2 A Deal

Name:Bloody Rich Author:Mcllorycat
Ruby couldn't tell this vampire why she was running. If he knew, he would either turn her in to them himself or take advantage of her unique powers. Vampires had a certain degree of control over blood and were capable of making other races do their bidding. That was the last thing she wanted.

She was perfectly capable of fending for herself because of said powers. She only stayed with her aunt and uncle out of a sense of familial duty. And because she couldn't bear to leave her only cousin behind.

A pang of regret went through her. Flora was probably worried sick right now. Ruby would find a way to contact her secretly once she made it out of this. Right now she had this vampire to worry about.

He was looking at her expectantly. "Well, are you going to tell me or not?"

"Why would I?" she shot back, feeling defensive. "You haven't even told me your name!"

"Oh, yes. That was dumb of me. Excuse my poor manners, Miss Sapphire. I am Ash Mayhew, owner of the castle you invaded."

He did a theatrical bow and Ruby held back a snort. What was with this guy? Were all vampires like this or was he a little off?

"Anyway," she drew out the word. "If I could stay here for like an hour and fix up my wing I'd really appreciate it. And is it really an invasion if it's an accident? I did get hurt in the process, you know."

Ash shrugged. "Right…sorry about that. I'm not so great at blood magic so I can't make a full dome. The current barrier keeps out everything but fairies. Luckily I have yet to make enemies of any yet."

"Well, you will if you don't let me fix up my wing," Ruby said lightly.

The vampire laughed. "You're a funny one! Are all fairies this funny?"

"I don't know. I haven't actually met all that many fairies. We're kind of scattered, to be perfectly honest. We don't have covens or packs or anything like that."

She bit her lip before she said anything more that would give her situation away. Mentioning she had family out there would be a pretty big clue they were the ones looking for her. Why couldn't she keep her stupid mouth shut?

"RUUUUUUBYYYYYY!" Aunt Lily's voice called in the distance.

All the blood in her body froze. Oh no. If she and Uncle Flint were flying right now, they might make it over the barrier too. Then she would be doomed.

Ash seemed vaguely amused. "Ruby? I wonder who that could be…it isn't like rubies and sapphires are both gemstones. Oh wait. They are. You should come up with a more original alias next time."

He already knew so she may as well fess up. "I panicked, okay? You try coming up with an alias on the spot. Unless…you already did?"

He shook his head. "No. I, unlike you, am the honest sort. You have exactly thirty seconds to tell me what you're running from or I'll hand you over to them right now. It better be worth my time."

Ruby ran a hand through her hair in agitation. He couldn't know the whole truth but she could tell him a version of it.

"My aunt and uncle want to marry me off without my consent," she blurted. "I don't want that. I want to live a peaceful life forging my own way forward in the world, not be stuck with a stranger for the rest of eternity."

Divorces weren't allowed among the fae, which is why people were very picky about who they married if they even married at all. Forever was a very long time to be stuck with one person.

But her aunt and uncle didn't want her to get married. They literally wanted to sell her like a slave to the highest bidder because of the nature of her powers. And here she thought all this time that they had actually cared about her.

Uncle Flint and her dad had been brothers. Fae didn't die easily but it could still happen. Her parents were killed in a very human way—a car crash.

If they had been able to use their wings to get around it never would have happened but the rules prevented this unless the fairy in question had an invisibility power. But those could only develop in wind fairies and both of her parents had been earth fairies.

Ash didn't seem convinced by her lies. "Why should I help you? They might give me some sort of reward for returning you to them. Goodness knows I need money to fix up this place."

Bingo. Money. She could help him there!

Ruby smiled smugly and examined her fingernails as if she didn't have a care in the world, even though this was a bit of a gamble. She would have to do this without letting him find out where the money was coming from.

"I can give you money instead! Let me stay here until my wing heals up and I'll get you the funds you need to repair the castle. Then we can part ways and you'll never have to see me again."

Ash blinked at her. "Are you serious?"

She nodded. "I told you I can take care of myself. My escape plan would have worked perfectly if your castle didn't get in the way. Make your choice! But do it quick because I can hear them coming."

Lily and Flint Gardner's voices were getting louder. They would be inside the barrier any moment if they weren't already.

Ruby's heart pounded. Would he take the deal or not?

Ash deliberated for less than a minute before smiling. "You have yourself a deal. Excuse me while I go get rid of them. It's been a while since I got to play the scary vampire. Go ahead and keep looking for your poultice ingredients but I can't guarantee I have them all."

The cloak that materialized when his glamour faded away had a hood on it and he pulled it up before going outside to get rid of them. It took everything in her not to peek through the nearest window to see if he was actually doing it.