Chapter 1215

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Do you think... Can they sustain the first round of attack?"

Ryan sat behind the line with a gun. At this time, the fortifications were still being built. The federal army recruited many workers to build them.

Perhaps considering that this is the first battle of the army facing the world, the Ministry of defense attaches great importance to this battle and has specially allocated some funds to provide more assistance to the army.

At present, the people of Blackstone security have no specific work. They delimit an area and build fortifications, and then watch the army toss over there.

A soldier who was also responsible for patrolling and guarding replied with a smile, "who knows, I think it's a little difficult, so we should be ready for battle at any time."

During their stay in mariro, their confrontation with warlords made them understand that real war needs bloodshed, especially on the ground.

The battlefield is a huge meat grinder. Both sides constantly throw soldiers in and turn them into corpses.

Whichever side can't bear the pressure first will lose the battle.

In fact, advanced weapons and equipment can not fully play a role in a complex environment, just like bombers. When the war situation in the city is stuck, bombers can not only bomb the enemy's rear to help open the situation.

They can not directly help the soldiers on the front line to eliminate the enemy on the front line of each other, but can only play an auxiliary role.

Because no one knows whether those bombs will fall on their own heads. Maybe it's just that the wind in the air is suddenly stronger, and the bomb will be tens of meters or even hundreds of meters.

These distances are so easy to achieve that no one dares to take risks.

In fact, the current situation is the same. Aircraft reconnaissance can only serve as an early warning and warning. Once the two sides engage in close combat, the aircraft can only bomb the other side's rear.

On the contrary, the pressure on the front line will increase sharply because the enemy's back road is cut off, which they have felt on the side of mariro.

After each aircraft bombing, there will be a fierce exchange of fire on the front line, and the warlord militants will attack them madly until the bombing is over.

Some people call these as desperate counterattacks, reduced living space, and have to temporarily forget the crazy attack of fear.

Ryan sighed. "In fact, it's very irresponsible for the Ministry of defense to send them to the front line. Although I used to be a soldier, I know that some things are hard to imagine if I haven't experienced them."

This is Ryan's most real emotion. He has never experienced that. He will never know that the word "enemy" includes those old people, women and even children. No one is innocent behind the word.

It is also more clear that shooting and hitting people are completely two different experiences, and there will be greater pressure in my heart.

On the battlefield, the most prone to emotional collapse is not the soldiers charging on the front line, but the machine gunners.

The fingers they use to pull the trigger often cramp to death under high tension, and then watch the enemy fall one after another as if they were waved by an invisible sickle.

The stress and psychological disorder caused by killing a large number of similar people will become their psychological diseases. The psychological counseling and priests in the army are rarely used to comfort the ordinary soldiers.

When group emotions erupt, only a few people will fear war on the front line and hide. Most people will not be afraid of death when group emotions erupt.

Those who really need guidance are the machine gunners who kill the enemy in large numbers.

These things were not told or taught in military academies and troops.

Even the massacre of indigenous people was a few generations ago. This generation of soldiers are not like soldiers at all.

Ryan soon put forward another idea, "if you were a pengeo, you know we have built such a perfect defense here, would you still attack from here?"

Another person laughed, "every time I go to my girlfriend's house, I climb the eaves of the second floor on the wall, because her father sits in the living room with a gun. I never reason with the unreasonable person who still holds the gun."

Ryan also nodded and said yes. He immediately looked back and said, "I think so. Pengjieo's army is said to be very elite. They have conquered many countries through the army. I don't believe they will bump into each other..."

In fact, this issue has also been discussed at the command level of Blackstone security. The federals have built perfect fortifications, bunkers, forts and thick barriers on the beach. Will pengjieao attack like fools?

Unless they don't know, but how can they not know?

The plane in the sky flew over everyone's head again. Ryan looked up and frowned, "there seems to be something painted on the wings of that plane..."

Another person also raised his head. He narrowed his eyes for a while, then shrugged casually, "yes, but it's not very clear. I heard that those who fly planes like to draw something on the fuselage after completing a task."

