"Generals, since we sent out our troops, we have only won six counties in the north and east of Youzhou city of the Tang Empire, and the resources we have gained are even less. How can we meet the achievements of our troops?"

"So Ben Shuai decided to attack Youzhou city from tomorrow. He must take it down."

"You wait for the whole army immediately and attack the city tomorrow."

Tie Shiwen nodded and ordered the general to withdraw from Shuai Zhang and prepare for the siege tomorrow.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare for. After all, they have been attacking the city for no less than ten days, and they have all the siege equipment. In doing so, tie Shiwen also wants to publicize his prestige.

When the king of Shaohai was here, tieshiwen could be restrained. But now that the king of Shaohai is gone, tieshiwen will be in charge of the whole army of Shaohai.

At the same time, tie Shiwen also plans to control the army of 50000 xuantu. This time, xuantu County sent 50000 troops, and they also want a share. But they didn't expect that they were blocked in front of Youzhou city.

"King, the great marshal of the army and horse of the Liao Dynasty sent someone to send a message. Let's attack Youzhou city together tomorrow."

The general of xuantu county.

"Just follow the meaning of tie Shiwen. I hope I can conquer Youzhou city."

The king of xuantu county.

Now the army of Shaohai is much stronger than them. Now they can only follow Shaohai country all the way to the Black Sea.

The next day, the defenders of Youzhou city all felt the smell of Xiaosha, and the enemy outside the city attacked the city unexpectedly.

Xue Rengui, the governor of Youzhou, is in charge of the north gate, while Zhou Qing and Xue Dingshan, the son of Xue Rengui, are in charge of the east gate, trying their best to prevent each other from attacking the city.

Under the command of Xue Rengui, the army of Youzhou carried out the orders of the governor in an orderly way.

The enemy's arrows roared toward the city wall, as if to suppress the garrison with bows and arrows.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of people were hit by the arrow and did not have the strength to continue to defend the city. Immediately, the soldiers in the middle were carried down by the friendly forces.

"Dudu, is the enemy crazy to attack the city today, and the army of Daliao and xuantu county should attack the city regardless of casualties?"

Xue Xiantu.

Shaohai state, also known as the great Liao state, occupies a large area of land in the east of the Tang Dynasty, which is now Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and more northern places.

"They should have got the latest news, so they will go all out to attack the city. Once our reinforcements arrive, it will be very bad news for them. I'm afraid they will really lose this time."

"I believe that they also know the will of your majesty today. For the alien people who dare to attack our court, there is only one final outcome, that is, to wipe them out, leaving no hidden danger. I'm afraid that's why they are afraid."

Xue Rengui is right. Shaohai and xuantu have no choice. They are also clear about Li Xian's strength.

Even their fear of Li Xian should be far more than that of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Taizong asked ten thousand emperors to come to celebrate, while Li Xian asked ten thousand ministers to obey. These are two different ideas.

Tieshiwen is riding a black horse, standing under the Youzhou City, looking at the tall and brave Youzhou City, but he is not worried at all. He believes that as long as such a strong attack lasts for five days, he will be able to conquer Youzhou city.

As a commander in chief, tie Shiwen still has some judgment.

"Marshal, the army of xuantu County, just as the marshal said, is also fighting the East Gate with all its strength. However, Xue Dingshan, the son of Xue Rengui, is also very happy. With the help of Zhou Qing, xuantu county has no way to attack the East Gate with all its strength."

Will be the road.

"That's natural. I didn't expect them to capture Youzhou city. They just wanted to contain a part of the Tang army."

Tieshiwen's light way.

The lieutenant nodded.

In fact, tie Shiwen knew that the army of xuantu county was not as powerful as the Liao state. It was obviously unrealistic to rely on them to conquer Youzhou city.

"Order the whole army to speed up and attack the city with all its strength."

Now for them, we must conquer Youzhou city as soon as possible, otherwise no one knows what will happen next?



"For Daliao!"


Countless army of Shaohai Kingdom roared and rushed to the wall.

The city car hit the city gate again and again. ..