"Well, it must be so." the thought just flashed through his mind, and Sun Hong's face became beautiful. Finally, the reinforcements came. Although these two are thousand guards, and the number of cavalry combined is only 600, it is not a problem to let them block behind for themselves, so it will be easier to get away.

As soon as he changed his look of fear, Sun Hong laughed and went straight with more than 500 cavalry coming straight to the front.

The horses of both sides are running forward. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. When they are close to two miles, they can finally roughly see each other's lineup. Their faces are still unclear, but they can distinguish each other's identity from their clothes.


At the moment when he saw the other party's military uniform, especially the five-star flag flying in the wind, Sun Hong couldn't help but swear again. It's an enemy soldier. How can there be an enemy soldier here? Can it be said that even if the five-star army arrived early, he would lose and escape?

Failure is naturally expected. It's really not calculated that he will escape. All this is just a coincidence. It was the Chunyang Department of the third division and the third regiment and the four battalions of the independent cavalry regiment led by Hu mang.

Not long after they rushed out, they were lucky to meet the defeated Zhu Dahai's headquarters first. Naturally, they were impolite to fight a siege, so they wasted some time there. Originally, I thought that after such a long time, the war was settled, and there should be nothing to do next, but God was really good to them, so I met another defeated army in the northern Ming Dynasty.

After seeing that the cavalry of the northern Ming Dynasty came, Hu Mang and Chunyang didn't care which part they were. They seemed to be afraid that they would be robbed of the credit by the other party. They rushed up with a knife. More than 2000 cavalry charged like a cat seeing a mouse. They were afraid that they would have no chance to annihilate the enemy at night.

It turned out to be a five-star army. Sun Hong widened his eyes and trembled all over.

How can there be a five-star army here? They have such strong strength. Why don't they rush forward when they launch the charge for the first time? In that case, it must be just a charge, and they will be defeated, right?

How could Sun Hong know that the number of five-star soldiers reported by the scouts did not include those who guarded the materials, but those who were independent soldiers. They usually manage logistics. When they go to the battlefield during the war, they are good soldiers and generals. The reason why they launched an attack without coming up is to train the newly established cavalry and strengthen the first and second regiments. If you come up with the momentum of rolling, you can also exercise a fart.

Sun Hong, who was trembling, seemed to be fixed until the soldiers around him shouted, "general, run, they're coming."

There are nearly two thousand pursuers behind us, and more than two thousand people come to the opposite side. How can we fight this battle? What are we waiting for if we don't run?

"Run? Where else?" Sun Hong's whole body seemed to have lost his spirit. Everyone's distance is too close. It's less than two miles. One charge can reach the front of the battle. There are pursuers behind. There's no way to run.

Sun Hong completely lost his confidence. After lamenting, he looked back at the 500 cavalry behind him, shook his head and said, "surrender, maybe there will be a way to live. Remember, don't resist, it's just meaningless sacrifice."

Sun Hong persuaded his men to surrender. He didn't want them to die like this. This is the only thing he can do as a general. Then he pulled out his sword, with a bitter smile on his face, and then wiped it on his neck.

The action was so fast that before everyone could figure out what was going on, Sun Hong had fallen down from his horse, his eyes staring greatly, as if he was expressing his unwillingness. But he finally killed himself. The soldiers below can surrender. As the chief general, he can never do so. There are families and families behind him. If he really surrendered and fell into the hands of the five-star army, once the news gets back, only his family will be involved, so he can only have one choice, death!

Sun Hong died, and the 500 northern Ming cavalry without the master general chose to surrender when surrounded by the cavalry of the five-star army. There are some bloody men among them who want to kill themselves into benevolence. But before they drew their swords to prepare for World War I, they were stopped by other robes around them. You can be afraid of death, but some people are afraid. If you provoke the five-star army to kill them because of your personal resistance, wouldn't it be equivalent to everyone being buried with you?

Finally, all the 500 northern Ming cavalry surrendered. It is said that everyone should be happy with 500 soldiers, but no smile can be seen on the faces of Hu Mang, Zhufeng and Chunyang. Obviously, they are still depressed that they can't kill happily.

When Sun Hong committed suicide, the Beiming camp by the Liaohe River became quiet gradually.

