Chapter 16 - Back to where it all started

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Wisp pov. Some time after the last chapter.

"Who's a good boy, you are ! You are! Daww you're so fluffy." Today I'm relaxing and playing with the pack of wolves again. I mean they are just too adorable.

They do sometimes bite me... so I bite them back every time they did, they haven't bitten me since then. Even Soi Fon was surprised when I did that, and she's been living with me for around 5 years now.

My daily routine consisted mostly of playing with the wolves, spending time with Soi Fon and sometimes I have spars with Song and the old man, and of course training.

Training consisted of plain torture, you did not read that wrong, I would literally let myself get hit by hollows without any defence just to completely erase hesitation and fear of death, she always tells me I'm completely insane to do that, which I actually am.

I've also been doing some physical training, this is Soi Fon's favourite part as she observes my body as I train. At one point she took a picture in secret but nothing escapes me so I posed for her, she was really surprised and aroused by this, leading to some 'moments'. Oh boy.

I also remember a few months ago. It was a cold winter day, fresh snow had just fallen and the wolves began to grow their winter fur, or as I like to call it "winter fluff". On the other hand I begin to increase my body temperature so I'm not cold, I could run outside nȧkėd and I wouldn't even feel cold.

Soi Fon and I were having a walk in the forest, the sun was rising over the horizon and rays of light shone on the white snow, as beautiful as it was, me and my perfect sense of balance, allowed me to slip and fall to the ground, Soi Fon helped me get up and when she was sure I was ok, she began to giggle while asking about how it was possible for me to be so agile and professional all the time but still was able to fall on my ȧss all the time.

I hid my face in embarrassment while looking away from her, which made her laugh even more. I looked down on the ground and smirked grabbing a snowball and tossing it to Soi Fon. She was still laughing so she didn't react fast enough to dodge, she paused for a second while I laughed at the bewildered she was making.

She smiled at me and armed herself with a snowball of her own before throwing it towards me, I obviously saw it coming but took it anyways, I mean I needed an excuse to have a snowball fight. We ran, we laughed while throwing snowball at each other, funny thing is I kept slipping, one time I fell on the ground, sled for a good tens seconds while laying on the ground like a star.

At one point I got behind her and blew onto the back of her neck, she felt shivers going down up her back while she jumped up like a cat letting out the most adorable "Kyah!" I've ever heard. Once she realised it was me, she blushed hard and chased me around. I actually had a lot of fun but got cornered, at my back was a fall and in front a smug looking Soi Fon, not wanting to be caught I did what any (in)sane person would do and jumped of the cliff.

Before falling I turned around mid air and did a soldier salute and fell towards the earth. I remembered her shocked face while I was falling, she knew for a fact that I would survive but she didn't think I would actually jump. Ahh good times.

Back to the present, I was rolling around cuddling with my cute little wolves when Soi Fon approached me.

"Come on Wisp, it's time to eat. I've made breakfast." Once I was standing, she jumped up and latched herself on my waist with her legs, putting her slender arms around my neck while pulling me into a soft kiss, her lips were soft and tasted sweet, almost like strawberries. She pushed her ċhėst into mine and I felt two soft mounds press up against me. I blushed a little and kissed back, lightly hugging her so as to not break her.

Since my awakening, I have been getting larger and denser, I weighted around one hundred and fifty kilos but now I weigh over two hundred, we had to move the bedroom downstairs for the time being, although when we reinforce the house we'll be able to move everything back the way it was before. I've also been getting incredibly stronger, by so much that I need to be extremely careful not to break anything, especially in these situations.

There are somethings that make me a little worried though, my emotions have been getting stronger and stronger by that I do mean harder to control. Notably my anger and feral instincts, my fighting style has also morphed into a more beast like one.

She obviously noticed the changes but didn't mind, she also noticed that I was holding back all the time and was a little mad at me during training but when I explained to her the circumstances, she understood easily and didn't dwell on the subject any further.

