Chapter 1245

Ji Yunshu looked at the man lying on the ground who had lost his strength safely.

Then he explained to the jailers, "he's just manic!"

"Manic? What's that?"

"People with this disease, once they attack, can't control their reason, and even hurt others and themselves."

That's why I saw the man hit his head against the wall before!

Several jailers were shocked.

"This is the first time to listen!"

"Why? Didn't you call the doctor to see him when he was ill?" Ji Yunshu asked.

A short jailer shook his cheeks and said, "no... no! At first, we thought he wanted to play tricks and go out, so we didn't care much. Then several times, we thought he was probably crazy, so we didn't call the doctor. Just afraid he would hurt people, he was locked up here alone."


Ji Yunshu sighed.

If you are ill and don't see the doctor, if you die, these prison guards can't escape!

The jailer was puzzled and said, "it's just Mr. Ji. Why can this mania be cured by drinking a glass of water?"

"Of course, not a glass of water can be good, only temporarily let him slow down, but how to cure the disease, the doctor has the final say."

"Oh, I thought you were good at medicine, too, Mr. Ji." "I don't know any medical skills! I just know some side doors!" When she said this, she looked at the man on the ground again. "You'd better ask a doctor to show him. If it goes on like this, people will die! Also, next time he gets sick again, you'll use the same method just now

But remember, you must hold his nose! Let him swallow the water and cough out the breath in his heart. "

The jailer bowed: "well, thank you, Mr. Ji."

At this time, the man on the ground was panting, but he didn't move. His face was close to the ground, and his hands were over his head.

Open your fingers!

Obviously a weak look.

Ji Yunshu also inadvertently noticed the man's hands!

Eyes must.

Impressively tight.

Those are... Peeling hands.

And very white!

It's different from the skin color on the face, neck and even wrist.

Then she picked up her robe and squatted down.

His eyes were always fixed on the man's hand.

Jing Rong looked along her eyes and found the abnormality of the man's ten fingers.

Obviously, the skin color on your wrist is even white! Normally, this is impossible. Ordinary people's hands are generally more white than their wrists. Besides, the man is still a gambler. He is exposed to the sun and rain all year round and runs around. It is impossible for his fingers to be so white? And if the maintenance is good, white is normal, but his hands are ten times peeling

Serious! It's not serviced at all.

This is totally abnormal.

Just, why?

Ji Yunshu was looking at his hands and thinking about something.

Seeing this, Jing Rong squatted down.

He raised the man's hand directly.


So watch carefully.

"Do you think it's wrong?" Asked Jing Rong.

Ji Yunshu nodded, "well, it seems that you and I think of one."

Then she reached out and touched the man's fingertip and tore off a piece of skin that was about to fall off.

Rub it on your fingertips and check it carefully.

This made several prison guards who were watching dumbfounded.

What is this operation?

to be puzzled!

A man asked, "Mr. Ji, Mr. Jing, who are you?"

Take someone else's hand and see if it's too abnormal?

And they didn't respond.

After a short meeting, Jing Rong asked Ji Yunshu, "do you know what caused this?"

Ji Yunshu frowned and was silent. His eyes tightened again.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person should be exposed to some alkaline substances all year round," he said


"Well... In short, it's a solution of a substance with pH > 7 at room temperature... It's probably like this."



Is that simple?

Or something like this?

Jing Rong said he was completely confused.

I cannot understand you!

Fortunately, he was also used to the strange words said by Ji Yunshu.

Therefore, we did not go deep into it.

Anyway, the general meaning is to know what it is.

Just ask, "what does that mean?"

"People who have been exposed to alkaline substances all year round and their hands are white, I... Can only think of one thing."



Jingrong was shocked. The sword eyebrows gathered towards the center of the eyebrows and said, "gypsum? You mean... The gypsum used to make that fake stone."

"That's right! If a person's hands are often exposed to gypsum powder, it will cause alkali damage to the skin, which will lead to peeling and cracking of the skin. And this is further proved by the whiteness of his hands. He must be a person exposed to gypsum powder."

"If you say so, this person is..." he didn't say it completely.

Ji Yunshu also has some doubts.


She looked at the man on the ground: "now even if you want to ask, you may not be able to ask anything."

The man is now like a pool of dead mud.

I can't ask what it is!

Jingrong thought of something and said, "since he followed the gambler Gaoding, maybe the old merchant knows something."


They got up and said to the jailer, "take me to the group of gamblers who were imprisoned before."

The jailer answered and took him with him.

Those who do gambling business have been locked up since the day they entered the city gate.

At the beginning, he would yell loudly in prison and shout injustice from time to time.

But after these days, it's quiet now.

Fully accepted the current situation.

Just pray to find the killer quickly.

When the old businessman saw Ji Yunshu again, he thought he was saved.

Empty and haggard eyes suddenly brightened.

"Are you going to let us out?"

I haven't taken a bath for a long time. If I close it again, it will stink.

Ji Yunshu looked at him sympathetically and said, "the case has not been investigated clearly. You can't be let out."

On hearing this, the old merchant's eyes showed disappointment.

But the rest of the cell was restless.

"You officials don't treat us as people at all."

"Yes, how long will you keep us?"

"Let us out."

"Open the door! Let us out."


All excited.

After all, the old merchant was an understanding man. He quickly shouted to stop him: "don't make a noise. The skeleton was found in the goods we transported. It's normal for the government to detain us."

The consciousness is quite high!

Instead, the old merchant asked Ji Yunshu, "since Mr. is not here to release us, is he here?"

"I want to ask you about someone."


"The man who was ill and held incommunicado." "You mean Liu San?"