And the most important thing is that Ji Beichen is not willing to fight this lawsuit for you as long as you are willing to give money.

Sometimes human feelings and face are more effective than money in this circle.

Others may not know it, but those who are more familiar with lisiye know it.

Ji Beichen has a good personal relationship with lisiye and Lu Mochen.

Most people are afraid that they can move him without this weight.

Su Mo Mo was so anxious that she was almost crazy, but on the face of lisiye, who was sitting beside her, there was an indifferent expression.

Although she was anxious to get angry, she had no way to turn against him. She could only hold her breath:

"I don't care. You give me the phone and I'll tell him myself!"

After hearing Su Mo's words, Li Si night narrowed his eyes.

Is it the role of giving a phone number to a big boss?

"You take care of your own business and ask me for the phone number?"

Seeing that Li Si night was still in the mood to argue with himself at this time, Su Mo felt bored to death.

She pursed her mouth and said angrily:

"Lisi, I ask you! Do you think it's fun to see me worried? "

"Will you give me the number or not? If you don't give it to me, I'll find him myself! "

Su Mo Mo says this words, pose to want to stand up to come, turn round to plan to pass toward the door there.

But now she still had the child of lisiwei in her stomach. How could lisiwei let her go around aimlessly like a headless fly.

He grabbed Su Mo Mo's arm, emptied a hand, and put her gently in his arms.

Su Mo suddenly fell on his lap:

"goblin, when will I not give you what you want? It's someone who bullied your friend. What's the matter with me? "

Although Su Mo Mo knew that this matter had nothing to do with lisiye, she was very anxious now.

And that fellow of Lissie night had to make a low voice and plead with him.

She felt a bit subdued and simply lowered her head and did not speak.

Li Si night looking at Su Mo that small mouth pouted, that appearance almost can hang oil pot.

He also did not continue to tease her, stretched out his hand to take out the mobile phone in the pocket, found out Ji Beichen's telephone number and dialed in the past.

The phone rang about three times at that end and was connected.

A low and steady voice came slowly:

"Si ye? What kind of wind is blowing, and you even take the initiative to call me? "

I can tell that lawyer Ji was very surprised by this call.

After all, lisiye would never come to him when he was not in trouble.

But there were few things in the world that could make Lissie feel in trouble.

So it is him Ji Beichen to go to actively seek the circumstance of Li Si night to be able to be more generally.

Li Si night after hearing Ji Weichen's voice also didn't speak, directly handed his mobile phone to Su Mo Mo, motioned her to answer in person.

"Lawyer Ji, I'm Su Momo."

Su Mo Mo is a little embarrassed and answers the phone. She bites her lip gently.

Call Ji Beichen with the number of Li Si night, it seems that there is a suspicion of bullying people.

But now that things have come to a critical juncture, she can't care so much.

After thinking about this, Su immediately said:

"well, I have something to trouble you."

Ji Beichen didn't understand what happened at first, but when he glanced at his mobile phone screen and determined that it was Li Siye's phone number, it reflected.

Su Mo Mo seems to be the lady of lisiye!

"Ah, it's Mrs. Li. If you have something to say, don't talk about trouble!"

Ji Beichen and Li Si night personal relationship is very good, a few years ago Su Mo was her so-called ex boyfriend kidnapping time.

In order to find her, lisiye almost used all the forces around him, and even called him.

So at that time Ji Beichen had seen the most terrible appearance of Li Dashao.

I also know what position Mrs. Li is in his mind.

In that case, he couldn't bear Mrs. Li's trouble.

"Yes, lawyer Ji, it's really me. I want to trouble you with something."

The Su Mo Chen just can make a phone call to show her sincerity.

Ji Beichen gently helped his frame on the other end of the phone, with a very gentle smile:

"if you have something to say, don't say trouble.""The thing is, I have a friend who was involved in a intentional injury accident recently. Now she has been taken away by the police station. I asked the people in the police station and they said that if I want to see my friend, I can only see her through a lawyer. Can you help me find a way to see her?"

Ji Beichen had a headache when he heard this:

"Mrs. Li, are you in a hurry? The thing is, I just took a case ten minutes ago, and it's very important. I'm afraid I don't have much time these days. "

When Ji Beichen and Su Mo Mo are talking, Li Si's night sits carelessly on one side.

That pair of cold and deep eyes, but all the time fell on Su Mo's body, carefully observed her every second expression changes.

Also don't know Ji Beichen in the telephone that end said what, originally full of expectation Su Mo Mo face instantly revealed a pair of very disappointed expression.

