Serena has made it very clear that there is only one step to remove the blood of vampires, and it can be taken at any time. In fact, it is Lu Zhengkang who decides this step. He proposes to help, but at the last moment, it is him who hesitates.

Lu Zhengkang smacks his lips. He hasn't said the ebony soldier he met.


Bririna looks at Jonas upside down with horror.

She clearly realized that what she saw was illusory, but it was different from dreams, not a personal and spontaneous experience. This kind of magical illusion was like receiving signals, and what she saw was real.

If it's true in front of us - not that Jonas was hanging on the tree, but that Jonas's spirit has been deeply blended with the earth bone, only in this way can we let others see such a strong personal mark It's a gift, an enviable gift.

Bririna knew that this boy, hardworking, lively and funny, had a very good foster father who was good at cooking and liked to exercise, but he didn't show too amazing magic talent before.

The dark elves walk in the tide like colorful clouds, as if walking in the sand sea. The sun and stars above and the eight stars of the double moon all show their great shape between the deep black space and the gorgeous nebula. The banyan tree seems to go deep into the universe and support the sky. Every branch is engraved with beauty and ancient distance. Just gazing at them, you will hear the mysterious whispers, the lost wisdom, just like the singing of insects and birds, the gurgling of water, flowing through your heart.

Bririna saw the fiery flame turned into a huge tornado, connecting the clouds above and covering the earth below. Where she passed, the earth was scorched for thousands of miles.

Gu'ao's incantation explodes in her ear. She shivers and falls. At last, she sees the boy who is trapped on the root of Qi open his eyes slightly. There are colorful gems.


Jonas looked around blankly. In the strange room, the desk was made of stone, and the scattered black writing papyrus stretched from the desk to the ground like a fountain. Half of the room was covered with a yellowness of fire burning on the ceiling, which condensed into a big ball, filling the light and warmth.

The boy's first thought when he saw the house was chaos, then broken, then dirty, then poor, then

No, and then, the house is too miserable.

There is a thin black iron door on the wall not far from Jonas' left hand side. There are some simple patterns on the surface. In the light of the fire, there are some suspicious colored oily stains on the door. Maybe it is the pollution of some alchemy material. The boy is disgusted with this. There are some buckets piled up in the corner of the room. The more they go in, the dirtier they get. Several bucket covers outside have been lifted, and there is something wrong The strange smell wafted out.

Jonas got up from the stone bench. He was about to go out to have a look when the broken iron door vibrated violently and banged. There was an uninvited guest outside. The quick clapping on the door seemed very fierce and urgent.

A man with a thick voice yelled, it's Cournot German. Jonas doesn't have much research on this rare language, and he can almost read and write some basic sentences, but his listening and speaking ability is very poor. Facing the current situation, he is in the dilemma of speaking like a chicken.

The mouth of the man outside was like a machine gun. Jonas tried to listen. The more he listened, the more dizzy he became. He was so angry that he yelled at the people outside.

"Go away!" Speaking this word, Jonas's Cournot vocabulary is almost at the bottom. It's a shame to say that when he learns those foreign languages, the fastest thing he can master is all kinds of swearing words. He can not only speak them, but also have some correct and round meanings. It all depends on his teacher's good teaching.

Jonas found his voice was old and hoarse after he scolded. Suddenly, the grumpy man at the door was quiet, and the atmosphere was as cold as ice. Jonas was quite uncomfortable with the creepy silence.

He stepped to the door and reached for the bolt. The palms of his fingers were very thin, like a piece of gray and black wood. The ink was mottled, the touch was dull, and the bolt was dirty. But this hand was obviously dirtier. Jonas wanted to wrap the bolt with his sleeve, but now he saw the situation and broke the can.

When he opened the door, Jonas looked at the man knocking on the door. In the dark, behind him was a circular corridor without lights. The opposite door led directly to the snowy outdoors. The light of the day could not enter the stone house. The fire light from behind Jonas pats his shadow on the young man's face, and casts strange black areas on the sharp facial features like the edge of a mountain. The man's eyes are shining, just like eagles.

Jonas looked down slightly at the guy in front of him. Although he was old and slovenly, he was very tall, and his appearance must be extremely dignified. The man with hawk like eyes lowered his head in the third second when he looked at him.

"Father." Jonas understood the man's words, but then the man's hasty argument left him at a loss, "big brother It's not fair Danger... "

Jonas's silence is obviously misunderstood by the man. He stares at his father with angry eyes, and then leaves angrily. He runs all the way into the snow and is engulfed by nature.

The first guy just left, and without waiting for Jonas to catch his breath, another group of uninvited guests came running.At the beginning was a very tall and handsome old man Nord. Although he was full of hair, he was ruddy and energetic. He was wearing expensive and complicated animal skin clothes, various gold and silver ornaments, and a crown of animal teeth on his head. This kind of dress has a vitality, clothing has a soul, has a language, has become a strong visual signal, always conveys a sense of noble class, even if a pig dressed like this will make people sincerely awed.

Jonas saw this guy, and he was in awe. The guests and the original owner of this body are old acquaintances. They begin to exchange greetings when they meet. The visitors are followed by tall soldiers and mysterious mages. They look at Jonas with reverence.

"So, so So, so... " The old man muttered and patted Jonas on the arm with a smile, but Jonas didn't understand a word, because the high-ranking guy's diction was quaint and even mixed with a large section of dragon language. When the book came to use, the little boy could only try his best to perform.

"Mm-hmm, ah, mm-hmm, ha ha..."

After a calm observation, Jonas successfully consumed the other party's patience.

King Harad looked disappointed and said, "Gordo, you are still so kind and loyal. How can we cheat each other when we have known each other for many years? Be careful of the thief around you, and don't hurt yourself with the love of one heart. Your life is more than a thousand troops. Take care of yourself.

"Besides, don't forget to attend the court seven days later. You can't convince the public without you."

"Ha ha ha, uh huh..."

"That's it. It's not early. I'll see you in seven days."

Jonas watched the old man leave with a long breath and finally fooled through.

He was afraid that someone would come again, so he was about to close the door. Unfortunately, God was going to have a hard time with him. There was a roar outside the door, and then Jonas's door was beaten away.

"Give you a kick!"