Chapter 130 - Anna Plagiarized Clark Family Designs!



"Mom… we will take our leave now. Bye, everyone!" Esther bid her bye to her family along with Reggie. 

"Grandma, grandpa, and great-grandpa! Bye!" Reggie bid his bye too. 

"Grandma… Do my favorite things on Sunday breakfast. I will come along with dad!" Reggie shouted before leaving the house. 

"I will!" Lia shouted back at him. 

"Reggie loves you, Grammie!" Reggie didn't forget to throw a flattering line before leaving. Lia's eyes were filled with hearts as she stared at her grandson. She didn't notice the jealousy gazes that she received from the other two oldies. 

"My grandson is so cute! How I wish she would marry Cyrus!" Lia said out her thoughts loudly. When the silhouettes of Esther and Reggie disappeared she turned her head and threw a fierce look at the two old people challenging them to try showing the consequences of their jealousy. The big old man and the small old man gulped in fear looking at their fierce daughter-in-law and wife. They don't dare to provoke her! Dammit! Everyone was scared of Benjamin's but Benjamin's were scared of Lia. The hidden truth from the world. They knew If they provoked her their food would be nothing but grass and along with the grass they would have to drink neem leaves juice twice a day. If her mood was bad, she would make them drink five glasses too! Who would want that life? 

Nope! They don't want it! A wise man knows when to take a step back. And of course, they are wise! 

Lia left the hall as she hummed a tune. They heard her ordering the servants here and there. 

After a few minutes…. 

"Where are you going?" Charles Benjamin, Lia's husband asked. 

"To go shopping for Reggie," Lia replied. 

"To the grocery shop? Why not buy day-after-tomorrow?" Charles offered. 

"Why?" she asked. 

"They would be fresh at that time," Charles said. 

"Do you think I don't know? Hmm… I need to buy some toys for him too. Esther said Reggie has a small number of toys. I should give them more. And I don't know what he likes. So… I need to know what a kid likes." Lia said as she waved her hand. 

"I will come with you," Charles said. 

"I will also come with you guys," Old man Benjamin said. 

"Why father?" Lia asked. 

"I want to see what you will buy. That's all!" he said with an unconcerned look. 

Lia smiled at her childish father-in-law's antics. Even he wanted to give him toys but he didn't know what to pick. He can get his servant to pick toys for him but it won't be sincere enough. SO…. now his son and daughter-in-law were going, how could he not take the chance now. 

"Fine… Careful! You are old!" Lia said purposefully rubbing some salt on his wound. 

He is young okay! He is only 75 years old! If he was in Atlantis he would be called a kid! Dammit! 

Old Man Benjamin swallowed his words when he saw his daughter-in-law's glare at him. 

The three of them went to Benjamin's shopping mall. The mall manager came down to assist them personally. The three of them bought a lot of things for Reggie. They didn't notice the things were piled up. But they didn't regret it. After all, they were all for their grandson.

After their sweeping down…. Oops, shopping! The three returned home. 


Cyrus came to Royal's closet to pick Reggie after having lunch with both of them. He left with Reggie after they finished their lunch. While Esther dipped in her work. 

"Nicholas, any updates on hiring designers?" Esther asked.

"Princess, from our announcements, we got a few applications. As for the contest, the top three will get the jobs." Nicholas said. 

"Even a kid can say that. I am asking about our trump cards!" Esther said. 

"I am talking about the Rex and Thor brothers and the designer Anna," Esther said. 

"Princess, These people rejected me outrightly. Without even bothering to listen to my proposal." Nicholas said. 

"Sigh… I will deal with them. While… I asked you to find information about the things concerning these three people. Did you find any?" Esther asked. 

"Princess… Anna was a designer in the Garcia empire. At that time, she was preparing for an exhibition. She designed the most beautiful set of jewelry. Coincidentally… the Clark family also planned a runway. That was their first time entering the jewelry business. With Anna and Garcia's runway, they are doomed to fail. Miss. Lucy somehow got their hands on Anna's designs and released them to the public before Garcia's. When Garcia's exhibition was held, they were accused of plagiarism. Even though Arthur knew the truth, he doesn't want to pick on Miss. Lucy. so, he made Miss. Anna a scapegoat." Nicholas said. 

"This thing happened after our marriage?" Esther asked. 

Because Lucy died two and half years ago. 

"Nope, Princess! Precisely this thing happened four years ago. After this incident Miss. Anna's reputation is tarnished. She even collected the evidence to prove her innocence but she was threatened by Mr. Garcia. 

"This guy can even do this thing!" Esther said through her gritted teeth. 

"How do you know?" Esther asked.

"Mr. Garcia said by himself," Nicholas said. 

"Ohh... You both are close," Esther snickered. 

"Princess, I am always your loyal dog!" Nicholas said immediately as he kneeled. 

"Yeah…. Yeah… who works in an enemy's camp, right?" Esther teased. 

"Princess, Even that devil worked in his secretary department!" Nicholas complained. 

"Don't bring the topic of my friend! She did that to protect me!" Esther said. 

"Even I," Nicholas cried. 

"Sigh… Got it! I am just teasing. Get up and tell me the remaining updates!" Esther asked. 

"So… Princess even if Miss. Anna comes back. Mr. Rex and Mr. Thor won't agree!" Nicholas said. 

"I will take care of it just to get their information!" Esther said. 

"Princess, they are not working because their Master asked them not to work in this industry as designers," Nicholas said. 

"Why?" she asked. 


Author's Notes: 

For non-privilege readers the mass release would end here.