Lisiye moved his eyes slightly and asked:

"how? Did he refuse you? "

Su Mo Mo's expression on her face suddenly became a little lost, and she said in a dejected way:

"lawyer Ji, he just took a case, I'm afraid he's not free these days."

Hear Su Mo Mo slightly disappointed tone to say these words, Li Si night simply got up and walked to her side directly.

Without saying a word, she took the mobile phone from her hand and pressed the PA key:

"are you busy?"

Ji Beichen used to be polite, but as soon as he heard the insipid, icy tone of lisiye on the phone, he immediately became a headache:

"Li Dashao, you say it's a coincidence. I just took a case more than ten minutes ago. There are many contacts in this case, if I don't take it After all, this is also a case of stabbing people with knives... "

Barrister Ji had been talking on the phone for a long time, but he found that there was no response at all.

He suddenly felt something bad in his heart, and then he added:

"Oh, if not, you ask your wife to send me all the information in her hand, and after I have sorted out the information for you, I will give this case to my most effective lawyer. What do you think?"

In the face of lawyer Ji's bargaining, lisiye just slightly raised his eyebrows, and his voice was cold:

"so you mean to refuse me now?"


Ji Beichen almost did not have direct a mouthful of old blood to gush out from the throat.

After all, he is also one of the most courteous lawyers in China, OK?

He has to have his principles.

In the case that he just followed up, if he returns on the way, he will pay the penalty, which is small.

But this time he took over the case, behind it is a big man.

If we offend this big man, we don't know how many troubles we will cause.

Ji Beichen has a headache:

"I said Li Dashao, there is always a first come, second served, priority, right?"

Li Si night is not lazy to tell him the truth:

"then you mean my thing is not urgent, I am very idle, so I call you?"


Ji Beichen almost didn't directly by Li Si night this words to accept on the spot.

Sitting next to Su Mo heard Ji Beichen there came the voice of all kinds of embarrassment, she finally had some helpless sigh.

After all, I made this call today by taking advantage of lisiye's situation. It was her fault to bully others.

But now lisiye said this with half threat and half ridicule.

This is tantamount to forcing others in disguise.

Although she did need help, Su did not think that she would give another person trouble because she needed help.

Thinking of this, she said:

"if barrister Ji is really not available, I will not force him, but I hope that since barrister Ji can introduce a very reliable lawyer."

Suddenly hear the voice of Su Mo Mo, the face that Ji Beichen originally frowns tightly lock instantly stretches open.

He immediately showed a smile and quickly praised Su Mo for being reasonable.

Then he patted her on the chest and assured her that he would introduce his most effective lawyer and arrange the matter properly.

Although Ji Beichen is the best choice as a lawyer.

But since his side is really inconvenient, then Su Mo Mo can only go back to the next.

When the phone was hung up, lisiye frowned slightly and stared at Su Mo with a very strange look.

Su Mo Mo was very uncomfortable with him. She put her hand on her face and touched it. She said suspiciously"What's the matter? Is there something on my face? Why do you look at me like this? I'm scared. "

"Are you stupid?"

Suddenly, Su Mo Mo was confused when he heard this sentence coming from Li Si's head in the night. What's more, he couldn't figure it out:

after a few seconds, she responded.

It is estimated that lisiye is talking about how he compromised so quickly.

So she said with a smile:

"it doesn't matter. Since the other side has just received such an important case, it's not good for us to force others to do so."

"After all, I'm going to ask him for help. If it affects the relationship between you two, it's not worth the loss."

Lisiy saw that she was still thinking about herself at this time, and her expression became very complicated for a moment.

He walked to Su Mo's side, took her into his arms, and sighed gently:

"little fool, you have to find out the situation now. Mrs. Zhan is the wife of Mr. Zhan's sequel. Although she has two sons, only Zhan Liancheng is her own son."

"She has always looked at her little son as a treasure since childhood, and Mrs. Zhan has always wanted to find a suitable daughter-in-law for Zhan Liancheng. If Ruan Mengmeng hadn't been pestering Zhan Liancheng for such a long time, maybe he would have already got married."

"In Mrs. Zhan's mind, Ruan Mengmeng not only delayed his son's marriage, but now stabbed her son with a knife. How could she let her go so easily?"

"At this point, you should know the seriousness of the matter by using the words attempted murder when she reported the case."

"Moreover, this stabbing incident happened in such a short time, and the headlines of the major news media have been reported. You can see that Mrs. Zhan has no intention of leaving any room for Ruan Mengmeng to maneuver."