Tang Longtian, the chief General of the army in the array, was captured and Wang Tong, the head of 30000 guards and thousands of households, was killed on the battlefield. With the death or capture of a famous general, the following northern Ming army also had a sense of war. When they saw a large number of five-star cavalry surrounded them, they threw down their weapons and chose to surrender.

At this time, it's only around 4 p.m. in the summer. It's still bright at this time. It was far beyond everyone's expectation that the battle could be solved so quickly. This is a 10000 Ming army, and it is still a 10000 Ming army ready. However, when facing more than 10000 five-star cavalry, it was destroyed after only fighting for a few hours. From this point of view, it is enough to prove the strength and horror of cavalry, and also how obvious the advantage of cavalry against infantry.

"Clean the battlefield, count the military funds, count the war results, and send someone to inform the sixth young master of the great victory of Liaohe!"


Thirty miles behind the five-star army base camp.

The reconnaissance battalion led by battalion commander Xu Yunsheng and the headquarters of Guan Zhong, the battalion commander directly under the third division, are confronting the 600 northern Ming cavalry of Sacha River guard and Taining guard.

Ye La, the head of 1000 households, and Liu Dai, the deputy head of Tainingwei, led 300 northern Ming cavalry across a plain. The two thousand families didn't have much change on their faces at this moment. They knew that this moment would come sooner or later. That is, they had been following behind the five-star army and were ready for World War I.

"Lord Ye, the number of cavalry of the other party seems to be more than us." seriously looking at the five-star cavalry 500 meters away, Liu Dai estimated it in his heart and asked Qianhu Ye la.

"What if there are so many people? But there are only one or two hundred more riders. We bring the most elite Nvzhen cavalry in the world. What's to be afraid of." Ye LA's pride on her face, that Nvzhen can become a thousand households of the northern Ming guards, doomed him to pay more efforts than others, and doomed him to have stronger strength than ordinary Han army generals.

In fact, Yela really got her current position by her bravery. When most of the other thousands of households were inherited by their ancestors, he had been working hard at the bottom. After a bloody battle, he finally came to the top.

Not only that, as a general of Qianhu, he also used his power to replace all his 300 cavalry with Nvzhen cavalry who can recruit good soldiers. It's no exaggeration to say that he had a brilliant record of fighting two thousand bandits with this army. At the moment, he is only facing the cavalry of the 850 Star Army. What's the fear? More importantly, he is now wrapped in armor. From a distance, he is dark and has no flaws. This is also his confidence to rush to the battlefield.

Maybe Yela was too confident, or maybe she was infected by her self-confidence. Liu Dai, who was still worried, calmed down a lot. "Ha ha, I've heard that Lord Ye is very brave. It's really fast to fight with him today. In that case, let me fight with him. Please sweep the array. I'll try the weight of the other party first."

Liu Dai wants to take the initiative to attack. In fact, half of the 300 cavalry he takes are composed of Nvzhen cavalry, which is also the source of his confidence.

"Well, I'll watch General Liu show his strength, but please remember, if the idea gets together and returns immediately, I'll take care of you." Yela is still very satisfied that Liu Dai wants to take the initiative to explore the enemy's reality. This is the style of the immortal. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he won't be afraid and dare to light his sword.

With Ye La pressing the array, Liu Dai was much more confident. He took out his saber and shouted to the 300 cavalry behind him, "warriors, our opportunity to show ourselves has come. Rush with the general!"

"Kill!" the three hundred cavalry troops composed of Nuzhen and Han people roared, and then the five-star army rushed forward with a whip.

In the five-star army opposite, seeing the northern Ming cavalry charging, Guan Zhong, the battalion commander directly under the third division, laughed for a while. Then he looked aside and said to Xu Yunsheng, who was very calm: "battalion commander Xu, you are the treasure in the eyes of the sixth young master. It's better for our battalion to do such a rush."

Xu Yunsheng wanted to take the lead, but considering what Guan Zhong said, the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion are composed of the most elite soldiers. It's really a big talent in front of such easily self damaging cavalry. He nodded his head, "OK, please be careful, battalion commander Guan."

"Ha ha. Don't worry, battalion commander Xu. The person who can kill Laoguan hasn't been born yet." under a burst of heroic laughter, Guan Zhong pulled out a shining saber and waved forward, "directly under the battalion, kill with me!"