Back on the current situation, things got a little 'hotter', we were now making out on the front porch, which was installed a few days ago by yours truly, she was now laying on me while she fervently kissed me, our lips stayed connected for a minute before she pulled back to take breather, I went up kissing the side of her jaw before going along the right side of her neck leaving a few small hickeys on her white skin before nibbling on her neck. I knew that she absolutely loved it when I did this, so I did.

"Maybe we should go have breakfast before it gets cold." I say not out of breath anymore, perk of the awakening.

"Y-yeah maybe should." She blushed and got up and off of me allowing me to get up as well.

We went inside and sat down to eat, the breakfast wasn't cold not that it mattered anyways as I like either way, it was nice breakfast. I looked at Soi Fon and noticed she looked distracted and troubled.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? What's troubling you?" I ask her while putting my hand on hers.

She looks up to me a little surprised and sighs. "It's just that I don't know how long I'll be able to stay here before going back to the soul society."

The mood dropped somewhat, it's true that we don't know when she needs to go back, her mission was originally to bring me back with her, she has a lot of time but maybe five years is a little too much. Of course it wasn't the first time that we talked about this, but everyone we did we had time, now? I'm not so sure we have that much time at all before someone comes.

"Sigh... well I guess I've got no choice then, I'll come back with you." I decided to go back with her as I am now strong enough to fight them off if anything bad happens.

"Really ?! That's great ! Wait but I though you didn't want to come, what changed your mind?" She brightened up instantly from how happy she was.

"Well now that I am stronger I can fight them off, and also I now have a reason to go back there."

"Oh? And what is that reason?" She puts a hand on her chin while looking at me.

I grab her hand and kiss the back of it, I wink at her and say "You."

She blushes and smiles warmly at me, we finish eating, clean up and go cuddle in front of the chimney, I am sitting cross legged with Soi Fon on my ŀȧp, she looks up to me while putting a hand on my cheek, rubbing it with her thumb, I put a hand of my own on her hand and lean into hers a little more.

My ears twitch a little bit as I hear footsteps inside the room, from what I can smell the person is a woman, she's a shinigami and probably from the same division as Soi Fon, if her energy and the way she walks is anything to go by. Bless super senses.

The person approaches us slowly but surely not doing any sound, in fact I just realised she's in the same room as us and I can bȧrėly notice her, her control is frightening, most of the time I would detect everyone in a large zone but for her to bypass all of this, who the hell is she?

I focus my senses on the person behind us to ensure she doesn't do anything funny, Soi Fon doesn't notice and continues to cuddle with me, that is until a black woman looked over our shoulder and spoke up.

"Aww so you did find someone, Soi Fon!" The woman wore a white haori, a captain's mantle, she had purple hair arranged in the same hair style as Soi Fon but longer. This is probably the Yoruichi Soi Fon's been talking about all this time.

Because of the woman's surprise apparition, Soi Fon got really startled and flustered. She jumped up and fell backward, she landed on her back and flinched back a little, she was absolutely speechless, her eyes were wide opened in surprise with a dust of pink on her face.

On the other hand I looked at the still smiling woman, "Hello Yoruichi, nice to meet you." I say normally.

She looks at me with a confused expression adorning her face "Wisp right? How did you know my name was Yoruichi?"

'Oh my god, I was right ?!' I screamed in my head, although on the outside I looked really calm. I answered her question, "Oh, Soi Fon's spoke about you, also I bȧrėly heard you coming so I guessed, seems I was right." I finished with chuckle.

Silence filled the room, I looked at Yoruichi then at Soi Fon and back and forth between them, "What ? Did I say something bad ?"

"You said, you heard me coming? How?" She said quite surprised, Soi Fon only looked at me with raised eyebrows, she knew I had great senses but she didn't think they were so good.

"I have very sharp senses, but you already knew that, right?" I say ċȯċking an eyebrow.

She looks at me for a few seconds then chuckles, "I do indeed know about you, your specialities and your... condition." The last part was said hesitantly.

