Chapter 1204

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
People have to go through a lot of things and spend a long time in their life. An ignorant girl may be just a small stone in Lynch's life.

It fell into the long river of years, and the ripples returned to calm before they touched the bank.

That day, little fox called Lynch and invited him to the upcoming Adventures of Lynch 2, also known as "amazing sea voyage".

At the same time, he also needs to inform Lynch that he is going to hold a board of directors in order to go public.

Fox pictures has been preparing for its listing for a long time. It has delayed again and again, and even cut off and re shoot half of Lynch Adventure 2.

In order to get a good momentum as soon as it went public, they decided to give up shooting in the studio and transfer the scene to a real luxury cruise ship, or the one at all times.

This has increased the budget of the film a lot, but the board of directors has no opinion on it. They also believe that doing so will help to quickly increase the share price of fox film after the company goes public.

More budgets, bigger scenes and more advanced technology mean that the film will become history.

Whether it succeeds or fails, it will.

Now the film is finished and the premiere is ready.

Whether Lynch is the protagonist of the real story of the film or the major shareholder of the company, he needs to go.

Then he asked Anna to help him arrange the trip.

In early August, the rising steam on the ground turned raldmo into a human purgatory.

It's a little exaggerated, but it's really hot!

What is hotter is people's enthusiasm!

The streets are full of young men and women in avant-garde clothes. They come here to pursue the footsteps of stars, or hope to be caught by star scouts and change their lives.

Many people think that acting is a very easy job, but in fact, this job is not easy.

In the morning, Penny woke up from the air-conditioned room. She kicked away the thin velvet quilt pressed on her body, turned and sat up. After washing, she said hello to Nelly who had already got up.

The two girls are getting along well for some reason. Penny lived in Nelly's Villa during her stay in lardimore.

She didn't buy it, but it was distributed by the company. The whole community is similar.

The production company or brokerage company buys the whole community and arranges the contracted artists of the company here.

Those who are not famous live in worse houses, and there may be more than ten or twenty people in a villa.

If those who are famous and have become stars, they may live in a villa for two or one.

The true portrayal of social cruelty is incisively and vividly displayed here. The situation here is much better than the group of girls across the street who have to queue up to go to the toilet and are full of hopes for the future.

The two girls went out after breakfast. Lynch arrived here in the morning. He would go to the company for a meeting first, and then attend the premiere in the evening.

They have to wait for him and walk around here with him.

When going out, the door of the villa opposite was also opened. Several girls were also dressed up. Nelly knew one of the girls. She waved and the girl opposite responded.

The girl over there naturally came over, "is there a notice in the morning?"

Nelly shook her head. She hesitated. "Personal things, how about you?"

She saw the girls holding the trolley case and had some speculation, "are you going to shoot anything else?"

"No!" the girl said with a smile, "there are auditions, several..."

Nelly was a little surprised, and there was a sincere smile on her face. "I wish you success. I told the company last time that I hope you can join my film. The company said it would consider..."

After the two girls said a few more gossip, the girl left.

As soon as she left, Penny curled her lips and said with some sarcasm, "very hypocritical person. She smiles like a twenty dollar watch on the side of the road. How do you know her?"

After getting along with penny for a long time, Nelly also knows that this girl is sometimes really mean. Her words can hurt people!

Their relationship with Lynch belongs to the kind of translucent relationship, which is almost known by the whole Federation, which also makes Penny completely free herself.

She just wants to be the "true self". Her character is a little bad, but some people like her "frankness".

Sometimes when she makes some gestures to the media or says dirty words, it also makes many young people crazy like her.

I think she is a real girl. Unlike those fake poor people, she is hypocritical from beginning to end.

In addition, she likes playing and fancy clothes, which has a growing influence on young people.

Nelly's situation is just the opposite. She is quiet and polite. People who like her are often slightly older. These people happen to be the "pillars" of this era.

