Chapter 1232

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Power... Is fascinating.

Ms. Tracy stood by the window with a red wine glass and looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window. Her mind was full of pictures of Hicks voluntarily withdrawing from the election.

She knows more than anyone how terrible her opponent is, but it's the competitor that overwhelmed her and once made her desperate, so... Quit!

She shuddered with excitement at the moment she got the exact news.

A very strange feeling. She knew it was an orgasm. Although she rarely had such a life experience in recent years and had no boyfriend, she was not a little girl who didn't know anything.

For a male politician, having a stable family can add points to their political appearance, and add a lot of points.

But for a woman, if she wants to go further in politics, she can't have a stable family.

This seems contradictory, but in fact it is not contradictory at all, and it is very realistic.

The reason why people use families to bind male politicians is that men are inherently better in ambition and ability. In order not to let them "derail", there must be solid rules to regulate their behavior.

Women are different. Women's gender itself will add a lot of different concerns from male politicians.

When they are a little closer to some people, it is inevitable that all kinds of rumors will occur, which can not be stopped.

Family will become a drag on female politicians, and other male politicians will try to avoid too much contact with female politicians with families. They don't want to hear rumors about their relationship in society.

Think about it, the policy decision is always after work. If you want to add it, you must give up some things

Ms. Tracy didn't form a family, but that doesn't mean she can't have a life, and because she doesn't have a family, she can have a relationship with any law-abiding federal citizen. That's her freedom.

"I have heard that Hicks' withdrawal may have something to do with the tax case. He was involved..."

Ms. Tracy's father sat on the sofa and talked about some of his news. He was a mayor, had his own circle and could get some news.

In addition, he also has a brother of the shepherd. The family may not have great power, but they have a wide range of contacts.

Ms. Tracy nodded. "I know he's never disappointed."

However, Ms. Tracy's father still had some problems. "You don't understand, honey, the tax bureau is a vertical organ. They are not controlled by the local government. In other words, only the federal administration of Taxation and even the presidential cabinet can mobilize them!"

"Lynch has invested two sums of money for you, and now he has sold such a big favor..." his expression is a little dignified, "I think it will become a trouble in the future."

"You owe him too much, and we don't know what he wants..."

Ms. Tracy turned and walked back to the room. She drank the wine in the glass gracefully, then put the glass back on the table and said jokingly, "he certainly won't want me..."

Her father still looked at her seriously and was not amused by her cold joke.

She sighed and comforted, "you don't have to worry too much. He must be for the girl Catherine."

"She has been elected to the City Council. If nothing unexpected happens, she will almost run for mayor in four years. If I haven't left that position at that time, I must pay some price!"

Ms. Tracy saw things very clearly. Four years later, Catherine was just 29 years old.

The mayor who is about 30 years old meets people's expectations of female politicians. She is young, beautiful, capable and has four years of political experience. Who will hate her?

No, no one will!

But for insurance, Ms. Tracy is a backup plan.

Sometimes Ms. Tracy is very jealous of Catherine. She knows she shouldn't have such a mood, but she is jealous.

She always felt very lucky. Her father was a successful politician and the leader of a city. Her father had the loudest voice in the city.

Her uncle is a shepherd. In one state or even two states, her uncle is a leader in the field of religious belief!

But now compared with Catherine, she is not so proud.

"There is still a month left. We have no rivals. Even if someone wants to participate at this time, it's too late." Ms. Tracy seems to be watching the gem ring on her finger, constantly adjusting her hand posture and viewing angle.

The coin is worth more than 100000. The money is not a heavy burden for her. All the money spent in the election comes from those supporters.

Few politicians will spend their own money when they participate in the election, because they don't have to bear these expenses at all, and they must send enough friendly signals.

Asking capitalists to donate is a friendly signal in itself. Only when capitalists have reached a "deal" with these candidates, they are real allies!

Those people give money, and politicians have to pay back policies after winning the election.

She looked up at her father. "I'll give a speech to you next week. I hope we can go on the stage together and people will be interested in us at the same time..."

