Chapter 137 - 137

Name:Bound To Him Author:StarySky96
"Why are you here?" Joaquin frowned. Blake had an unreadable expression as he stood in front of Joaquin.

"Are you involved in this?" Joaquin snapped.

"What do you think?" Blake said, showing Joaquin his calculating, dangerous and unforgiving side. This was the side that he hid from people and one that people hope to never see in their lifetime.

All the aristocratic heirs have this dark side. They were trained to be ruthless at a young age to be able to overcome obstacles and dominate all their enemies. 

"You should leave! Mark my words, when I get out of here, I will kill all of you," Joaquin said, trying to break free from his chains. Screaming louder because he couldn't get free.

Blake enjoyed this display from Joaquin, it meant he was getting scared and desperate, but he was not going to make it easy for him. He was going to make him suffer. Just thinking about what he did to Sara the past few months made his skin crawl. He didn't even want to imagine what would have happened to her had they not met.

Blake wrapped his fingers around Joaquin's neck, cutting off his air supply. 

"Uhlkk... uhlkk… uhlkk…,' Joaquin was struggling to breathe. Tears started streaming down his face, "sta...sta…," he was turning blue as he tried to tell Blake to stop. 

He coughed a lot, trying to get air into his lungs as Blake let go, "Why… why…," Joaquin asked, trying to figure out why Blake was bent on killing him. 

"Are you asking me why I'm doing this to you? Do you even have to wonder? Don't you remember a few days ago you tried to strangle Sara and push her off the cliff? You should never have targeted her in the first place, you pathetic fool," Blake said and marked his neck with a knife.

" stop it!" Joaquin screamed in pain. "Are you doing all this because of that bitch, Sara?" 

Blake slapped him so hard that blood started to come out of his mouth.

"How dare you call her that. You are not allowed to say her name," Blake's eyes were blazing in anger as he slapped him one more time to drive his point across.

Joaquin always thought that Blake was just a regular businessman. He wondered how he became friends with the King. It made him more scared than before because he underestimated Blake and was not sure what he was capable of.

"Just free me, please… I will do whatever you want, you will never hear from me ever again, just let me go," Joaquin said pitifully.

Blake gave him an evil laugh that could be heard throughout the dungeon. He knew Joaquin was lying, Joaquin would never rest, plotting his revenge, which means he would never have a peaceful life with Sara if that ever happened.

Joaquin was already plotting his escape and his revenge on Blake, thinking that Blake was that gullible.

"Please, I have realized my mistake. Give me one more chance," Joaquin said with pleading, moist eyes.

"Oh really? I will definitely give you what you deserve," Blake said. Joaquin smiled inwardly, thinking Blake was a fool who had fallen into his trap.

Blake was seething as he carved Joaquin's face with a knife. Even if he survives whatever torture they're going to do to him today, Blake wanted to make sure that nobody else will get attracted to him and fall into his cruel hands ever again.

"Aaaaaghhhh…," Joaquin screamed as blood spurted out of his wound. His face was his greatest asset, and now he was disfigured, everything will be ruined.

Blake clapped, and one of his chosen men came out of the shadows. Torturing people was his specialty, and the more they screamed, the more he enjoyed what he was doing.

"You can start," Blake said as he nodded to his guy. Today they chose to electrocute Joaquin so he could feel the pain every time they amped up the power. Serves him right for all the people he had tortured and killed without any second thought.

"Agggh... stooooop...."

"Just kill me please!"


"Please forgive me," he said in between electrocutions.


"I beg you," he was trying to be repentant.


"Kill me at once!"

He kept on screaming, and asking for forgiveness, while he was being tortured, gone was the arrogant and evil King of Cadiz, but Blake did not relent until he died. 

He will make sure that this evil madman will never hurt his Sara ever again. "Didn't I tell you that I would make you regret crossing paths with me?" he said to Joaquin's corpse.

Sara was busy with her back to back shoots the whole week, while Blake was busy with Dmitri and Benedict planning and plotting against Joaquin.

