On February 3, 2093, what Lu Zhengkang was worried about finally happened. He is still trapped in Su Xiangli's body.

What's more, the girl's holiday was supposed to be three days later, maybe because of anxiety, but the weakness and pain were real, which made him feel uncomfortable physically and mentally.

After doing a good job of sanitation, the deer girl set out to meet with Su.

One week after the start of school, Lu Zhengkang and Su Xiangli's parents didn't feel unreasonable about their children's running out all day to play. They didn't know that they would receive an email about their children's being called into the army at noon today. So when Lu and Su went out, they still laughed and said hello.


So this is an online game? ——Lu Zhengkang

with persistent abdominal colic, I went to the municipal government building in Zhenjiang District with Su Xiangli. As the bus drove into a neat camphor forest, the sun shone into the carriage through the shade of the forest. I looked out of the window. Here is a square, squarely wrapped by street trees. In the distance, you can see tall buildings. In addition, there are only three or two buildings in it.

The bus turned at the fork of the road. It used to face north, but now it faces east. I was on the left side of the car, so I could clearly see the broad building in the north, the government building, the ochre and white buildings, hidden behind a fountain garden. My eyes looked up the high front steps, and the splendid party emblem was hung at the main door. It was the only one Red light.

In addition, there is a hospital and a supply market in the central square. In the north of the government building, a camouflage green low tent can be seen.

"It's a nice day today." Su Xiangli said so.

There are only six people in the car, three robots standing in the back compartment, and the rest are aunts and uncles. It is estimated that those who come to the hospital for physical examination will always feel that the hospital next to the government building is better. In the era of universal medical insurance, it's a small expense to spend money on medical treatment. Some simple diseases can be handled by the home medical device. If it's a little more serious, you can contact the doctor by video. It's really necessary to open a knife to go to the hospital.

After retirement, leisure is extremely boring. Most of the elderly go to the hospital for physical examination. In their opinion, it is a very important social activity to have a good relationship with one or two familiar doctors.

Su Xiangli is still shaking, this state has lasted for a while.

I know she is afraid. Nowadays, if you tell anyone that big brother wants to see you, there will never be half of them who say they are not afraid. Obedience is something engraved in human bones. After all, there are a few people who grow up to be anti bone.

Well, I don't want to.

The bus stopped in front of the hospital, and all the old people and robots poured out. Now it's just us. The driver's seat is closed. We can't see the driver's appearance. We can only see a figure sitting upright through the tan glass.

The car finally arrived at the terminal, got off and looked at the city hall in front of it. It was so tall that it couldn't get into the panorama.

Su Xiangli held on to the corner of my clothes. Today, we were all wearing cool clothes, which seemed to be more serious. I looked down and saw that the gray thin down was pulled tight, as if it was going to be torn. "Oh, don't be afraid, let's go in."

The soldiers on guard in front of the gate are armed with steel guns, green civilian clothes, and bright yellow bronze insignia on their epaulets, which make people have illusions about violence and honor.

Su Xiangli finally calmed down. After so many days of worrying, I finally got to this step.

Entering the gate, the ground is paved with granite slabs, which has a sense of age. The dust mark has penetrated into the slabs, which can't be erased. For the sake of dignity, the official architectural style is very old, without too much cold sense of technology. The hall is very wide. I asked the robot beside me, "where is the virtual entertainment management office? "

the facial display of the robot pops up the words: ヾ (· ω · ') O, the throat sends out some rigid female electronic voice," please make an appointment at the consulting office first. "

After some tedious procedures, the guide robot led us into the elevator.

It's not going upstairs, it's going underground.

Six floors underground.

It's said that no one knows how many floors there are in the government building. Just like we don't know how many civil servants can be crammed into a building, there's a joke that is, is it going to fight when there are so many floating cars every day? No, it's just a city holiday today.

The virtual entertainment management office is a laboratory full of simulation cabins. It's just bigger than the iron coffin on the market. It's like a spaceship escape capsule. The big iron lump is full of pipes. If it wasn't introduced by the staff, I would have thought it was the breeding base of biological and chemical weapons.

The person in charge is a middle-aged man in a white coat. He is very handsome. He is slovenly, and his hair line is very dangerous. At first glance, he looks like a black lion. He sips with a hot pink mug in his hand. When he sees the robot leading us in, he just talks to a research dog beside him.

Next we were taken to the reception hall next door.

"Here, fill in the form first."

The researcher handed over two tablets, but it was a game start interface. The invitation code was empty. I filled in t492002407, which was su Xiangli's invitation code.After filling in the form, it was just a pile of contract documents. Su Xiangli looked at me blankly. I just indicated to her not to be nervous and read it carefully. The contract is actually the specific matters that need to be paid attention to when participating in the internal test of the third world, including confidentiality treaty, enlistment procedures and so on.

I nodded to Su Xiangli. Our communication is under monitoring. The more concise our behavior is, the better our expression is.

The researcher led us out. The black haired monster was still sipping. As soon as I smelled it, I knew that there was tremella and wolfberry soup in the thermos cup, which was very sweet and greasy.

"Come on, check up first."

When I got into the medical cabin, it was very restrained. The back cushion was very soft. Looking ahead, the machine buzzed for a while and began to release rays. I felt a slight fever. Soon, the cabin door opened, and the black fur monster came over with a flat plate and said, "qualified. Let's go to the dorm first. You will live here for the next year or two. You can talk twice a week. When the test is over, you will get 200000 yuan

In modern times, when prices are extremely low, 200000 is enough for an adult to live normally for more than ten years. But it's not too much. If my futurai can pass the examination, it's easy to get 200000 yuan. But the problem is, after three applications, futurai still can't pass the examination.

It is equivalent to one year's salary of sun Hui's mother, five months' salary of Lu Jiande's father, four banquets given by Yang Chun's mother-in-law and two hours' salary of Su quanting's father-in-law.

Turn in your cell phone.

Our dormitory in a separate room, only one bedroom, simple, plain, as if imprisoned. On the bedside table, there is a book about five thousand years of China. When you open the drawer, there are more books in it.

Go to the beverage machine and pour a functional drink.

Drink it all in one gulp.