"In this way, when others see their plane, they will know how many missions they have performed. It is said that the boss put forward it in person."

"The treatment of those pilots is very good. The subsidy is several times that of us."

"Just fly around in the sky..."

Ryan added, "the danger is several times that of us. If we are shot, we still have a chance to live. If they are shot, they will die!"

Yes, they haven't seen the picture of the plane falling down. Basically, it's impossible for anyone to survive and die at the first time.

The two men didn't take the plane with special coating under the wing in the sky as one thing. Even the people on duty in the air didn't notice the plane.

At this time, the pilot of the plane quickly took pictures of the specific Fortifications on the ground with an aerial camera.

It's not a complicated job to install such a small part as a camera on an aircraft. It's a little difficult for the camera to image in the process of rapid movement, but it can't stop the research force of a country.

In addition, the bombers exported by Blackstone aviation belong to the "Blackstone series", and they are very close in appearance, so no one doubts that pengjieo's aircraft will sneak into the investigation team.

The fighter is still under research and confidentiality. Now it still uses the qi-ii bomber as a reconnaissance aircraft. After all, the flying radius of the bomber is much larger than that of the fighter and can go further.

After two laps in the air, pengeo's pilot took a second shot at some places with slightly less good angles and reduced the flight altitude.

To some surprise, the ground troops even thought it was the pilot greeting them. Some people took off their hats and waved to the pilot, who also waved to them.

After seeing the pilots fly higher and leave, some people lamented that these pilots are really hard

More than an hour later, the photos were sent to the pengeo outpost, and then the whole federal fortification was exposed without any flaws in their eyes.

"There is nothing wrong with our judgment. They seem to believe that we will attack from the beach. We have to strengthen their confidence."

The commander put forward an idea, "assemble troops and get some ships. We want the enemy to 'discover' our battle plan."

"Since they intend to stop us on the beach, we will attack from the beach."

"In addition, contact the troops around the rear and quickly take down the artillery position after assembly. We will cooperate here."

For the army, the most terrible thing is the artillery. If the artillery positions of the federals can be destroyed, the forts and bunkers they built can not become the support to repel the pengeo troops.

They have all kinds of ways to deal with the "tortoise tactics". This is not the first attempt to use fortifications against the forces of their military front. Of course, it will never be the last.

Soon the pengeo people began to assemble troops on the beach and put some supplies on the ship. It seemed that they were going to attack along the river.

The reconnaissance planes in the air truthfully recorded all this. Later, the Federal Military also got the reconnaissance information they wanted.

"There is no error in our judgment. They plan to attack from the beach, and air reconnaissance has found their artillery, all on board."

"Continue to strengthen the speed of reconnaissance, especially pay attention to their guns, so that the pilots can fly with bullets."

"Once they find their guns spread out, bomb their ammunition immediately..."

The major general stood at the command desk and looked at these officers. "Gentlemen, this war is related to the position of the army in the federal military system. We can only win, not lose!"

"We should not only win, but also win a big victory. We should win beautifully and annihilate all pengjieao people!"

The navy has set an example, and the army can not fall behind. The commander should use one-time total annihilation to establish the position of the army in the federal military system!

Then all the troops took action. In the temporary airport, all reconnaissance planes began to hang their bombs, which was also a sign before the bombing.

Until this moment, many people are optimistic about the war, because they have the most advanced military equipment and the best tactical command, they can't lose!

When bombers bring the light of death to these people, they will regret taking the federal army as the target of the challenge!

From the map, the distance between the two sides may be the distance of a few palms, but there are still a few days to fight.

On the morning of early September, several soldiers came out of the woods. They wore federal uniform, carried federal weapons and walked towards the base without expression, just like real federal soldiers!

After several days of infiltration, the four troops have bypassed the fortifications near the beach and penetrated through the dense forest.

They didn't know where to get some federate uniforms and weapons, so they simply and directly mixed into the base