The achievements of father daughter partners, especially daughters, surpass their fathers, which is also a scene that people in the Federation like to see.

If their children are always inferior to themselves, human society would have been destroyed.

On the contrary, when people find that their children's achievements surpass themselves, people will only be happy!

The whole state election became clear because Hicks withdrew at the last critical moment.

With the possible change of some governor candidates, some industries in various regions are also adjusting accordingly.

The replacement of the governor is not a simple thing. For example, the new governor of the industrial state is a person who advocates environmental protection, which is absolutely a fatal blow to the industrial enterprises of the whole state.

When people are busy for money, someone asks for a relationship and hopes to have a chat with Lynch.

Mr. wickcliff.

Lynch was not impressed by this man.

Mr. PATU said he would recover some losses from himself, but so far he has done nothing, which makes Lynch feel that he may not be as tough as Mr. PATU thought.

It's not surprising that not everyone can be tough in the face of Lynch. Private armed forces and a large amount of capital are the best and effective way for him to fight against the enemy and protect himself.

If people can't defeat Blackstone's security forces and destroy the capital flow and various capital means behind Blackstone capital, they can't give Lynch any big trouble, let alone make money from him.

On second thought, Lynch was going to meet the man.

The security committee has begun to monitor Mr. wickcliff, so the meeting itself is safe, and the place is in his ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, Lynch looked at the environment here, "I didn't expect that the current medical supporting services are so complete. Do they have a single family villa?"

"Sometimes I don't like being crowded with a lot of people, especially medical problems."

Mr. wickcliff smiled. He sat up from his bed and stopped for a few seconds before he stood up with the help of others. Just this made him gasp for breath.

He put his hand on his chest and showed some painful expressions on his face. Even if he took drugs for heart failure, it played a very limited role in the process of failure.

There was a distance of more than ten meters between him and Lynch. Lynch saw his face full of pain, but he didn't move and stood in the distance.

After standing up, Mr. wickcliff almost sat back. His legs were soft and trembling. Recently, the doctor told him that his kidneys began to fail for many reasons.

Perhaps "old" is more common, and there may be other incentives, but he knows or doesn't know, it's meaningless.

He rested for a long time before he came to lynch with the help of the people around him.

It took several minutes for the distance of more than ten meters. Lynch raised his hand with a kind smile and shook hands with Mr. wickcliff. "Nice to meet you, Mr. wickcliff. I heard you want to see me?"

He released his hand and went to another door. Through the window, he saw a reception hall over there. He opened the door directly and walked over.

Standing in the reception hall, he looked at Mr. wickcliff in the ward. "I don't like the smell of disinfectant so much. Although it can relieve people's spirit, let's talk here?"

He is tossing Mr. wickcliff, who knows this very well, but he can't help it. Now he asks Lynch, and he also knows that Scarface accidentally killed Blackstone safety's employees in order to catch Charlie (sister).

He bit his teeth and his lips were blue. A nurse quickly held a small oxygen tube and put an oxygen mask on him.

In this way, he was a little better, and then slowly, with the help of his arm, he came to another room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lynch, my current situation..." he spread his hand with a bitter smile. "You must have noticed that if there is anything impolite, I apologize to you!"

Lynch nodded. "I sympathize with your situation, but I can't do anything for you. After all, I'm not a doctor."

Mr. wickcliff sighed. "I understand that I invited you here to discuss a business with you."

"To be honest, I'm very short of money recently. After the silver case, most of my funds..."

"Now my illness needs a lot of money to maintain. I think about it. Maybe only you can help me!"

He was very sincere. He had no hidden ideas and could not hide them.

Lynch wants to find out why he needs money. It may be a phone call and wait for a little while. It's better to say it directly, at least to show his sincerity.

Lynch raised his eyebrows. "I'm not sure we can cooperate, at least I didn't find it."

After a long rest, Mr. wickcliff said, "Charlie's brother and sister's treasure..."