"Are you calling me?" Xiaoai stared at him with a big eye: "I'm not Xiaoai, I'm Xiaohua."

"Floret?" All the people stood aside and heard Xiaoai saying that, they knew that now this personality is called Xiaohua.

"I'm hungry, will you take me to eat?" Xiaohua seems to like Qiao Minghe very much, and she reaches for him actively.

This is the first time that Qiao Minghe has approached AI after finding him.

Although Qiao Minghe was suffering and contradictory, he was still very happy.

"Well, I'll take you down to dinner now." Jominh pulled up little AI's hand, which she hadn't held for a long time.

Xiao AI follows Qiao Minghe out of the bedroom, past the living room and into the corridor outside.

"This house is so big. Is this your home?" AI asked him.

Qiao Minghe looked down at her. "This is your home."

"My family, I have such a big family?" AI's face is incredible: "I actually become so rich?"

When passing the revolving stairs, Xiaoai saw that the carved and hollow handrails above were all inlaid with gold, and under the light, they were glittering with gold.

AI quickly reached out to touch, looked up and asked Qiao Minghe, "is this all inlaid with real gold?"

Qiao Minghe nodded: "yes!"

"Wow, are you rich?" Xiaoai's face was full of money fans.

"It's all yours." Qiao Minghe tells her gently.

Xiaoai didn't believe it. She narrowed her eyes and said, "can I cut down the gold and sell it?"

"Qiao Minghe nods:" OK, however, I can give you money directly, you want as much as possible

"Really?" AI is so happy.

When she came to the restaurant, Xiaoai ate with a big mouth, and felt like a carefree child.

Qiao Minghe looks at her quietly. He can watch her eat well and be happy like now. He also thinks it's a rare beauty in his heart.

Hailu also came down. She sat beside her daughter.

She didn't eat all the time, just looked at her daughter quietly like Qiao Minghe.

Now such a calm is another kind of rare happiness.

Although Xiaoai is so calm now, she is already sick.

"Ai, don't you like fish?" Hai Kai looked at the fish on the table that his daughter didn't even hold.

"I don't eat thorns." Xiaoai said with a smile. She seems to have the same attitude towards all the people here.

Very kind, very innocent.

"Then mother can help you pick out the thorns!" He picked up the chopsticks.

AI quickly shook his head: "no, I don't eat fish."

While talking, her face changed a little.

"What's the matter?" Haigu thinks that Xiaoai is thinking of something again, and her face is tense.

"Once there was a bad woman who deliberately stuck a fishbone in my throat. It's disgusting!" Xiaoai's face is just a quick flash of this unpleasant, then recovered as before.

Hearing this, Qiao Minghe and Hailu have a look at each other.

It seems that this little flower is not the first personality.

She said that the bad woman was not eulan!

At this time, Hai Kai asked tentatively, "Xiaohua, is that bad woman you said eulan?"

Hearing the name of Ou LAN, AI's eyelashes trembled.

The action of sandwiching vegetables also stopped. She said, "don't mention her. I don't like her."

"Okay, mom won't talk about her." Knowing that Ou LAN used to torture Xiaoai with fishbone deliberately stuck in her throat, Haigu's tears couldn't help it.

Heartache made her quickly get up and walk to one side. Coldly, she hugged her and let her head lean on her shoulder to cry.

After eating, Xiaoai doesn't want to stay in this house, arguing to go out to play.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to pay me? Hurry up! " She reached out to jominh.

Qiao Minghe hands her a black gold card, and AI's face is unhappy: "no!"

"It's full of money. In a moment, you can go out and buy anything you want. Just take this brush." Joe Ming said to the woman in a high voice.

AI shook her head: "no, I don't want this, I want money!"

Qiao Minghe can only give the cash in his wallet to AI.

But little AI said: "so little! How are you! "

"Qiao Minghe some cry smile:" then I go out to take money to you, OK

Smell speech, small AI smiled: "good, good!"

Qiao Minghe takes Xiaoai to the car. Xiaoai sits in the car and looks at it curiously in the East and feels it in the West.

"I can't see. You're really rich, and you have such a good car." AI's face is full of admiration and happiness.

"This car is yours, too." Jominh told her.

"Xiaoai listened, nodded:" then I am now a million rich woman

"It's not a million, 10 billion, 100 billion," Qiao told her

AI didn't seem to understand the concept of billion for a while. She blinked: "it's just the rich!"

Go to the bank and take out a box of money. Mo fan gives it to Qiao Minghe.

Before she catches it, AI grabs it.

Quickly open, see inside is full of money, small AI suddenly laughed.

She held the money and looked at the fans: "ha ha ha, I'm rich, I'm rich!"

Qiao Minghe's lips are slightly hooked, and he reaches out to cut her hair.

"Now that you have money, what do you want to buy?" Qiaominghe asked her.

AI thought about it and said, "I want to buy everything. Take me to the mall!"

"Good!" Jominkhwin smiled and nodded.

Take Xiaoai to the mall. Xiaoai really likes to buy everything. She bought a lot of dolls, but the car can't fit them.

Joe Minghe asked the driver to take the dolls home first.

Looking at Xiaoai and going to buy the children's clothes for the little girl, Qiao Minghe asked Xiaoai: "how old are you now?"

"Ten years old!" AI raised her head and said to Qiao Minghe with a smile.

Followed by the cold proud days, as well as the sea are slightly lowered their heads, they lost their company and guard the process of Xiaoai growing up.

Now Xiaoai is ten years old, but she is a personality in her body.

"But you are very tall. These clothes are too small to wear." Qiao Minghe said in a warm voice.

"Too small?" AI took a suit and took a picture in front of the fitting mirror.

"It seems a little small!" AI put the clothes back.

"I'll take you there to buy. The clothes there are lovely. You can wear them." Jominh reached for her.

AI did not refuse, but also happily took his hand.

Xiaoai thinks that she is rich. In this shop, she chooses a lot of clothes.

When Qiao Minghe wants to check out the card, AI grabs the box from the Mo fan who helps her carry the money.

When the waiters were shocked, they opened the box and took out the money.

"I have a lot of money!" Xiaoai still doesn't forget to show off.