Whenever she called him, all he would tell her was that he would call her back or that he had no time right now, and because of this, she was missing him very badly.

She was getting insecure, "What if he's lost interest in her, that's why he didn't want to talk to her anymore," she got sad but decided to clear her mind. He was probably just busy like he said, so she went back and concentrated on her work.

To pass the time, Sara had gone shopping with Emily, and she was surprised that they had fun. She was liking Emily more and more, they talked about a wide range of topics, from the weather to history, the constellations, fashion, personal experiences, and silly stuff that made them laugh.

Like Sara, Emily's family wanted her to hold a high position in business since she was always at the top of her class, but Emily chose to model, and right now, her parents were not happy with her.

This outing solidified their friendship, and they decided to make this a regular jaunt to treat themselves after their busy schedules.

The day Joaquin died, the citizens of Cadiz were informed that their King had died in the Maple kingdom due to an unavoidable accident. 

The people who did not know Joaquin personally, like the citizens and the other people he pretended to be friends with, mourned and held vigils outside the palace. 

His siblings and cousins, on the other hand, celebrated his death, thinking that now he was gone, they could all do as they wish but the whole kingdom was in chaos because Joaquin always thought he was going to live for a long time, he never shared responsibilities or had someone he could trust to be the next in line to the throne. It was up for grabs, and everybody wanted to be the next King.

At the Maple kingdom, they were also celebrating Blake and Dmitri's cunning and bravery. If it weren't for them, the Maple kingdom would have been in ruins right now. When Benedict asked how they came across Joaquin, Blake told him how Joaquin had tortured Sara, his girlfriend, he said proudly showing him her latest picture. 

Benedict would forever remember Sara as the one who saved his daughter. He told Blake to bring her to his kingdom so they could celebrate in her honor. Blake agreed that they would visit him next time. 

The king was known to be very generous and appreciative of people he liked, so he had the gifts prepared for Dmitri and Blake for saving all of them. And since Blake was going to see Sara, he included gifts for her as well.

Blake's next target was the Start Light company. He did not forget that they were blinded by Joaquin's money and helped him in slandering and ruining Sara's name in the entertainment industry.

And now it was his turn to destroy them. When he did his investigation, he found out that they were using some of their models and actresses to bring in richer sponsors and investors. They would get them inebriated or drugged up enough that they wouldn't know that they were sleeping with these businessmen.

They blackmailed the women that they would use the pictures and videos they took as evidence to ruin their reputation. They even killed a few of these young women who were brave enough to go and report them. 

In a way, it was good that Sara got fired before she was subjected to any of these activities. He was so mad when he learned what they were doing to these women, so Blake had no remorse when he leaked out all these dirty men and their dirty secrets. 

He sent the police over, and they raided the whole office and placed all the people involved behind bars. He had made sure that the women involved were not exposed to protect their identities. 

And all the bystanders who did nothing to help or stop what was happening were left to fend for themselves. Blake didn't think he should act like God and punish everyone. He acknowledged that sometimes people just make mistakes and choose the wrong decisions. He was not a good person either, so who was he to judge them.

His main targets were the people who harmed Sara and continued to harm other women. The manager and Bonnie were both sent to jail for life imprisonment. 

When Sara saw the news about Joaquin's death she was relieved, she did not need to live in fear anymore. No more looking behind her back all the time, she could finally relax and see where her life was headed.

But when the news about Star Light came out, she was shocked, she chose them because, in the industry, they were by far the most reputable company aside from Anderson Industries. She never expected them to be involved in so much dirt.

She was thankful that she got fired before something worse happened to her. She had trusted Bonnie, and she was devastated to know of the things she did to the other models and actresses.

She got suspicious when she put two and two together, she thought it was too much of a coincidence that Joaquin died the same week that Star Light came down. These were the people who harmed and ruined her reputation, and they were both very powerful to end up in such tragedy.

Was it a coincidence, or was somebody behind their downfall?