1 CatMan

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
The world we knew of has completely changed in these past few decades.

The era of humanity trying their hardest to search for new discoveries and technologies are over. Right now, it is the Great Magic Era.

Everybody in this world is born with superpowers and has great potential in using magic except for one percent of the population who were very unlucky if I were to say so.

I too was unlucky just a year ago. I was weak...I'm currently weak but not as much as before. If I were to summarize my life a year ago in one word then it would be Ordinary.

A person that cannot use magic power in this era which is dominated by magic power and its users was just a pebble in the road waiting to be kicked. Sooner or later, I knew I was going to suffer hell as well.

Many with superpowers started bullying me, but I couldn't refute because I used to believe that it was my fate. Before I was even born, it was my fate to be bullied. But the reason I didn't refute them wasn't only because of my belief of fate but because of their dumbness.

Those dumb idiots were weaker than weak and I knew that they just bullied me and the other ordinary students just to show how powerful they were. But weak as they were, they were still stronger than us with no magic.

Slowly, bullying had been a daily routine for me. They laughed at me for I was weak and I laughed at them for they were weak as well as dumb. At least in the academy which didn't require any magic, I was better than them. Heck, I was better than the strong students with superpowers as well.

But academic qualification didn't give me superpowers and I was always a step beneath them.

Everyone said that what one would become in the future is determined at the time of their birth. No one without magic powers can succeed in this world.

Even in the midst of so many happenings, my feeling of becoming a magic user didn't waver. I didn't believe that magic was bestowed only after birth and not after some decades.

"You know my master gave me some food yesterday and it was super tasty."

"Oh, your master gave you food? Mine is stingy as ever. He shows me the fish but eats it himself. That bastard, I'll kill him someday."

"Kill him? You can't even touch him. From what I know, your master can use magic. If you were to do something, he'll just make you suffer."

"That's right, I can't even fight for my rights."

The street was as crowded as ever. The moon shone on the sky as the street lights fluctuated when he passed through with a hoodie, hiding his head.

He then looked at the sky with his pearl-like eyes and sighed, "As usual, today is a full moon and I still can't control this ability."

Many sounds were ringing inside his ear because of his keen hearing ability.

"Do you want to go on a date?"

"No, I don't want to. If my master finds out, she'll kick me out of the house."

The conversation he was hearing almost made him puke. Not because he was single and hearing others ask someone on a date but because of the fact that of whose conversations he was listening were all cats.

The cats were chatting at the rooftops and while in front of others it was 'Meow Meow', to Auden it was a real conversation. After getting his ability, his brain was able to decipher what cats were saying. Not only cats, but he was also troubled because of understanding dogs and every animal he stumbled upon.

Not that he hated it because it would come in handy sometimes talking to animals but hearing them talk about romantic stuff was making him angry.

This human is still single and you animals are trying to be in a relationship? That was the voice ringing inside his heart.

With his hands hidden in the pocket of the hoodie, he trod through the street and came across an alleyway when he heard a sharp scream. Suddenly, he halted on his feet and looked at the dark alley.

Although it was dark, he could see everything because of the night vision he had. In the darkness, his eyes were shining as he glanced upon a tall and stout man who looked like a burglar pinning down a lady in the wall.

The guy looked like he wasn't after money but something else. Auden then carefully focused on the guy and sighed,

"He isn't a spirit, nor is he a demon. He doesn't have superpower either. But why is the lady with superpower letting him do all this?"

He then analyzed the surrounding and upon completion, he muttered to himself.

"No CCTV or Magic lenses in the surrounding. No superhero whatsoever patrolling the area. Quite a good alley to do something bad but..."

He then walked towards the man who was heinously licking his lips and said, "How dare you do something like this in my secret hideout!"

The man was alarmed and looked at Auden who had his head covered. Losing his grip of the lady's hand, he took out a sharp knife from his pocket and pointed at him.

"Don't come any closer or I'll kill you."

Trying to kill me with that toy of his? Naïve, Auden thought. Slowly taking his hands out of his pocket he said,

"If you're trying to make this fight of sharpness then I will tell you right now that that kitchen knife of yours will be cut in half."

"What?" The man asked as if he didn't believe what the person was saying.



The blade of the knife which got cut in half in an instant fell to the ground as the man looked at Auden in surprise. How did he do that?

The man then glanced upon the opponent's hand and wasn't confused anymore. The hand of his opponent were more like paws of a kitten but the nails it had in it weren't something to laugh at. How sharp were they to just cut the knife in half in an instant?

He then subconsciously took a step back. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I had stalked the lady day in and day out just for this opportunistic day and it was just shattered by his claws. He couldn't believe it.

He then used his half knife and put it in front of the lady's neck. The lady didn't scream though because she was unconscious.

"Stay back or she's dead."


There are no medicines for fools and it seemed that this man was fool of even upper level. In a breathtaking speed, he just cut the man's hand holding the knife as the blood dripping off it.


The knife in the man's hand fell down and the man now had nothing for himself to defend with. Auden then took his other hand out of his pocket.


Sharp nails appeared in his other claw as he cracked his cat fingers. The man let go of the lady as he gulped his dry saliva and asked looking at the face which looked like a domestic cat,

"Who are you?"

"CM" Auden answered.

"Chief minister?" The man said immediately.

"Can't you tell from my look?" Auden shouted angrily, "Its CatMan!"

"But it doesn't matter right now..." He said as he pointed his claws at the man.

[Skill: Indiscriminate Claws (Activated)]




Hundred of slashes rained down upon the man as he bled and fall in the ground unconscious. Auden the retracted his nails and looked at the man's bloody figure.

"I haven't cut any of his vitals so he'll be alright if he goes to the hospital within a week." He said in a low voice, "But surely this skill is good. I'll unlock other skills after I save up enough points."

Just as he was mumbling, A screen appeared in front of him which was floating in the air.

[Daily Quest: Perform one heroic act has been completed. (1/1).

20 CP and a Mystery Box has been awarded to the host. The host can claim the award from the mailbox.]