Chapter 1220

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
At 9:45 a.m. federal time, Minister pengjieo of the Empire was at the pengjieo consulate. Minister pengjieo held a press conference to the federal society.

He attacked the stupid decision of the federal government in front of many federal journalists and even world journalists, and made trouble for Peng Jieao's search and rescue team on the grounds of "the federal government obstructed Peng Jieao Empire to recover the missing aristocrats", and there was friction.

Friction escalated yesterday and evolved into a small-scale battle, eventually causing the Federation to pay the price of thousands of deaths!

Then the federal stock market plummeted, and some defense stocks created a terrible disaster of 30% plummeting in the morning!

No way, Minister pengjieao is like showing off how weak the federal army is. He doesn't even have the ability to be an opponent of pengjieao's army!

People will not believe that minister Peng Jieao is lying. There is no room for such an international event to lie. It will only become a scandal of a person's life and a scandal of a country!

Subsequently, some media reported that at least tens of thousands of army troops had been mobilized and boarded and left the port a few days ago. After the news announced by Minister Peng Jieao today, these news were taken out as evidence.

Then some more appalling news began to spread around, such as the news of the total annihilation of the 15th and 17th army divisions. In short, they were praising the battle.

Some people can't wait to jump out and make a conclusion for this military action. They even point the spearhead at the president!

Yes, many people may not realize that the president's term of office is about to exceed half!

In other words, the general election will begin in a year and a half

As the Minister of the pengeo Empire released a lot of information, which put the federal government in a passive position, the presidential palace held a press conference at 11 a.m.

At the press conference, the press officer acknowledged the "friction" between the Federation and the pengeo Empire, as well as the rapid escalation of the "friction".

However, he said, everything is still under control!

Only the federal journalists and international journalists present are not so easy to be perfunctory.

Someone stood up and asked a question that the press officer couldn't answer——

"If the federates occupy a dominant position in the battle, why don't you take the lead in announcing the situation and try to hide it? Can we think that the federal loss is much greater than what you announced?"

This problem... It's actually very unreasonable. It's like "if you don't tell me, you must be hiding and cheating me".

Although it is unreasonable, the people believe this judgment. You don't tell us because the real situation is worse than you say.

In fact, the press officer didn't know much about the inside story. He just got a press release, a Q & A and some core content.

He didn't know how to answer the question. Just as he was about to show his expression of "I don't fucking know, you may be right", Mr. Truman turned on the microphone.

"In fact, the pengjieao army we annihilated is much more than we lost, and the reason why we are unwilling to publish these data to the society is that we are unwilling to let the friction continue to escalate!"

In a word, it turned everyone's attention to Mr. Truman.

He bowed his head, was reading a piece of data, and then read out the contents of the document, "... As of 18:00 p.m. on X, about eliminating no less than 2000 enemies in the battle..."

"... as of 18:00 p.m. on X, about 3500 enemies were destroyed in the battle..."

He raised his head, waved the material in his hand, and put it back. "This material that should not have been disclosed to you tells us that we have wiped out about 8000 enemies in three days!"

At this time, a reporter immediately stood up and the press officer looked at Mr. Truman, meaning "whether to let the damn bastard ask questions" and "whether to kick him out". Mr. Truman shook his head slightly.

This news is so "hot" that they don't answer their questions now. They will certainly make it up by themselves in order to win the attention of the audience and the so-called "first news time".

Some people, especially those in the Federation, always hope that the federal government will have bad luck. Their ideas have always been problematic.

Instead of letting them write randomly about the specific situation of the battle according to their own ideas and confuse right and wrong with black and white, it is better to release some official news.

Mr. Truman is drawing a box in the upper left corner of a piece of white paper with a red pen in his hand. Yes, there is no word on the document he just held up or the document he looked at. It is a piece of white paper.

But he must do so. This is not deception, but a strategy.

In order to make everything more real, he must manually draw a "top secret" document as soon as possible.

Generally, top secret documents consist of a "box" and a separate word "top secret". He looked at the reporter standing up quietly.

