Qi Yun's eyes stared at this random and mottled mark, and his heart turned up.

After standing for a long time, he walked back to the Qinglong gang.

After arriving at the Qinglong Gang, ADA has arranged almost all the people. Even shunzi, a'er and sun Debiao have been temporarily sent to other places by him.

There were only more than 50 elite left in the sect. Each of them stood in the yard with steel knives and pure eyes. Their Qi and blood were emitted from them,.

"Are you afraid?"

Qi Yun looked at them and suddenly asked.

"Back to the second master, what's so terrible? Demons and ghosts are just things to scare children. They didn't die under the hands of the second master before! "

A man shouted confidently.

"Yes, what are you afraid of?"

"Don't worry, second master. We're willing to serve our dogs and horses!"

Others drank.

Their ideas are different from Qi Yun.

Being able to stay here shows that they are regarded as confidants. In addition, Qi Yun did have the record of killing demons and ghosts before, so they are not afraid, but excited.

The second master took them as his own people, so he let them stay to deal with demons and ghosts. Others are not qualified to participate in this kind of secret.

This is the sense of superiority!

"Well, in that case, do as I command tonight."

Qi Yun nodded and ordered an order to go down.

Everyone should drink in unison and soon went down to prepare.

The time is fast. At sunset and dusk, the sky is red. Half of the buildings in Pingcheng are in shadow. Unconsciously, there is an unspeakable depression in the city.

The last touch of sunlight dissipated, and even the cry of the summer cicada completely subsided, as if startled by the invisible repression.

It's darker tonight than last night.

The stars are hidden and the moonlight is hazy. It seems that a layer of light gauze covers the head.

The whole green dragon sect fell into silence.

All the brothers ambushed.

Qi Yun sat in the hall, his face slightly heavy, with a wide back steel knife in his hand, motionless.

Even ADA was held back by him.

These people's Kung Fu is useless against demons and ghosts. Let them stay just in case. If they are not the opponent of the demons and ghosts, they can set fire to support them immediately.

The door of the whole hall was wide open, the sky was darker, and the leakage on one side made a ticking sound, like the movement of a clock.

Soon, it's three o'clock.

The hazy moonlight seemed more evil. Suddenly, there were bursts of subtle wind outside, and the cold breath blew up in the hall.

All the lanterns in the hall became unstable.


Suddenly, all the lanterns went out, and the whole hall was dark, like a shadow approaching.

Qi Yun's eyes coagulated and smelled a trace of choking putrefaction, which was stronger than that in the daytime.

He held the steel knife tightly, and a little energy emerged in the palm of his hand. He was ready to fill the steel knife at any time, and his eyes were staring at the direction of the hall door.

The stench gradually dissipated, as if something had left.

Qi Yun dared not relax at all. His body was stretched straight, and all his muscles were ready to go.

Is that thing coming?

His breath became subtle and his whole mind was on guard. At this moment, he couldn't hear anything except his own heartbeat and the dripping sound. Suddenly, the stench became stronger.

Bursts of cries like babies suddenly sounded outside the hall and disappeared in an instant,

Qi Yun kept still, clutching the steel knife.

The environment in the hall was darker, as if the moonlight was completely covered by dark clouds.

The strange baby cried twice, as if it were not far away outside, as if something was peeping at his body through one side of the window.

However, this feeling of being peeped lasted for a moment and suddenly disappeared again.

Qi Yun did not dare to relax and waited quietly.

The moonlight appeared again, and the hazy luster spread on the floor tiles in front of us through the hall door, like a layer of light white water stains.

A vague shadow came silently from behind, filled with a hard to hide depression, which seemed to make people have some difficulty breathing.

Suddenly, Qi Yun opened his eyes and shouted loudly. His body rose from the ground. 1 point of energy was transported into the steel knife, covering the whole blade and sweeping back like lightning.

All HP points at 7 points burst out. With the application skill of [crazy bear clapping the tree], it sweeps hard behind you with incomparable violent power.

A ferocious figure with white bubbles appeared behind him, dressed in long black and viscous hair. His face was rotten and ferocious. He stretched out his claws and was grasping at Qi Yun.

Qi Yun's knife just exploded with the claws of the ferocious figure.


With a dull sound, the white soaked figure was cut off by him on the spot. His hands hissed and emitted green smoke, like melting and a sharp baby crying sound in his mouth.

Qi Yun roared violently, his veins bulged, ran out like a tiger and a leopard, waved a wide and long huge steel knife, and blasted the shadow in front of him again.

The strange shadow was caught off guard. After he blew it out, he didn't react. He hit it hard again. He almost slashed it. He shouted, and his body smashed into one side of the wall like a broken sack.

However, its body seemed transparent, and the moment it hit, it went straight through the wall.

Qi Yun roared like a tiger down the mountain and rushed to kill him. He swept the whole wall with a steel knife. With a bang, he rushed out with his blood.

The strange shadow screamed and turned to escape.

But Qi Yun's eyes burst and killed him in an instant. The steel knife swept away at the other party again.

The ghost demon no longer avoided, screamed, waved his white sticky palm and attacked Qi Yun's steel knife.


Another terrible blow.

The ghost demon shouted again and was swept out.

At the same time, the steel knife in Qi Yun's hand was directly broken, making a crash, and countless fragments swept around.

One point of his energy is only enough to cover the blade. Other parts are no different from ordinary iron. He had blasted with the ghost demon once before, and there were cracks. He can't bear it again this time.

When the steel knife broke, most of his energy dissipated directly.

He was shocked, threw away the handle, and immediately transported the remaining energy in his body to his left hand, covering the whole left palm, and the residual energy in his right hand was quickly mobilized to barely cover the right palm.

Qi Yun roared again and killed the past, like a crazy bear rushing past, with tragic momentum.

The terrible noise startled all the people who had ambushed in the room before.

Bursts of loud cheers sounded, torches were held high, rockets were stringed, and more than 50 elite rushed over.

"Second master!"

Ah was so surprised that he was about to rush over.

"All don't come near, surround me!"

Qi Yun roared violently, and his voice was deafening.

The crowd immediately dispersed and soon withdrew hundreds of meters away.


Qi Yun hit the demon ghost on the shoulder with a fierce move [crazy bear patting the tree]. He screamed sharply and hissed smoke on his body, but he was completely crazy. His hands roared indiscriminately and hit Qi Yun, making Qi Yun feel bitter cold and groaning miserably.

Qi Yun roared and directly displayed [crazy bear tearing tiger]. He grabbed the demon with two big hands, directly fished it back, held it high over the top and tore it up.