"Captain Yoruichi-sama! May I know what brings you here?" Soi Fon speaks up before I can inquire about the last comment.

"Oh? Well can't I come see how my-" I cut her off, "What are you really here for?"

"Ehh~ well you're no fun, I can see why she likes you...", just get to the point already, "...Anyways today I'm here to take her back to the Soul Society." She points at Soi Fon.

Well, that wasn't very surprising considering it's been a few days over five years now. They're probably getting impatient. I look at Soi Fon to see her reaction and saw she looked a little anxious but fine overhaul, I smile and pat her head to comfort her.

She smiles at me while I pat her head, we hear a cough that made our attention turn towards Yoruichi, the woman had a teasing smile on her face, "This is all really cute and all but you love birds need to come with me to the soul society."

I breathe out of my nose and get up, I was about to go up the stairs but I remember that I shouldn't do that as I am now too heavy for them, I look at Soi Fon and convey my message with just a look.

She blankly looks at me and realises what I'm trying to tell her, she stifles a laugh and goes up the stairs to prepare our stuff.

Yoruichi looks at me with a confused face, I answer the unspoken question, "I've been getting stronger and my body's been getting heavier, I'm afraid to go through the floor."

She pauses for a second before exploding into laughter, "It's not funny !" But she just continued to laugh. After a some time Soi Fon came back with a two bags, a large one and a smaller one, the smaller one was hers because she had less stuff to bring back. She threw me the bags which I caught and she went out of her Gigai, she now wore her shinigami clothes, I followed her example and changed into my shinigami form.

Yoruichi eyed me curiously for a second before turning around and proceeded to head outside, we followed her outside and I witnessed her open a Senkaimon, she stepped through and signed for us to come through as well. We went inside and I unconsciously let out some Primal Energy while tensing my body and keeping my senses sharp, I mean I am walking into unknown enemy territory.

We stepped through and arrived at a large opened place, on both our right and left were guards and at around thirty meters in front of us was an old man with some scars on his face and another captain that had blond messy hair. I sensed that we were surrounded by multiple ȧssassins, my brains began to go on overdrive, thinking of every possible situation, my eyes sharpened with a dangerous glint in them as I looked around.

A hand was placed on my forearm, the gentle touch of my lovers hand calmed me down somewhat, I retracted my energy but stayed tense nonetheless, when I did that people visibly relaxed. We walked towards the old man, out of everybody here, including me, he was definitely the strongest. He felt like Reinhardt.

I focused my senses into him and perceived his true strength, burning and red energy ȧssaulted my senses. As soon as I got a grasp of his overhaul power, I retracted my senses so as to not be overwhelmed. We soon arrived in front of the old man, Soi Fon stayed behind of Yoruichi while I stayed next to the captain. Even though I tower over everybody present here that old man felt like a giant, his experience was visible through his scars and his power was superior to mine. Aside from the intimidating exterior, I have to say that he really takes care of his beard.

My gaze then switches over to the man next to him, the bland haired guy, he was powerful indeed and his reserves were larger than mine, although I would probably overpower him in terms of pure physical abilities by a wide margin. The only ones who could compete with me can be counted on one hand as of now.

The old man began talking, pulling my attention away from the other captain, I straightened my posture and applied my training as a soldier.

"I can see you've accomplished your mission well, lieutenant." The old man nodded towards the petite lieutenant, Soi Fon only bowed her head at these words.

He then looked at me and introduced himself. "Welcome to the Seireitei, I am the Head Captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto."

I looked at him and introduced myself like I was taught to, hitting my fist two times on the left side of my ċhėst before leaving my fist on my ċhėst. "Wisp Draek, Ex-Squad Captain of the fifth division, code name "Fenrir"! It's an honor to meet you, sir!" I said in a firm voice, undaunted by the presence of the old man.

Most people, mostly the two captains and Soi Fon looked at me with curiosity, asking themselves about what I was talking about and what was that salute.

I dropped my salute and grinned at Yamamoto while he merely looked at me in curiosity.