29 A New Ques

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
He was tapping his feet and was waiting for someone who had called him and asked of him to wait there. His back had almost gone sore from leaning on the wall of an alleyway which was covered in moss.

"He's got nerves making me stand here for an entire hour. And, standing here was fine as well if these trashes weren't stinking too much."

"Ah, are you Licht Park?"

A peace officer wearing blue glasses asked from the entrance of the alleyway.

Licht furrowed his brows and looked at the peace officer, "You're not the Auden guy, are you?"

"Hmm... peace officer? Did I do something to catch your attention?" He asked.

"A complaint was filed by a boy saying that you've been following him with some hidden motives. I would like you to follow me to the station." The officer said as he walked to Licht.

"Oh? Someone filed a complaint against me?" Licht took out a photograph from his pants pocket and showed it to the officer.

"Was it this guy? or someone else?"

"I can't tell you that. Just follow me to the station." The officer said.

"I see," Licht sighed, "Thank you for the offer but I would like to pass."

As he said that, he put back the photograph and took out some cash from his pocket and stretched out his hands to the officer.

"How about we settle the matter in a peaceful way?"

"Hahahaha," Duse laughed, "Are you trying to bribe an officer like me upfront?"

"No, it's not a bribe. It's just a small gift from me to you to leave the matter. You know you won't benefit anything from capturing me...just take this and leave the matter to rest."

"I am an honorable officer. I won't accept such thing up front." Duse said as he turned his back to Licht.

"Just slide it inside the back pocket of my pants."

"Haha, you're pretty reasonable as well," Licht said as he slid the cash into Officer's pocket.

"There is nothing to gain even if I am able to capture you since it is my duty. So, why shouldn't I accept easy money for just dropping the matter and taking my feet out of it?"

"Right?" Licht nodded and agreed with a smile.

That's not it...That's not it at all. I won't just accept the bribe from some random stalker. He has more to him than he let other knows. At first, I thought of him as some random trash without any magic since no mana was entering his body but as soon I got close to him, the glasses were alerted.

These blue glasses are given to new peace officers without any experience to detect mana. It is mostly used to distinguish the enemies to engage and enemies to avoid. But the glasses didn't trigger first when I looked at him...but as I got closer I felt an unknown pressure with malicious intent as if hinting that I would be killed if I take another step.

The pressure I felt was only for a brief moment but it was enough to trigger the glasses. But he is trash who can't even use magic. So, what was that pressure? Did it come from something he has with him?

He might seem like a simple boy without any magic to back him up, but based on the pressure I felt I can tell that...

This smiling bastard is dangerous.

"Then I will be going now," Licht said.

"Wait a minute..." Duse said, "Can I just ask you why you're following the person in the picture?"

"I can't tell you. I've been asked not to discuss this matter with anyone except this Auden guy. Oh, yeah...and if you know this Auden guy, can you give me his address? It's very hard to search for one guy in this a little bit big city," Licht asked.

"Unfortunately, I don't have his address." Duse shook his head.

"That's a bummer. I guess I'll go then. Let us never meet again." Licht said as he walked out of the alleyway.

Seeing Licht vanish from his field of vision, he deeply sighed. "Finally...he's gone. But..."

He gritted his teeth, "I've never been humiliated in such a way in my entire life. In but a single case, I took a bribe from someone...I even had to bow before some trash who couldn't even use magic."

"Just because he possessed something dangerous, I had to fear him...a trash. I will make it even with you for this humiliation...just you wait....trash."



[Hidden Quest: Choose A Mission From A Superhero Organization (Completed).

100,000 CP has been rewarded to the host. The host can claim it from the mailbox.]

Hearing the ring inside his mind, Auden grinned like a greedy fox. The feeling that dwelled inside his heart was impossible to describe.

The old man smiled and looked at grinning Auden, "Are you sure that you're fine accepting this mission? Because even finding the identity of the phantom killer is a work on its own and you sound like it is easy for you."

"I make it sound easy? Don't say that. That's a phantom killer, you know. I will only try to uncover the identity and nothing more." Auden replied.

"Even if you are only trying to uncover the identity, it's possible that you might have to face off with him." The old man grinned.

"I said I won't face the guy...and that's the end of it." Auden solemnly replied.

"Haha, you better not go back on your words otherwise Peace Officers will have another body on their hands to dispose of." The old man laughed and walk towards his desk taking out a file from the drawer.

"If you really want to take this mission then here's the file regarding all the murders that killer has committed including the locations and the contact info of the victim's family members."

Auden only blinked before taking the file from the old man's hands.

"I am not that good at solving crime mysteries but I'll try my best." He said.

"And also, is there a time limit to this mission? I mean there must be some time limit if it is going to be a test right?"

"Hoho, you're right. Considering the latest killing and the note the killer has left. The time limit will be seven days. You have to uncover the identity of the killer before he kills another person and report it to the Peace Officers." The old man said.

"And if the murder does happen before I uncover the killer's identity then I fail the test?"

"Yes, that's right."

"It sounds easy but I know it is going to end up pretty bothersome even if I only try to uncover the killer's identity. But difficult though it is, I will try my best...and I must praise you for being up to date with the recent killing and the note as well, old man. You're impressive." Auden said.

"Of course, who do you think I am. If I want to then I can just uncover the identity of the killer right now without even moving." The old man said.

"Oh? You can?" Auden said as if shocked.

But deep down he just shrugged off what the old man said as nothing but a bluff. If he could uncover the identity without even moving then why didn't he do it? It could have saved some lives...but not to hurt old man's feelings so much, he played along.

"Ok then, I'll be going now old man," Auden said as he walked towards the door.

"Haha, be careful young detective." The old man bid him farewell with his waving hands.

Right after walking out of the door, Auden heard the voice inside his head.


[A Quest Has Been Issued.]

[Uncover the identity of the serial killer that has recently been terrorizing the city.

Rewards: 100 CP and an Advanced Mystery Box.]

Auden smiled and started walking towards the direction of his house.

The old man returned back to sitting in his rocking chair and sighed.

"He sure has vigor like his father when he was young. Even with that broken vessel of his, he accepted the mission which makes me think if he has some hidden card...or he is just an idiot like his father."

Even I wouldn't have recognized him with that mask on his face if not for the pendant on him. The pendant he stole from me and gave it to his son on his fifth birthday is still on the kid's neck. I can't believe it.

Haha, kids sure grow fast.

"Well...," The old man's face turned grim as his smile disappeared, "Let's just hope that he doesn't end up like his father."