This is Wisp level currently compared to other people.
Body :
Strenght level : He is stronger than Sajin Komamura (fox man) and a bit weaker than Kenpachi Zaraki.
Speed level : He is the fastest after Yoruichi, albeit they are pretty close in terms of speed.
Regeneration : Can heal from pretty much anything as long as it's not infused with a good amount of corruption, in which case he will struggle to heal.
Energy :
List of energy he possesses :
- The different types of energy which includes thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, motion energy, sound energy, elastic energy and gravitational energy. (Feel free to Google them if you want, he controls all of them to some extent and some better than others.)
- Pure energy, an energy that can become any of those above.
- Reiatsu and Reishi
- Bloodlust or Blood essence (for example when he absorbed the blood essence of his pack and transformed into a wolf)
- Sword energy
-Primal Energy => Reiatsu + purified War energy* + Bloodlust + Sword energy + pure energy.
Although he can control all of these different energies, he cannot control others energy hence why he can still get hurt by them just like the War energy.
*purified War energy : When in contact with a shinigamis reiatsu the corruption can be purified, (if the reiatsu is strong enough, captain level strong)
Powers :
Teleportation, Regeneration, energy bending, super human senses and body, shapeshifting into a wolf, shinigami powers.
Zanpakuto :
Normally the sword looks like a normal katana with red markings on the handle and all black except the blade. No changes to the body.
In shikai the Zanpakuto looks like a guard less red wakazashi, in place of the guard is a Pentagon (shaped like the small houses we drew as kids), the edge of the sword is a darked shade of red than the blade which is light blood red in colour. The guard is lighter in colour than the edge but darker than the rest of the blade, the markings are now black. The body changes becoming red in colour with a pair of horns on the forehead.
"Chant of activation" :
Shikai .
1st Shikai
Rip apart, CHI NO KEN ====" Sword of blood.
Good against single enemies when you don't have time or enough blood to charge the second Shikai, doesn't need to be charged but drains more stamina.
2nd Shikai
Feast on their essence, CHI NO AKUMA ====" Demon of blood
Good against multiple enemies and when you can charge the Shikai fully with the blood of multiple enemies. Needs to be charged but doesn't drain to much stamina.
Muramasa, Demon of bloodlust
The body can absorb an unlimited amount of blood essence, all "stats" are multipled many times over, the body becomes as hard as a zanpakuto, it becomes extremely hard to pierce the defence it provides. Multiple metal protuberations gives multiple weapons in hand to hand combat.
If too much essence is absorbed the body, if too weak, can break down. Cost enormous amounts of stamina and costs the blood of the user to use, (the bloodmist it releases is the blood of the user), regeneration is stopped because it has to regenerate the blood lost. No zanpakuto.
Surprise, I'm back. Did ya miss me, you probably didn't.
Anyways, sorry for the two week delay for the chapter, writers block is a bitch and I got a new computer. I didn't really feel like writing as well but anyways I'm back and still writing.