After listening to the explanation of lisiye, Su Mo's heart once became extremely heavy.

She tried carefully:

"husband, what do you mean..."

"I mean, even if we can't get Ji Beichen to be a lawyer, at least we have to make sure that the person who fights the lawsuit for Zhan Jia is not him. Do you know what I mean?"

Lisiye's words mean nothing more than that only Ji Beichen can make Ruan Mengmeng's chance of winning the most.

But now Su Mo suddenly let go at this critical juncture. I'm afraid that things will develop in an uncontrollable direction.

Just because they can't invite Ji Beichen doesn't mean that the strategists can't invite him.

If Ji Beichen is really invited by the strategists to be a defense lawyer, then Ruan Mengmeng's situation will be even more difficult.

After listening to lisiye's analysis, Su Mo suddenly became extremely upset:

"Damn, my reaction is too slow! Why didn't I think of that just now? "

"What shall we do now? Now the Internet is full of attacks against Ruan Meng Meng. This kind of public opinion is very unfavorable to her. I'm afraid it will affect the judgment of the jury at that time. "

If she can think of this problem earlier, even if Ji Beichen just said that she was bullying others, she recognized it.

She's going to order the lawyer.

After a moment's silence, lisiye suddenly reached for Su Mo's jaw.

The two men looked at each other:

"there's an old saying that we should do the same for the other. Since the fighters will invite the Navy, won't you? Zhan Liancheng has a backer behind him. Don't you have a backer behind you? "

As soon as lisiye's words came out, Su Mo pondered for a moment and looked at his handsome husband. He always came back to himself.

She rushed to lisiye's side and put her hands on his arm very intimately.

The smile on that beautiful face is very bright:

"husband, can you come back early after work tonight? I'll cook for you myself. How about making my best dish? "

Seeing Su Mo Mo's flattering expression, the corner of Li Si's mouth was slightly raised.

He came closer to Su Mo, reached out and lifted her broken hair to the back of her ear, and gave her a kiss on the cheek:

"of course."

The next day, Li Si accompanied Su Mo to the VIP ward of the central hospital.

After a night of careful thinking, Su Mo plans to go directly to Zhan Liancheng to see if he can talk about Ruan Meng.

After all, it was with his tacit consent that Ruan Mengmeng made the move.

She can only gamble on whether Liancheng will be able to withdraw the lawsuit because he has hurt Ruan Mengmeng before.

That night, after lisiye came back, Su mormo happily prepared a big dinner for him for a week.

Although her cooking was not as good as that of Baoma, lisiye could see that every dish was carefully cooked by her.It was a very pleasant meal for Liszt.

Although the three children looked disgusted, chopsticks were very honest, which gave their mother enough face.

After dinner, the couple went into the bedroom.

Lisiye carefully analyzed the whole story for her.

Although this matter was reported by Mrs. Zhan for the first time, whether to appeal or not is still in Zhan Liancheng's hands.

As long as he doesn't sign, there is no way to continue this lawsuit.

Since Su Mo has determined that Zhan Liancheng has done such a dirty thing to Ruan Mengmeng, he must feel guilty.

Then they might as well seize this opportunity.

As long as Zhan Liancheng let go, there is still room for the matter to be returned.

Su Mo Mo thought about what lisiye had said to himself last night.

A few steps to the door of the VIP ward, gently knocked on the door.

A moment later, a tall woman came to open the door.

When the door was opened, she and Su Mo looked at each other.

Su Mo Mo found that the woman standing in front of him had delicate features and elegant temperament.

But her eyes are a little more fierce.

The woman was wearing a pair of high heels and some close fitting dresses.

She just stood at the door and first looked at Su mo.

Then her eyes passed her and stopped on the man beside her.

Because Su Mo Mo was pregnant, lisiye didn't plan to let her face the war alone.

He insisted on putting down his work and coming with her.

Because he was worried that Su Mo could not deal with the group of shrews of the warring family alone.

If there is a hand, I can block it for her.

Today, Lissie was wearing a thin brown sweater.

This man is a natural hanger, no matter what you wear on him, it can set off the feeling of handsome and elegant noble childe.

The woman's first reaction after seeing lisiwei was astonishment.

But the next second was an accident.

She didn't seem to expect that Lissie night would be here.

She said with a very polite smile:

"Li Dashao, why are you here?"

Su Mo Mo looked up at the woman standing in front of him.

Don't know why, she unexpectedly found in front of this woman looks a little familiar.