25 Mech Vs. Auden

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
He immediately turned his face looking at the person behind him. In front of him was also a student of Fret Academy who was wearing a red uniform.

From his attire, he looked like a Perfect of Fret Academy and meeting him at that time was the worst possible scenario for him.

'Did he follow me...?' Auden thought, 'No, that's not possible. I watched my back all the way so there's no way that he followed me here.'

'So, it means that he was hiding here and I came right into his jaws. The situation cannot get any worse.'

His heart was still taking time to calm itself and seeing an opponent in front of him already made his heart sank.

Looks like the whole world doesn't want me to win.

"You are trash, aren't you? Why don't you just hand over the cube and we can just let it go...after all, I'm not fond of wasting energy by beating a weak."

"If you don't want to then it is fine as well. I know how to beat someone as well. So, don't make me do it the hard way." Mech said punching his palm.

"Well, brother Perfect I would have loved to give it to you; my points I mean...," Auden said as he took a defensive stance, "But today I feel like I shouldn't hand it over to just anyone that shows. Of course, I don't want my future to be ruined because of this...so, bring it on, and as the rule goes..."


"Hahaha, you sure are funny for trash...you actually think you can beat me?" Mech laughed.


But just as he was becoming more and more arrogant, a kick slapped Mech's face making his face kiss the ground.

Auden looked at the fallen Mech and said, "If it concerns my future then brother...I don't joke."

Auden grinned and tried to stomp Mech wasting no time but Mech rolled as he dodged the feet and stood up. Wiping his face, he glared at Auden.

"That kick took me by surprise. For a person without any magic, you sure are agile."

"Hah...I'm not power fed like you guys who don't work out after being able to use magic...fatty," Auden said.

Mech's face turned red in anger. It was the first time someone had called him fatty. Even his parents who spoiled him by giving all his favorite foods hadn't insulted him for being a fatso...and now trash was insulting him?

He couldn't just hold it in. Taking in a deep breath, he just stood in his position like some statue. Auden looking at the Mech's weird behavior was on his guard but no matter how much he stared, Mech just stood still.

"Now, try attacking, you trash. Today I'll make you regret that you were even born!" Mech said.

'Eh? Is that some sort of form for the preparation of a counter-attack?' Auden thought as he looked at Mech.

He would have liked to wait and study more before attacking but he didn't have much time. This was a competition of survival...and weak were the ones who were most vulnerable this time around.

If he were to drag the battle any further then it wouldn't be any surprise if he were to become a sandwich between two students. But he couldn't just recklessly attack his opponent as well, after all, his opponent was a Perfect.

He courageously moved his right leg hitting the face of Mech again who stood still.


"Ahh-" He gritted his teeth and bear the pain that surged through his kick. After realizing what had happened, he retreated a few steps back.

His leg was still shaking because of the impact.

"This feeling... it felt like I just kicked a steel wall."

" Hahaha, that's the face I want to see. This me has the power to harden myself like steel and with that strength of yours, you won't be able to do anything. It would be nothing for a Royal to break through but for trash like you...I'm an invincible fortress." Mech said.

Mech then leaped towards Auden with a closed fist and threw a punch. Auden dodged it but just barely.

'That was fast for a fatty like him? But I still have one doubt...' Auden thought.


The punch hit the ground making cracks form in it like a web of a spider.

"You dodged that, but next time you won't be as lucky."

Mech then jumped again throwing himself at Auden covering more length making Auden retreat back again and again. Auden didn't even want to imagine being crushed by that steel body of Mech...it was definitely going to hurt too much.

Auden hadn't given up though. If he were to be scared of pain then how was he going to keep on moving forward? He was just waiting for the right moment.

He was thinking while dodging which was making his moves even sloppier making some attacks that came at him graze his body.

Just as he was dodging, Mech stopped on his feet and stood still again. If someone were to stand still in a battle then they would just end up becoming punching bag if they didn't have anything to counter their opponent but Auden couldn't say so in Mech's case.

Mech was proud of his defense and was definitely arrogant because of it. If Auden were to use his Cat Form then it wouldn't have taken too much time but Auden didn't want to reveal his secret yet. It was his trump card after all.

If he wanted to defeat Mech then he would have to take it easy and be patient. But the problem was...there was no time to waste.

Auden took a breather to calm himself and think quietly while Mech still stood silently.

'What can I use to defeat him? As the saying goes...if one wants to defeat someone then they would have to pass through the defenses.' Auden immediately shook his head.

It sounded quite nice to think of shattering his opponent's pride by breaking through his defenses...but what his opponent specialized was on defenses and with his current strength, he couldn't do anything.

'Wait! Strength?' Auden suddenly had a realization.

He still had his Attribute Points from the Mystery Box. He then grinned and said in his mind, 'Allot 5 Attribute Points to Strength.'


[Allotting 5 Attribute Points to Strength.]

[Allotment Completed.]

[Strength: 18]

Auden without wasting any moment clenched his fist and punched Mech who stood still right at his face. Mech's face caved in as his head was pushed aside.

"Heh...it might work this way," Auden said.

Mech's eyes widened from shock. He clearly knew that Auden didn't have such strength just a moment ago...then how?

'Did he hide his strength to test the water? Not bad for trash...but I didn't show my full power as well.'

A grin appeared in his face as Mech looked at Auden and took in a deep breath as he gestured Auden to do his worse with a mocking look.

Auden clearly realized that Mech wasn't taunting him. Even if Mech was He wasn't just going to fall for it. He then clenched his fist attacked Mech and after hitting he immediately retreated back after testing it.

Like he had thought, Mech's body was harder than before. He then with suspicious eyes looked at Mech as if having doubt about something.

He had his suspicion on Mech but still, he didn't know if what he was thinking was correct.

He then said, "Fatty, is this the best defense you have? If this is your best then just give up or the next attack will knock you unconscious."

He was trying to make Mech angry so that he could test how much strong actually was. And Mech took the bait.

"Fatty...?" He breathed out and again took in a deep breath to the point his lungs were on the verge of bursting. He then stood still without even moving a millimeter and glanced at Auden,

"Let's see what your next attack can do?!"

"Heh..." Auden smiled.

'Allot 5 Attribution Points to Strength.'


[Allotting 5 Attribute Points to Strength.]

[Allotment Completed.]

[Strength: 23]


Without waiting any further, he kicked Mech right at the gut making him fall right on his butt as he coughed.

'What? He was hiding his strength at that time as well?' Mech had a surprised look on his face.

But Auden wasn't happy about making a Perfect looking at him like that. His suspicion was cleared from the last kick which made him feel pathetic.

He looking at himself thought, 'I'm still weak.'

He then looked at fallen Mech with cold eyes and said,

"Why are you imposing to be a Perfect? From what I have discovered... You're clearly a Talent."

Mech's eyes widened even more. Auden laughed as he said, "Hahaha, sorry that was a silly question. Of course, it was to intimidate weak ones and score easy points."

Auden then cracked his fingers looking at Mech, "I will make you realize that you clearly deceived the wrong person...and also there are no trash people in this world."

Auden was suspicious of Mech from the very start because he knew that no Perfect would be that easy to handle and being able to knock a Perfect in his full power after increasing his strength just by 10 Attribute Points confirmed his suspicion.