Chapter 1207

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
When they left the Palace Cinema in the evening, Lynch and the three got a souvenir.

A Book of adventures of Lynch 2, a drifting bottle with a boat inside, which is a handicraft, a gift certificate, and something... It should also be regarded as a work of art.

The gift certificate is a movie viewing certificate. The person holding the gift certificate can carry three people and watch any fox film for free in any cinema within a year. Its value may not be the highest, but its sincerity is absolutely in place and very practical.

Over the past two years, fox film has released about 10 to 20 films every year. Assuming that the ticket price of each film is 1.99 yuan, calculated according to 15 films, this is 30 yuan. Plus three people watching the film, that is 90 yuan.

In fact, it costs more than 90 yuan. It can be reused, which means that the 90 yuan can also be reused.

As long as the skin is thick enough, it's worth 900 yuan!

However, I believe that most of the people who can enter here will not take advantage of this. What they want is the privilege brought by this viewing ticket!

When others need to buy tickets, they only need to show such tickets to watch the film. This treatment is enough for all film critics to write a few good words for fox film.

Isn't this the "respect" they pursue?

As for the thing that makes people a little confused about what it is, it is actually a cowboy riding a horse made of a one dollar note, at least it seems so.

It's all made up of one dollar bills, about 199. If you say it's a bribe, obviously it doesn't have to be.

But you have to say that it is really a work of art. In fact, the people who make it can use other materials instead of money.

Maybe in the eyes of the rich and those who won't notice that it's 199 yuan, it's a work of art.

But for those who can't help but associate it with money, it's 199 yuan!

After returning to the hotel, Lynch and the two girls did some exercise. Lying in bed smoking, Lynch watched some reports on the premiere tonight on the TV screen.

Nelly, lying on his right, suddenly asked a question, "can I try to be a director?" she asked.

She felt that she had no talent in acting. Unlike penny, she could enter the plot at any time and anywhere as long as she finished reading the script.

Most directors who have worked with Penny have praised her, not her acting skills, but her talent.

With such talent, acting skills and other acquired things, she can definitely become a super first-class star in the Federation.

But Nelly herself can't. She doesn't have such a talent. In this film shooting, she feels that she has "tried her best".

From her own point of view, she thinks she can perform better, have more tension and appeal, but she just can't let herself have these qualities.

She was thinking that maybe she could try to be a director.

Lynch nodded, "yes!" without any hesitation.

It's not that he trusts or dotes on Nelly, but that such small things are not worth thinking about.

He doesn't even have the desire to use his mind. It's just some small money. It doesn't matter.

Nelly got what she wanted and smiled more so that she could help her ex roommates.

Maybe I can walk out of a different future on the road of director.

And all this is because of Lynch.

She quietly retracted into the quilt and hesitated. She couldn't say some words of thanks.

After two days in lardimore, Lynch returned to buppen. Plus Fox's listing, he also needs to come back.

However, he doesn't care much about the listing of fox. From the current evaluation, the total market value of fox film will not exceed 10 million federal sol.

After dilution, Lynch still has 15% of his shares, which is only more than 1 million. He doesn't care much about these small money.

The day after Lynch came back, something unexpected happened.

Perhaps it was Peng Jieao, the "other half of the world", and his allies who noticed the pressure brought by the Federation. They not only held together, but also did a very special thing - raising the tariffs on some federal products.

Raising tariffs is actually telling those international traders "don't fucking send these things to us.".

If tariffs are raised and costs are increased, they will not be competitive in the market.

The commodities included in the tariff adjustment list by pengjieao group this time involve 13 categories and more than 40 specific commodities, including cheap lighters and luxury lighters, as well as daily lighting equipment such as steam lamps and oil lamps, as well as some small electronic equipment.

This is not for a single country, but for the entire world development committee member states.

So the next day, Lynch participated in an economic security conference at the Ministry of international affairs as a "senior adviser to the economic security office of the Federal Security Commission".

Before the meeting, Lynch was smoking on the balcony and happened to meet Mr. Truman. They got together again.

"This time they are very targeted. It is possible that we will divide the world in two..." he stopped, took out his lighter and lit a cigarette for Lynch.

Lynch looked into the distance and did not respond to Mr Truman's views.

Before the emergence of strategic weapons with real deterrence, human hostility to each other will show without hesitation. There is no power to shut them up and stop what they want to do.

So the world was actually divided into many parts from the beginning, but now some fragments are gradually integrated together and finally become what they are now.

Half are federations, alliances led by gavra, and half are organizations of pengeo and other countries. The world has been completely opposed.

Mr Truman flicked the ash. "Do you think we need to fight back?"

Lynch's expression finally changed. He turned to look at Mr. Truman with a surprised look on his face. "Is anyone going to let it go?"

Mr Truman looked back at the balcony door. The door was well closed. No one paid attention to it or approached it.

He lowered his voice slightly. "You know, Mr. President is a little afraid of war..."

Lynch understood immediately.

Yes, Mr. President, he almost forgot this man.

Mr. President is a politician. The political platform of any politician is formulated for the purpose of election.

Just as the Conservative Party's political platform has begun to favor radicalism and hardline, they began to talk about initiative in state and local elections. Who can imagine that they are all conservatives?

But they are the Conservatives, because their political program is to unite more international allies and isolate international enemies, which can also be regarded as a kind of conservatism in the international community.

The same is true of Mr. President, a conservative in the Progressive Party, and he is afraid of war.

A few years ago, the federals excessively publicized the horror of war, so that many people were afraid of war. Coupled with the lack of self-confidence of the federal society at that time, people's aversion to war reached the extreme.

Now everything has changed. Many people have changed. The younger people are, the faster the change is.

Old people, slow down.

The president does not want the two largest war groups in the world to escalate to a local war because of trade friction. It seems that it is not cost-effective and safe enough.

"We must fight back, and be fierce!" Lynch finally gave his own view, "if we let Peng Jieao's people restrain us economically, the people will be disappointed..."

Whether the people are disappointed or not, in fact, politicians don't care for a long time.

No one is not disappointed. If politicians make a table of what they promise the people to do, at least 60 or 70% of the things in this table are not realized.

It is inevitable that the people have been disappointed and will continue to be disappointed.

What Lynch really wants to say about the "people" is actually those big capitalists. If the capitalists are disappointed, the voters who are "represented" by them will also be disappointed.

Mr Truman obviously understood this truth, "do you have any good suggestions?"

"What they give us, we give it back to them!"

A moment later, the meeting officially began, and Lynch attended it.

After spreading some information, Mr. Truman talked about these things and discussed countermeasures.

This is precisely the main responsibility of the Department of international affairs, which mainly formulates and responds to some international changes.

The tone was determined from the beginning, that is, competition, opposition and confrontation!

The sky in August is clear, but it always gives people an unspeakable feeling, like... A storm is coming!

Two days later, in the temporary office meeting room of the World Development Committee in sedoras, the federal representative submitted a proposal on "regulation and control of sensitive materials" to all representatives.

In this bill, the Federation lists a number of sensitive materials that need to be controlled and will no longer transport to countries outside the World Development Committee.

As the first motion of the world development committee, it was passed by a unanimous vote. On the day of adoption, all Member States began to stop the export of certain materials.

At the same time, the Federation announced a minimum increase of 100% and a maximum increase of 500% of protective tariffs on the imported products of pengeo and other countries!

Later, a reporter photographed the dissatisfaction on minister Peng Jieao's face when he came out of the international affairs department. Before he left, he roared loudly at the door of the international affairs department, and the domestic atmosphere became tense at once!