Liusha vowed silently in her heart.

She has to find a way to get that huge amount of compensation.

Only in this way can she go to the best doctor in the world to repair her appearance.

Only in this way can she live a normal life again.

She must not lose to Su Mo!

She must live better than them, and then come back to trample them into the dust!

Su Mo Mo, Mu Wan Wan, you two wait for me!

I'm sure Liusha will come back!

On the other hand, after meeting Ruan Meng Meng, Su Mo was ready to go to the kindergarten to teach Li Ziche.

When she got there, it happened that the kindergarten had just finished school.

Just as she got out of the car, she saw Li Ziche and mu Yixiao standing at the door of the classroom.

The expression on Mu Yi's smiling face seems to be a little wrong, and he is still secretly wiping tears.

Su Molian hurriedly walked past.

She squatted down and hugged mu Yixiao into her arms:

"what's wrong with Xiaoxiao? Is he bullying you again

With a smile in his arms, Li Ziche turned his eyes and said, "Mommy, please go to the kindergarten to find out. Anyone can bully her. I will never bully her!"

Su Mo turned to see his son, his face obviously written distrust.

Doesn't this little guy know that every time he saw Mu and smile, the expression of disgust on his face should not be too obvious, OK?

At this time, mu Yixiao spoke:

"aunt, it's not brother Xiaoche who bullies me."


Su Mo quickly picked her up and reached out to wipe the tears from her face:

"since brother Xiaoche didn't bully you, why are you crying here?"

"That's because sister Daphne came just now. I don't want her to leave, but she said that one of us must disappear, because only one person is qualified to stay with Daddy. "

" I don't want sister Daphne to disappear, but I don't want to leave my parents, either. "

On hearing mu Yixiao say this, Su Mo's eyebrows instantly wrinkled up.

Li Ziche shrugged innocently.

That seems to be saying that I've already said that it's none of my business!

Su Mo Mo's heart softened when he saw Mu's pathetic smile.

She gave a kiss on her pink face:

"smile, you and Daphne are daddy's babies, and no one will disappear, you know?"

"But sister Daphne said, if I don't disappear, she will disappear Wuwuwu... "

"Sister Daphne, she won't disappear. She's just gone to another place to live happily. When you grow up, she'll come back."

Mu said with a smile: "aunt, what you said is true? Will sister Daphne really come back

"I promise you, she will come back for sure!"

Li Ziche could not help shaking his head when he saw their two women's greasy and crooked appearance:

"excuse me, ladies, are you finished?"

Su Mo Mei glared at her son angrily:

"you guy, why don't you have any sympathy!"

Li Ziche pointed innocently to the kindergarten door:

"because my aunt has come to pick her up!"

Su Mo Mo was stunned and turned to look at the door.

At a glance, I saw a black nanny car parked on the side of the kindergarten.

As soon as the car stopped, mu wanwan came down and came directly to this side.

Su Mo Mo can see Mu Wan Wan has not come out a few steps to stop, and then looked back.

After a while, the door of the nanny's car was opened again.

Tall Xin long figure also followed to walk down.

That person doesn't know who Su Mufan is.

Before because Mu Wan is a public figure, plus Su Mufan special identity.

Generally, two people will not appear at the gate of the kindergarten at the same time.

Su Mo Mo has been here so many times, but it's the first time he's seen them come together.

Su Mo looked over with a smile.

Just as he was about to say hello to Mu wanwan, he saw that mu Yixiao could not wait to slip down from him and ran towards Su Mufan with open arms:


Mu a smile crisp incomparable voice, the moment will come and go, many people's attention all attracted the past.

Let also walk in Su Mufan's side Mu Wan Wan's face a change.

Su Mufan's identity is special, even if Mu wanwan does not ask, her heart is also very clear.Now mu Yixiao, a big Lala, calls him daddy in public. It's easy to attract other people's attention.


Mu wanwan's voice suddenly became a little fierce.

She frowned and was about to scold her daughter.

But the words of blame haven't had time to say it, so they are stopped by Su Mufan.

Mu wanwan looked at Su Mufan holding his right hand in surprise, and his face showed a suspicious expression:


Su Mufan shook his head at her, and gently hooked the corner of his mouth:

"I was her father, she didn't call me wrong."

I don't know why, in the face of such Su Mufan, mu wanwan inexplicably feel his heart warm.

On the other side, mu Yixiao was about to rush towards her father happily. Suddenly, on the way out, a boy stood in her way.

"Muyixiao, you are not allowed to leave!"

The chubby little boy who spoke was called Lin xiaopang.

Because he is bigger and stronger, what he likes most in kindergarten is bullying others.

I don't know how many times he broke mu Yixiao's pigtail.

But every time I smile, I just cry in silence, and I dare not resist.

