Chapter 1264

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod

The prime minister wondered, "what's the nobleman to talk about?"

As one of the great nobles of the Empire, your Excellency the prime minister feels that the nobles really have nothing to talk about.

Whether it is good, bad, big or small, he is just an aristocrat. He has seen too many and all kinds of aristocrats, and he is very clear that there is no desire to explore what they do.

Lynch was very interested in this topic. He said it casually with his head down and ash.

"The power of the nobility is too great..."

The prime minister's eyes became sharp in an instant. In a closed country, it's chilling to say that the ruling class has too much power.

In fact, in the history of gavra, there were some aspirants aiming at "changing the world", who tried to overthrow the rule of nobility and royalty.

The fate of these people is often not very good. Most of them are hung in a square and dried up in terrible pain!

Nobility, the class that first used violence to step on the heads of civilians, has never been docile, kind and kind.

Violence and blood are their real means.

For those who dare to challenge their status and power, they will choose a suitable wood, a slightly tapered column, put oil on it and let people sit naked.

These people will tie their feet to this post and hang heavy weights.

At first, the victim may not feel how terrible it is, or even feel that he is just sitting.

Although it's a bit shameful not to wear clothes, it's really nothing compared to more severe torture.

But they don't quite understand that all their weight on one end of the wood can maintain the posture of sitting and standing all the time, which is actually the result of subconscious muscle exertion.

After sitting for a period of time, it may be half a day, it may be a day, or it may be longer.

The tortured will feel uncomfortable and their hips hurt. They will move back and forth, which makes the sharp part begin to drill into their eyes.

Maybe they will soon realize it and become afraid.

They'll clamp their ass to keep it out of their eyes.

But people always relax, such as sleeping, or they really have no strength to struggle.

So it got into Ding's eyes little by little, without people's awareness.

The pain at this time is huge. The pain of excretion and the pain of wood itself tearing the intestinal wall will continue to torture everyone!

And with more and more people's bodies, the speed and length of penetration will continue to accelerate.

This kind of pain will last for about three to five days before it will die completely. Some people can last longer, but everyone will die and die in endless pain!

The sun's exposure will evaporate the water in the body, and finally show up in front of people are terrible wooden piles.

There was a dry, oily head on those wooden stakes, and below, it was a body shrunk by exposure to the sun, which was directly dried into human flesh.

It can no longer be removed from the pillar, and the two are fully integrated.

In ancient or medieval times, such wooden stakes could be seen almost everywhere on both sides of the road in the territory of some cruel Lords.

It is used to warn all those who enter the territory to abide by the Lord's law and warn the people in the territory to obey the Lord's will!

In history, nobles were indeed killed by the civilian class on the lower cutting, but more of them were people's leather piles erected on the side of the road.

The twisted expression on each dry head makes people feel as if they are in hell, and also makes people understand a truth.

Nobility, no offense!

The prime minister looked at Lynch with no expression on his face. "You are also a noble, Baron Lynch."

He accentuated the word "Baron" and wanted to remind Lynch that he was also an aristocrat and a member of the privileged class.

However, Lynch seemed not to know that. He continued softly, "prime minister, do you know the biggest difference between gavra and the Federation?"

He suddenly changed the topic, which made people unable to keep up with the jumping speed of his thinking. The prime minister thought about it and gave up.

This is a very complex and huge question. Its answer is related to all aspects of the social system, which can not be summarized in one or two sentences.

Even if those scholars and experts want to find out, it may take a long time. Some people even take studying these things as their lifelong pursuit.

So he gave up his thinking and threw the question back to Lynch in a rhetorical way. "Do you have any wise views?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

Lynch did not smile modestly. "It's not necessarily wise, but I do have some of my own views."

"In my opinion, the biggest difference between the Federation and gavra is that we make everything very safe."

A piece of nonsense.

The prime minister's face showed a little smile, very perfunctory, "yes, very wise opinion."

He didn't bother to keep talking, but Lynch seemed very stupid this time. He continued, "in the Federation, politicians, capitalists and the people, this triangle constitutes the most stable social form."

"Each part is responsible for its own affairs. Some people say that the Federation is a paradise of wealth. As long as you have money, you can do anything."

"But they ignore one thing, that is, they can do everything if they don't really have money."

"If capitalists want to influence politics, they need to buy off the people."

"If politicians want more power, they also need to buy off the people."

"For the people, they have more choices."

"When capitalists are too powerful, they will turn to politicians."

"When political power is too strong, they will turn to capitalists."

"The seemingly fragile social mechanism is surprisingly stable!"

If Lynch pointed out, "we have never had a dictator, and no one will hold eternal power!"

"If anyone, any party in this triangular relationship, wants to get more benefits and more practical value, they must play a positive role in society."

"That's why we can surpass gavra in such a short time. We have left you far behind in the mechanism."

"And gavra..."

Lynch took a puff of smoke. He suddenly shut up, which made the prime minister dissatisfied. It was not easy to urge, so he had to look at him.

Lynch flicked the ash slowly. After ten seconds, he continued, "nobility is the core problem restricting gavra's development."

"So is the royal family, but soon the royal family will be solved. Without the check and balance of the royal family, the power of the nobility will expand."

"At that time, you have indeed solved the problem of the royal family, and the aristocracy will become a new trouble. If you continue to fall into internal trouble, you will find that the world has gradually lost the status left to you!"

The prime minister's expression became more and more serious. In fact, it was not news from the day when the country was born.

But over the years, the Privy Council has gradually become a nursing home, and people's vigilance towards the nobility is not so serious.

Until this time.

The Privy Council nobles want more power. They are not talking. They are acting.

With Lynch's words, the Prime Minister first thought of the aristocracy's fight against food prices.

If they don't let the price of food rise, they will sell food limited.

If the price of grain is raised, they will release the limited supply of grain.

Lynch looked at the contemplative prime minister and made up his last sentence.

"Money, and power, only one!"

As he spoke, he finished his last cigarette and put it out in the ashtray.

Looking back at the deputy of the negotiation, the other party also accepted Lynch's signal and ended the first negotiation.

Lynch got up and looked at the prime minister and stretched out his hand. "I'm just saying it casually. It's not necessarily correct or suitable for here..."

The prime minister recovered and stood up, shaking hands.

Lynch can feel the hand of the prime minister is very soft and warm.

Many people believe that this is a necessary quality for politicians. Holding a warm hand is absolutely different from holding a cold hand.

Some people think there is no secret or secret that can keep your hands soft and warm.

In fact, there is no secret to this kind of thing. As long as you work less, your hands will be soft. As long as you eat well, your palms will be warm!

"You always bring me a lot of trouble, Lynch, just like last time.", the prime minister raised his eyebrow.

He had understood Lynch's meaning. The overthrow of the royal family was not the victory of the whole war. On the contrary, because the royal family fell, the aristocracy, a previously neglected group, began to move towards the stage.

If your Excellency the prime minister wants to bring a stable political environment to gavra and maintain a rapidly developing society, the best way is to overthrow the nobility again!

This made him a little surprised, but also made him realize that this is indeed a problem that he always has to face.

You can't say what Lynch said is wrong. Everything he said is very reasonable, but there are some problems with his starting point.

This makes the Prime Minister not know whether to hate him or like him more, which is very contradictory.

Lynch could hear what the prime minister said. He flattered the old man a little.

"That's because you have more wisdom and courage than others, your Excellency the prime minister."

"If the person standing opposite me is not you, I won't tell you this. Not everyone has the courage and ability to change the process of the world. After all, it's only a few!"