect again, it is time to have surgery.

And the doctor also told him that if he had to wait until surgery, he must find a heart suitable for him and be ready for transplantation at any time.

That is to put someone else's heart into his chest!

At that time, he asked the doctor about the success rate of such surgery, but the doctor told him that there was about 20% success rate in monkeys, mice and pigs, and there was no precedent in humans... For the time being.

Mr. wickcliff may be the first patient in the world to try to transplant a heart!

But this is definitely not good news!