"Mr. Truman, if we have made amazing achievements in the battle, why should we send at least 50000 to 60000 more soldiers to nagalil?"

You stand in front of a group of people. If there are only a few people in this group, you can see through it at a glance.

If there are more than a dozen people here, you may have to count them.

If there are dozens of people here, you can only guess roughly.

If there are hundreds or thousands of people here, you may only think there are three or five hundred people here.

If there are thousands of people standing together, people's first impression is one or two thousand.

On the problem of "counting people", people always subconsciously compress their cognition, which is caused by people's ignorance.

In fact, 100000 troops rushed to nagalil, but people can't count it clearly. They only think it's 50000 or 60000.

This question is also very critical, but Mr. Truman has long had a psychological plan, and he answered quickly, "because we don't want to let the friction heat up, we still keep our reason, but we should prevent our opponents from losing their reason and doing some terrible things."

"They went to nagalir not to make up for the losses after the previous fighting, but to prevent the outbreak of larger fighting."

"We promise here that we will try our best not to spread the scope of the battle and not let the battle escalate. However, if the pengeo Empire tries to challenge our bottom line, we don't recommend going to war with them at this time!"

The flash became more intense, and people stood up and asked Mr. Truman. Among the many questions, the most one was "do you mean to declare war on the pengeo Empire?"

The meeting room is completely boiling. If the Federation declares war on the pengeo Empire, it is likely that World War II will break out!

You know, the World Development Commission has just been established. If we hold large-scale military operations now, it must be 24 countries together. This is not a world war, so what is a world war?

Finally, Mr. Truman raised his hand and pressed it, stood up and replied, "this is not a declaration of war, just a warning, warning our opponents!"

"The Union has never been afraid of war. If you want to fight, you must be prepared for an all-out war!"

He said, packed up his things, got up and left. I don't know if he left in a hurry. A corner of the document was exposed outside the folder with a "top secret" sign printed in bright red.

This scene was photographed by many reporters. In the supplement or supplement issued in the afternoon, the photo with the top page of the "top secret" document was cited to increase the authenticity.

After returning to the office, Mr. Truman sat in his chair. He was waiting for a news, a good news from the front line!

At the same time, the first bombing squadron began to take off. A total of 13 planes flew towards the scheduled location. Ten minutes later, the second squadron took off, and then the third squadron

A total of 104 aircraft in eight formations are loaded with 208 cluster bombs. Tens of thousands of small fragment bombs will explode within the bombing range, no matter where they hide.

The woods, beaches and even rivers can't completely avoid these bombings, and they are continuous bombings!

When the plane just flew over the designated place, suddenly there was a "tonong" sound of machine guns in the woods, dull and full of power!

Machine shells were fired into the air, and a bomber was hit on the fuselage before it could drop a bomb.

The bomber began to "bow" with smoke. The pilot desperately and angrily wanted to lift, but it was obvious that there was a problem with the transmission. He couldn't control the lifting and lowering of the plane.

In the final despair, he opened the magazine and threw out both cluster bombs at one go!

With a huge fire rising, the first plane fell.

"Pull up, come on, pull up!"

There were panic orders in the radio communication. The pengeo people knew that the Federation had an absolute advantage on the plane, so they were equipped with a lot of anti-aircraft guns.

The whole forest seemed to shake and tremble, and countless shells were fired into the sky from under the tree canopy.

Because of the canopy, the pilot couldn't catch where the anti-aircraft guns were, so he had to bomb them a little earlier.

One after another planes crashed, and with the throwing of cluster bombs, a feast of explosion and blood began!

The falling plane will raise bursts of fire. With the bombing like an earthquake, the dense forest will be destroyed!

The bombing lasted more than three hours. In addition to the cluster bombs used at the beginning, ordinary aerial bombs were used later.

Some people may think that this is "revenge". In fact, it is not, or can be.

After all, Lynch and the Ministry of defense pay according to the number of take-off sorties and bombs dropped. If he keeps the plane parked at the airport, he won't make any money!