Chapter 960


Jing Rong hurried into the palace without changing his imperial clothes.


But he waited outside Fuyang hall for a long time, and the eunuchs who went in to inform him went one after another.

The words brought out are always one: "Rong Wang, Emperor... Still resting."

This is the fourth time!

The eunuch didn't dare to disturb, so he had to go in and watch the movement in the inner room through the crack of the door. He vaguely saw that the emperor hadn't got up yet, but he didn't dare to disturb, so he had to retreat again and again.

Jing Rong was not annoyed, and his face was always cold, but the two sword eyebrows on his eyes twisted a chill.

Let the two eunuchs at the door tremble.

I'm afraid Jingrong will lose patience and bring harm to the innocent.

But Jingrong still waited impatiently!

When Wei Yi wakes up.

After waiting for nearly an hour, a small eunuch came out in a hurry.

Standing at the door, he bowed his head and said, "King Rong, the emperor declares you to enter the temple."

Wake up!

Jing Rong's face is not more colorful. He doesn't squint and walks in.

In the main hall of Fuyang.

Wei Yi just woke up with a bleary face, but his eyes were very energetic.

When he saw Jing Rong coming in, he was surprised and happy. He hurried over, grabbed Jing Rong's sleeve and said, "when did you come back? Why didn't you say a word? Where's shu'er? She came back with you? Why didn't she come into the palace with you?"

One by one.

Jing Rong's eyes flickered slightly and he was about to open his mouth.

But the words haven't come to my mouth yet——

Wei Yi then scolds the little eunuch who is waiting on him; "How do you do things? King Rong has been here for so long and doesn't know to inform me!"

Harsh tone!

The eunuchs quickly knelt down: "the slaves know their mistakes and beg the emperor for mercy."

Although Wei Yi was angry, he covered it up very well: "it's all right. It's not an example."

"Thank you, Emperor."

"Let's all go down."


Step back one by one!

There are only two people left in the hall.

Wei Yi solemnly said to Jing Rong, "in the future, you can come in at will without being informed."


Jing Rong, with a serious face, bowed his hands at him and made a big gift: "please see the emperor."


This gift stunned Wei Yi.

"What is this?"

Jing Rong tightened his eyes and said seriously, "you are the king and the minister is the minister. How dare you surpass."

"You're serious."

"This is the rule. You can't mess with it."

"Between you and me, there is no need for these courtesy." Wei Yi stressed.


Jingrong only replied four words: "there are differences between kings and ministers."

Wei Yi was stunned, his eyes sank, a bitter smile hung around his mouth, and took a deep breath: "just, whether you are a gentleman or a minister, you rarely come back. Let's sit down and have a good chat."

Then he took Jingrong and sat down beside him

I poured him a cup of tea myself.

Jingrong looked at the cup of tea in front of him. The fog was dense and lingering.

The air is filled with a faint smell of tea, refreshing.

But his face is getting darker and darker.

Wei Yi also slowly put down his tea hand, picked up the tea and took a sip.

Between them, the atmosphere is dignified.

No one spoke.

Wei Yi's harmless eyes also closed little by little. He put down the tea cup and was buttoned on the table by the bottom, making a crisp sound.

Echoed in the open hall for a long time.

It is precisely because of this sound that seems to be doomed to the beginning of the tear between the two.

Wei Yi finally opened his mouth first, "Jingrong, there's no need to beat around the bush between you and me."

It's still straight to the subject.

He is not stupid. He knows the purpose of Jingrong's return to Beijing!

Jing Rong looked at him with cold eyes, and his words were brewing in his throat for a long time.

The emperor asked in a deep voice, "do you know what is a king? What is a minister?"


Wei Yi's eyebrows and eyes hurt inadvertently and fiercely. Then he boldly met Jing Rong's eyes and asked, "what do you want me to give you?"

Jing Rong said with expectation: "I hope... The answer the Emperor gave me is still the one I always thought in my heart."

Wei Yi said, "after all, it's still those words. It's the so-called family of kings and ministers. But you are superior and ministers are inferior. As you said, there are still differences between kings and ministers."


Jing Rong was not surprised by his answer.

Just so disappointed!

At this moment, he can no longer find the original cleanliness and sincerity in Wei Yi's eyes, but a pair of eyes full of desire after being edified by the throne and power, and can't directly see his kind and pure heart. Jingrong said: "the emperor has a heart, and no one can stop it. But even so, he should understand the principle that the court program is led by the officials and the people are the first. If the subjects lose their heart, the world will die, and the people will win the world. On the contrary, it is the same principle. The emperor has read so many books, and this principle should be clear

White. "

Different from the past!

At the moment, Jing Rong talks to Wei Yi with a tone of "minister".

Wei Yi frowned: "what do you want to say? Just say it." "Just two months after I left the capital, the emperor dismissed many officials in the court one after another, and even some of them were old ministers. After the emperor expelled them to the capital, he immediately arranged new officials to join the court. This wanton official replacement has never happened in previous dynasties, even the former emperor

Dare not take risks. "

"So you came back to Beijing for this?"

"Since ancient times, if you want to set the outline of the dynasty, you must reassure the people. The emperor's move is ridiculous!"

It's ridiculous!

extremely elegant and valuable!

These four big characters hit Wei Yi heavily. Wei Yi's face changed greatly, but he immediately returned to normal. He sighed and said seriously to Jing Rong: "I don't understand the truth that setting the court's agenda, calming the people's hearts, winning the people's hearts and the world. I also know that this move will cause controversy and even lead to civil strife in the court, but I have my own plan and will never

No nonsense. The country is not a child's play, let alone absurd. Jingrong, what you just said is really important. "

The tone is sad!

It seems really wronged.

Jingrong can't see through him. I don't know when he really? When is the holiday?

like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat -- necessary to give vent to one 's pent-up feelings!

I don't know what to say?

Wei Yi continued: "I know that most of those ministers are your people. I will inevitably make you uncomfortable by dismissing them this time, but..."

"Emperor!" Jingrong suddenly interrupted his words and corrected him, "all the ministers are for the sake of facing the world, not the one who the emperor said is me. Once this word comes out, the crime on my head will be great."

"I was wrong. I take it back." Wei Yi admitted that he was not right. He apologized. After a moment, he said, "but I just want to tell you that I have a reason to dismiss them this time. It is not aimed at anyone, or... Intended at you."

Jing Rong's cold eyes went deep again: "I'm all ears." He wants to see what exactly is the reason why Wei Yi dismissed them?