Chapter 61 - Buffalo

Ch- 61

Esther bought Vegetables for Henry to eat. Henry was so heartbroken when he saw all the greens on his dinner. 

"A buffalo would get better food than me!?" Henry couldn't bear the injustice he was receiving. 

"Then shall I get Buffalo's food?" Esther asked as she continued to eat her food. 


"What!? You want to feed me buffalo's food!? Are you saying I am buffalo?" Henry felt wronged. 

He was so loving towards her, but why was he treated less than a buffalo!? 


The world was so unfair to me from the time I was born! 

IT was never good for me! 

Why don't I have a place here? 

Now, not only places but also food. I am not even getting delicious food!? 


"Brother! When have I compared you with buffalo! It's you who said buffalo was getting delicious food compared to you. I just offered you that, if you like I would get the same food! And also, you compare yourself to it! I never compared!" Esther said as she took a bite from her food. 

"So, you mean I am not a buffalo!" he said. 

"I would never compare you to a buffalo! It's a sin!" Esther said. 

"My sister is good and…" before he could finish his words he heard her saying. 

"Not only a sin but an insult to buffaloes. After all, they are used to separating grains from paddy and wheat. Also, they give milk to us! They are useful, unlike you!" Esther muttered under her brother. 

"You! Am I your biological brother?" Henry couldn't stand her insults. 

Sobs.. sobs… 

The world was really unfair to me! He thought. 

"You doubt that too!? Even I doubt that! I have to confirm that from my parents! Maybe they found you in a dustbin!" Esther retorted!

"You! I will complain to grandfather!" Henry yelled. 

"What will you complain to me!?" an old voice could be heard from the door of the ward. 

"Royal Grandfather!" Both Esther and Henry said at a time. 

Charles Windsors entered the ward. When he came, he heard Henry threatening his granddaughter with his name!

How dare this smelly brat threaten his granddaughter! He needs to give him a lesson!

"Grandfather! You need to get justice for me!" Henry yelled as soon as his grandfather arrived. 

"Grandfather! I am the wrong one!" Esther cried out. She went to him and hugged him. 

Charles Windsors was satisfied with the hug. He was craving for this hug from the morning! Even his son was flexing about the hug he got from his daughter in front of him and his wife. His wife endured it, but he, Charles Windsors, couldn't. So, he punished him with fifteen days of work! Humph! How dare he!

Only He, Charles Windsors, can flex about his granddaughter's hugs and kisses! 

"Henry, you were wrong!" Charles Windsor concluded!

Henry: "..." 

"Grandfather, you don't even know what's the issue!" Henry couldn't help but feel wronged. 

"If Esther said she was wronged, then she was wronged!" Grandfather said with a shrug. 

"Grandfather, please sit!" Esther said as she motioned to the seat beside her. 

Charles Windsor's heart warmed by her kind gesture. Where could he get such a gentle and obedient granddaughter? I am lucky to have her. He thought. 

Esther smirked when she heard her grandfather's thoughts. 

"Grandfather! Brother said a buffalo would get more delicious food than him. So, I offered to get buffalo food for him. He said that I compared him to a buffalo! I replied I would never do that because it's an insult for buffaloes after all buffaloes are useful or another way unlike him! Am I wrong, grandfather?" Esther asked as she blinked her eyes cutely. 

Aw… His heart was melting just like that. 

He should grow some resistance to her cuteness! 

"Nope! That brat was wrong!" Charles Windsors said. 

"Also, Grandfather, he almost ran our car into a truck. If I didn't press the brakes on time from the side. We both would have been dead! Ask him why he was neglecting his health like that!" Esther started her complaints. 

"I said he would be locked in this ward for the next three days and would rest! But he refuses and says he has worked! What if he gets sick and again runs the car into the truck when we both were there! What if I get hurt? What if I die without eating delicious food in the world? How cruel was that!?" Esther said in an aggrieved tone. 



So, she was worried she would lose a driver! And would die without eating food!? 

God! This is a serious injustice to him! Henry couldn't help but cry! 

She was worried that she couldn't eat delicious food! Can't she think of anything other than food! 

Is she even a human! 

Does she have any sentiments about her brother!? 

Henry cried internally. 

Esther felt she was getting a headache because of his constant thoughts. 

"Henry! You are at fault today! We will lock you for three days and three nights without getting out of your room!" Grandfather Benjamin said. 

Now he even got the royal decree! What he can do!? 


"Grandfather! You mean you will lock him in the house!?" Esther asked. 

He nodded. 

"Okay then! You deal with him! I need to go somewhere and do some work!" Esther said. 

"It's the night!" Grandfather Benjamin said. 

"Grandfather, let me go for this one time. There won't be next time!" Esther pleased. 

"Only once!" Esther said. 

"Bye, brother!" she said. 

When she reached the door, she turned around in a swift. She went to her brother. She gave him a big hug and a kiss on his cheeks. After she hugged her grandfather and gave two kisses to him and then left. 

Henry was happy after he got a kiss and hug from his sister. He was in his thoughts and busy praising himself for being the best person in her heart. But suddenly he felt a chill from the side! 

He turned his head and saw his grandfather looking at him with a murderous aura. 

Henry gulped unknowingly. 

"She gave you a hug and two kisses too," Henry said in a low voice. 

"But she kissed you first and didn't say bye to me! I would lock you for a week!" Grandfather Benjamin said.

Henry could only cry in pain! His chest was hurting! 


Author's Notes:

Who was wronged here? Henry or Esther.....


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