This time, I suddenly saw Lin xiaopang coming out on the way. With a smile, my step stopped:

"xiaopang, what are you doing?"

Lin xiaopang stares at Mu and smiles. He raises his right finger and almost pokes it directly into her nose:

"Mu smiles, you liar!"

Mu a smile a listen to this words, eye socket instantly red up.

She cried anxiously:

"Lin xiaopang, you are talking nonsense! I'm not a liar, I'm not! "

"You said you were not! You obviously don't have a father. You just called someone else's father. You're not a liar. What is it? "

When I heard this, I immediately burst out with a smile.

Her eyes were red with anger, and tears flowed down:

"Li xiaopang, you talk nonsense! I have a daddy, and my daddy has come back. I didn't lie! "

"If you smile, you are a liar! Don't lie here. If you really have a daddy, why hasn't your daddy ever come to pick you up? "

"My dad, he, he..."

Mu smiles and is asked.

She didn't know how to answer, so she stood in the same place at a loss.

Bean tears are like beads with broken thread, falling straight down.

Seeing mu Yixiao being bullied by others, Su Mufan's eyes are cold.

Just about to go forward, Leng buting was grabbed by mu wanwan.

Su Mufan was surprised to look back, and then he received mu wanwan's secretly shaking his head:

"although it's a good thing to be kind-hearted, Xiaoxiao's character is too weak."

"If we are always bullied by others, we may not be able to protect her all the time, so she must learn to protect herself."

After hearing this, Su Mufan's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

However, he is still in accordance with the arrangement of Mu wanwan, and did not come forward, but stood on the side of the far watching.

Over there, Su Mo Mo was going to persuade him.

But when I looked up, I found that my brother and sister-in-law were standing in the same place, without any action at all.

So she hesitated for a moment and stood where she was.

"See, there's nothing to say! You dare to say that you are not a liar, you are a little liar

Lin xiaopang put a pair of fat hands on his waist and laughed mercilessly.

Even he turned his head and yelled at the people around him:

"come and see! Come and have a look at this liar

"It's shameless to lie that she has a father even though she doesn't have one!"

"You You

Mu Yixiao trembled with anger.

Originally clenched her lips tightly, she finally couldn't help sobbing.

"You're not only a liar, you're also a crybaby!"

When Lin xiaopang saw mu Yixiao, he began to cry. He was more aggressive.

Even as he said it, he was ready to push mu Yixiao to the ground.

Seeing his hand about to pull on mu Yixiao's clothes, suddenly a figure flashed by.

Lin xiaopang only felt a flower in front of his eyes, followed by a sharp pain behind his knee.

The whole person directly kneels down in front of Mu Yixiao and falls a dog to chew excrement.

"Ah, it hurts. It hurts. My feet hurt!"

No matter how arrogant Lin xiaopang is, he is just a child of four or five years old.Now I fell so heavily that I cried with pain at that time.

One side of the white teacher was attracted by Lin xiaopang's cry, rushed over.

When Lin xiaopang saw Mr. Bai, he cried even more fiercely:

"woo, Mr. Bai, someone pushed me!"

This white teacher is no one else, it is just the acting head teacher white wave who fell in love with lisiye before.

Lin xiaopang's family has a few money, usually no less to give white teacher gifts, cosmetics and so on.

So the reason why Lin xiaopang is so arrogant in the class is that Bai Lang just turns a blind eye.

Now when she saw Lin xiaopang fall on the ground, she pretended to be concerned:

"what's the matter with xiaopang? Why did you fall? Crying so sad? "

"Get up quickly and let the teacher see if there is any injury!"

Lin xiaopang looked back and saw Li Ziche standing behind him.

Almost without hesitation, he reached out and pointed at him:

"teacher, he pushed it! He pushed me on purpose and fell. He almost broke his knee! "

When Bai Lang turns his head, he suddenly sees Li Ziche standing behind Lin Xiaopan.

The original amiable smile was cold in an instant.

Before Li Si played with him at night, Su Mo insulted himself.

White wave never found a chance to get back at them.

Now it's not easy to meet liziche who made a mistake. Of course, she can't miss this opportunity.

So Bai Lang, with a gloomy face, glared at liziche in displeasure:

"liziche, what's the matter with you? How can we push students casually? Do you have a tutor? How did your parents teach you? "

Li Ziche looked at Bai Lang impatiently with a cold face:

"teacher Bai, which eye did you see me push him?"

Bai Lang didn't expect that Li Ziche was just a child of several years old, but his voice was the same as his father's, extremely arrogant.

Now she is blocked by such a little fart that she can't say a word:

"I Because Xiao Pang said

Before Bai Lang finished his speech, he was interrupted coldly by Li Ziche:

"Mr. Bai, you just listen to his one-sided words. He said that if I push him, you believe him."