At that time, they had spending power, so her position in the entertainment industry was also rising steadily.

The complementarity of the two people makes their screen combination very popular. Some viewers keep writing to Fox Film in the hope of seeing the once classic scene of fighting in the film.

It is said that Fox Film promised that this scene would appear, which is what many people expect. After all, the fight in the last advertisement was too real, just like it was true!

The two girls drove away playfully. Nelly's former roommate looked at the tail light of the car, showing a kind of envy and jealousy. Her eyes were a little deep. She woke up after watching it for a while under the touch of her roommate.

A bus stopped in front of them. Yes, bus, but not very big.

Sitting in the car, with the shaking of the car body, the scenery outside the window began to run back quickly. The atmosphere on the car was very dull and no one spoke.

Everyone knows what their next job is. The company hopes to gain something at the award ceremony at the end of this year, so they must do a good job in public relations.

In the Federation, a movie is not a "winning movie". The audience has said it is not. The critics say that they are not the same. They must has the final say of the people in the film academy.

A total of fifty voters can decide whether a film will win a prize.

In fact, the films that apply for various awards every year are excellent. No one will use bad films to apply for awards, which also makes everyone have to choose among many films. This is a difficult choice.

But if there is artificial interference at this time... It seems to be easier.

Yes, public relations, the people on the bus. The task of this trip is to persuade those academic filmmakers who have the right to vote to leave their votes to fox film.

Half an hour later, the girl was transferred and sent to a private villa by a van. She was greeted by an old man who looked about sixty years old and only wore a light nightgown.

Under the Nightgown was his bloated and out of shape body. There were some age spots on his face, which looked older than his actual age. At this time, he smiled and looked at the girl like looking at a commodity.

Then he nodded with satisfaction, turned and sat down on the sofa. "What are you waiting for, boy?"

The girl took a deep breath and squeezed out some smiles. All day, she wanted to stay here all day. She had no choice. This is the only way for ordinary people like her to realize their dreams

On the other side, in the new office building of fox film, Lynch sat in a chair by the window. Behind him was more than half of raldmore.

The hot sun is heating up the whole city. From here, the air seems to be boiling.

Everything is distorted after the transpiration of the air, not so real.

Little fox is still reading out some things, including some possible situations after listing, as well as some pallet contracts.

Lynch didn't pay attention to the old things.

The board of directors is very concerned about these. After all, it involves everyone's interests. Lynch doesn't care much. This money is not so attractive to him.

He also holds shares in fox pictures, to some extent, in return for the "friendship" of old Mr. Fox.

He held on and didn't say a word, so Lynch wanted to repay the old man.

Holding the company's shares is the best way. Just because the shareholders have his name, it can add immeasurable hidden assets to fox film.

When everything was over and it was almost noon, he declined the invitation of little fox to have lunch with the rest of the board. Lynch met two girls in the company's VIP room.

"Wow, do you miss me?" penny jumped up and hugged Lynch.

Lynch was helpless. "You have to be reserved. You are already an adult."

"Who stipulates that adults should be reserved?" she pouted and kissed Lynch on the face. Lynch pushed her head away.

"You're disgusting. It's all saliva..." he took Penny off his body, threw her on the sofa, took out a handkerchief and wiped her cheeks. He didn't forget to add, "it's disgusting!"

Sometimes some things are very interesting. Penny's... It's called frankness according to the media. It's actually very destructive to "old men" like Lynch.

If a girl is very tactful, reserved, not so active and implicit in expressing her feelings, he may not touch each other for a lifetime.

It's not that he has physical problems, but that he has experienced too much. These things have long been unattractive to him.

His heart is very calm. Another quiet girl, two people may sit face to face and nothing will happen all day.

She is different. She is like a huge stone falling from the sky and smashing into the lake. The waves directly wet the lake shore!

So Lynch doesn't hate her. As for Nelly... He acts relatively "quiet".

After a hug, they talked about where to play in the afternoon.