Chapter 1226

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The Prime Minister of the gavra Empire rubbed his temples. Recently, he felt that his brain was about to explode, but he never regretted his decision.

The strength of the pengeo empire made him understand that the current federal system must be reformed, necessary and urgent.

If the emperor is a very capable emperor, they don't mind listening to the emperor's decision, but the current emperor is not so wise.

He has many shortcomings, cruel, cold and irritable. These are all defects in his character. It is also doomed that he cannot and should not become a dictator, which will lead the whole country to destruction.

So in any case, it is time for gavra to reform. Without reform, the whole country will only get worse and worse.

Caught up by the small countries they once dominated, surpassed, and left far behind!

Only through reform can we have the opportunity to stand on the top of the world again.

Nothing can change the process of reform, even a war that is unlikely to break out.

From the prime minister's own point of view, he is well aware that this conflict will not necessarily evolve into a war. His keen political smell has made him smell the hypocrisy that only politicians know.

But he must do something at this time, because there is also a war in gavra.

The Prime Minister decided to take the initiative to intervene in the conflict as a third party.

"I understand. Yes, I understand. You are not at fault. Everything is a pengeo problem." he first affirmed the view of the federal president.

All this is the fault of the pengeo Empire, which has nothing to do with the Federation. Then he said, "sometimes when you are unlucky, you will be bitten by a wild dog. It's enough to scold or beat a few times. There's no need to bite a dog."

"Now is not the best time to start a war. We don't need some time to precipitate. Patience doesn't mean we shrink back. This is the wise choice!"

"After we solve some problems, let's deal with them together!"

The prime minister said very sincerely. He tried his best to express his ideas. Wait, wait, and then we can beat them together.

The president looked at the tablet on the desk and continued, "what you said has some truth. Now is really not a good time to start a war. We still have a lot of things to do."

"I have an idea..."

As soon as the prime minister's scalp is tight, you should be prepared to pay the price when you ask others to do something according to your ideas.

"You say, I'm listening!"

"Well..." the president cleared his throat, "our navy still lacks some experience, and gavra has the best sailors and the most powerful fleet in the world."

"I think our two sides should have deeper exchanges in this regard and friendly mutual help and sharing in the technical problems of some ships and shipborne weapons. What do you think?"

This is to make it clear to the prime minister that I can do what you say, but you have to give me the benefits I want.

Gavra had nothing that the federals could see, except the Navy and sailors.

Gavra people still have a certain leading level in the technology of building large warships, and sailors respond quickly to all kinds of emergencies.

This kind of thing, if there is no help, the Federation will need a long time to master these experiences through various "losses".

Every experience is valuable. It represents that someone has suffered a great loss in these experiences. If people do not suffer a loss, they will not have relevant experience.

It's like a young couple giving birth to a child when they don't want to be locked up by the family. They have experience and pass on the experience, so their children will take some measures to avoid the same situation before doing the same thing at their age.

War experience is more important than ordinary life and work experience. Federates who have not experienced so many wars do not have the ability to master these experiences.

But now they have a chance.

The prime minister was silent for a while. He took off his glasses, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. After a long time, he said, "no problem. We both stand in the same camp and should help each other!"

After discussing some details, the prime minister hung up the phone.

In fact, he didn't want to be on the same front with the Baylor Federation at all. He just had no choice.

This time he was blackmailed by the federal people. He will remember that he believes that he will have the opportunity to do so in the future.

Then he took a short rest and called the emperor and Prime Minister of the pengeo empire.

A few years ago, the two sides were badly beaten. Now they seem to be very sincere and sincere on the phone. The two sides exchanged a lot of things. Finally, the Prime Minister of gavra talked about some "misunderstandings" between pengeo and bailer.

"I can't bear to see the world peace broken because of some misunderstandings. Each of us needs peace..."

In fact, pengeo's prime minister also knew why gavra's real ruler wanted to talk to him about this. He sorted out his ideas.

"I agree with you, but the federates are very arrogant and arrogant. We can't bow our heads on some issues. It's not our fault."

"And you started the dispute first. It's not our fault!"

He refers to the embargo. Some important parts of pengjieao depend on imports. Now their group of people don't export, which makes people very uncomfortable. That's why there are these frictions and conflicts.

Gavra's prime minister has begun to swear in his heart. He has always known how arrogant pengeo people are. They are the really arrogant guys.

He said patiently, "you initiated the tariff issue first..."

"But we have no embargo..."

Very unreasonable. From any point of view, this is an unreasonable person, but gavra's prime minister is also very clear that being reasonable or not reasonable is a political need.

He was silent for a moment. "We can talk about something that will not affect our current work and life."

After hearing this, the tone became more relaxed, "I will pass your opinion to your majesty..."

After hanging up the phone, the prime minister became more tired and sighed heavily.

Five years ago, he never bothered about these problems.

If anyone is dissatisfied with gavra's decision, their fleet will appear in the part of the other party close to the sea, fire a few shells at their coastline, and all the problems will be solved.

But now, the times are different. Instead of being defeated by pengeo, gevlar was pulled down by a Bayer Federation that has been "forbearing".

Who would have thought that the Bayer Federation, which has always appeared in the international community in the image of "incompetence", has accumulated such strong strength?

Nobody thought of it, nor did he, so the times changed.

Gavra's enemies have changed from one person to a group of people, and now there are two groups of people.

And this also makes him want to end the domestic confrontation quickly. Gavra doesn't have so much time to waste. They must complete some form of reunification and usher in a new life as soon as possible.

In the evening, the prime minister went to the Privy Council again.

The sky in the imperial capital of gavra is very clear, but in people's hearts, there are dark clouds here at this time!

In the next few days, the conflict between the Federation and pengeo eased a lot because of gevlar's sudden intervention.

Both those who support war and those who oppose war are relieved at this time.

No one really wants war to break out. If so, this person must not be the middle and lower class of society.

When the war broke out, these people would be injured. On the contrary, the upper class would not be affected by the war and cause too much losses, but might make war money.

But anyway, the clouds of war seemed to be moving away, and the federal sky became clear again.

On such a day, Lynch was twenty-five years old.

In October, the golden autumn, Penny took the initiative to hold a birthday party for Lynch. She has been in the limelight recently.

After its release, sea shock has achieved unprecedented success. It has not only achieved considerable benefits at the box office, but also won unanimous approval in the industry in terms of word-of-mouth and artistry.

There's no way. Fox film gives not only a lot, but also a rich variety. No matter those film critics who have great influence in the media or the founders of academic films who are well-known in the art world, they can't refuse to give a good evaluation of the film.

Even if some people really don't like the film, they just give ordinary comments, and don't attack or give negative comments.

This film is for the smooth listing of fox film. Giving a bad comment on this film at this time not only trampled on the dignity of fox film, but also sniped at their stock.

You can scold a capitalist in the most vicious language. The capitalists won't have much opinion on it. It's possible that they will act as if they didn't hear anything.

But if you move their interests, they will kill people in all kinds of sense.

It's very unwise to offend them at this time.

Excellent films in all aspects also triggered a round of capital frenzy. A large number of people entered the cinema and raised the box office, which made Fox's shares rise nearly 100% as soon as they were listed. In addition, it also made every role in the film get great benefits.

The value of actors is more direct than that of other professions. Just watch the film pay.

Penny has been paid for the top actress. What she lacks now is some status.

After all, she is too young.

But these problems have never been a problem for women.

People don't necessarily recognize what you do or what you have to judge a woman's status. They just look at who stands behind the woman.

Holding a birthday party for Lynch is a gesture.