"I said that he pushed me first and then fell to the ground. Do you believe it?"

Bai Lang's mouth tilted when he heard this:

"liziche, what's your attitude?"

Li Ziche shrugged innocently:

"teacher Bai, can't you see that I'm reasoning with you?"

"My dad once taught me that no matter what I do, I have to be reasonable."

"Mr. Bai, please don't say it, but I'm angry! After all, I'm only five years old. If you get angry with a child like this, you'll be laughed at if it comes out, you know? "


Li Ziche didn't give Bai Lang another chance to talk nonsense. He turned his head and looked at Lin xiaopang:

"and you, Lin xiaopang, let me ask you, which eye saw me push you?"

Lin xiaopang usually in addition to eat is to sleep, in this aspect of IQ, liziche can almost completely crush him.

Now when Li Ziche asked, he immediately said:

"I knew it was you!"

"We have to be reasonable. You don't see it. Why do you think it's me?"

"Because you and mu Yixiao are good friends. I bullied her just now. You have to come to help, so you pushed me to the ground!"

After hearing this, Li Ziche looked up at Bai Lang:

"did you hear Mr. Bai? Lin xiaopang has admitted that he bullied Mu first with a smile. "

White wave's face is incomparably embarrassed, she does not have the good spirit to stare Lin xiaopang.

I think this little fat man is stupid and ugly. He's just stupid!

Finish saying this words, Li Zi Che turns round to walk to the front of Mu Yi smile.

Push hard on her shoulder, mu Yixiao was pushed forward several steps, came to the front of Lin xiaopang.

Lin xiaopang was almost half a head taller than her, and he was very strong.

Mu Yixiao was afraid every time he saw him.

At this time, she was suddenly pushed by liziche. She almost subconsciously planned to step back.

But before he could step back, Li Ziche caught him:

"Mu Yixiao, do you remember what I said to you before?"

Mu looked at liziche with a choking smile:

"brother Xiaoche, you said too much to me. I can't remember what you said..."

Liziche frowned angrily"Did I tell you that from today on, I am the only one in the world who can bully you, and no one else is allowed to bully you?"

Mu Yixiao nodded weakly.

She did seem to remember such a sentence.

"Well, from today on, I'll add another sentence. Whoever dares to bully you in the future, you have to fight back without hesitation, you know? I'll bear the consequences! "

Mu Yixiao looks at liziche with tears in his eyes. It seems that there are stars in his bright eyes:

"brother Xiaoche, can you really do this?"

"Of course, if this little fat man dares to bully you again, I'll let him break two front teeth and become a big fat man with air leakage!"

While saying this, Li Zi Che also turned his head and glared at Lin xiaopang fiercely.

Although Lin xiaopang is a child, he is also afraid of hard food.

This is no different from adults.

Usually when he bullied mu Yixiao, mu Yixiao would cry, so he would push forward.

Now liziche has cleaned him up. He just has to think of liziche saying that he's going to drop his two front teeth, and he's afraid: "I I won't play with you any more. I'll tell my mother that you bully me! "

"Liziche, look at what you've done. How can you scare your classmates like this?"

When Bai Lang knew that Lin xiaopang was running, her God of wealth was scared away.

Lin xiaopang was bullied by his classmates in the kindergarten, and his parents will come to him.

And will think that her care is not thoughtful, after those expensive skin care products simply can not ask for.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. He simply put all the responsibilities on liziche's head.

One side of Mu a smile seems to be Li Zi Che that words just said of drum up courage.

Before liziche opened her mouth, she stepped forward and said:

"teacher Bai, it's not brother Xiaoche's fault. It's Lin xiaopang who bullied me first. He said I don't have a daddy!"

Bai Lang was in a rage at this time. When he heard mu Yixiao say this, he almost responded conditionally:

"you didn't have a daddy, and they didn't say it wrong!"

Mu a smile suddenly Leng in place, she can't believe looking at white wave.

Even if Lin xiaopang bullied her like this, why did even teacher Bailang say such words.

It seems to be scared by the emotion of Mu Yixiao. Bai Lang looks at her awkwardly, and her eyes turn around, then she is ready to turn away.

But before she started, she heard a cold voice behind her:

"such a rubbish kindergarten, don't come in the future!"

Bai Lang, who was just about to turn around and leave, immediately lost his temper.

She angrily looked back, ready to see who in the end is so arrogant, dare to talk here.

But when she saw the person who was talking clearly, the whole person seemed to be struck by thunder, and was stunned at the same place.

So her eyes were attracted by the man coming this way.

Face began to control the surging up of the red halo, heart rate inexplicably accelerated, even breathing is about to pause.