62 They're Safe

Name:Bleeding Heart Author:RainStorm
Dawn was in a haze. If she had been broken hearted when she had first lost Arrion then it was twice as hard now. She almost wished she had never even tried to get him back.

It was even worse now than it had been.

She longed to have a shoulder to cry on but the person she felt most comfortable going to for such a thing was not here at the moment and so she had to hold it in.

She forced herself to instead focus on trying to find her friend and the two children. Better to keep herself busy, she could always break down later.

Right now, though, there were more important things that needed her attention. Like finding her one friend she would feel comfortable seeking actual comfort from.

It was just after noon when they made it back to where the ground had been split open by that huge worm. Its carcass still lay on the ground, though it had been picked at a bit by wildlife even though its hide was tough enough that it was not all that extensive yet.

Flies buzzed on it though, having already been attracted to the dead creature. Dawn though was more worried about what had happened with the hole.

They had to go around the dead worm to find it. When they did, Dawn pulled up short feeling distraught.

The hole had collapsed in on itself, closing off from the outside. It would take hours just to clear it out, and it might not even be stable enough to go into.

Was Raven…. She could not bear to finish the thought. It was too terrible to imagine losing her best friend.

"I'm sure your friend is okay." Mem patted her shoulder, "And if he isn't I'll patch him right up."

The words were comforting. But they had to find him before the young Nix'Rylian woman could do so.

As she took a breath in to steady herself, she heard a voice call out, "Lyta!"

Her head snapped around and she watched Rex run towards his sister and sweep her up. Jem trailed behind him blinking his eyes against the sun, "It's so bright out."

Dawn felt her lips actually curve upward as she saw them okay. Even more so when she saw Raven behind them stroking the forehead of what looked to be a very big, very happy weasel.

She felt a huge surge of relief. And then shook her head, druids were useful in all sorts of situations. Just the fact that most animals would go out of their way to help them made them appear very resourceful – even if they were not.

"That your friend you were talking about?" Mem spoke calmly. "Isn't ha a child of Drez? He looks a bit of a mess though…"

"Yes? How do you guys recognize his bloodline, anyway? You have not even talked to him…" Dawn shook her head in puzzlement. She had no idea what it was that made whatever his bloodline meant so glaringly obvious to unicorns and weird priestesses.

"His aptitude. Just like your looks are a dead giveaway as one of Sol's heirs." She shrugged, "But blind? One of Drez's children is blind? How laughable." She regarded him for a moment and then continued, "Oh, I think I see… but seriously? You did not even mention this to Regeas though, did you? He could have fixed this. It's just a matter of knowing what you're working with. I mean, your own priests probably did not know that, so they could not. But Regeas would have known. Sometimes, you just can't beat wisdom."

"So, you can fix him?"

"Depends on how cooperative he is."

About then, Raven finished thanking the weasel, who turned and slinked off, though not before nestling against Raven one last time.

"He also has issues with his memory? Can you do anything about that?"

"I could, but under the circumstances it would be better not to." Mem saw the look on her face and then explained, "He'll remember on his own, and it would be better to let that happen. Messing with someone's brain can be a tricky business. Depending on if he is surrounded by familiar things or not, just having his sight back might expediate it."

"Ah, I think I understand."

Raven had walked over, "Understand what, Dawn?"

She smiled at Raven, though he could not see it, "I'm glad you're okay. I was worried."

As Raven's brow furrowed a little, she introduced him to Mem, "This is Mem. She says she can help you get your sight back."

"Really?" His face lit up with a bright smile. "Thank you, miss."

"I can, but you would have to cooperate with me. This isn't a good place for it, though. We'll need lots of water if I'm correct about what's wrong with you."

"What exactly is wrong with me?"

"I'll explain once I'm absolutely sure of it."