Chapter 211 - Cotton Candy, Kiss, And Embarrassed By Stranger.


"I can even bite you, lick you, and fuck you with my tongue and fingers," he whispered. Esther unconsciously gripped him tight hearing his words making him groan. Soon, he came after a few more of her hand movements in her hands. The scent of his sperm filled her nostrils.  Cyrus took a tissue and cleaned her hands and trashed them in the trash.

"Good Job," he praised her as whispered in her ears making her blush.

"Your breasts are my favorite part," he whispered. He bent down and kissed them hard making her moan his name. "Cy-Cyyyy-Cyyyrusss...stop---stop. You took more than a kiss," she whispered making him freeze.

Cyrus let her go of his grip, When Esther was about to smoothen her clothes, she felt him stop her. "What?" she asked.

"Don't cover them. It inspires me," she said."Inspiration?!" she was dumbfounded at his shameless behavior.

"No wonder, I tried to run away from you in my past life," she exclaimed.

"But I caught you now," he said with a smile.

Esther smoothened her clothes and got off from Cyrus's lap. She brought her laptop and stood up with Cyrus to work.

"You don't need to make those small jewelers as your partners. You can find the stores which are going to be closed down. Buy them and arrange people to work there. This way, you don't have to search for jewelry stores anymore and can do your work freely. Who knows what kinds of troubles they would cause after the partnership and document signing. So, it's better to be free of those troubles and make your business prosper," he said.

[It's true.] she thought a smile bloomed on her face. But her smile faded when she realized she almost slept with Cyrus just for this idea.

"You...You... You made this all just to say this," she said as she pointed her hand dumbfoundedly.

"Yeah..." he said casually and kissed her neck making her angry again. Esther turned her head away in anger, but the moment she turned her head she saw the pillow. She kept her laptop aside and started hitting him with that pillow.

"This angry side of you makes me horny," he whispered pinning her down on the bed making her blush.

"Work now, if you don't want me to eat you," he said with a smirk before getting off from her. Only then she realized he was still naked in the lower part, her face couldn't turn anymore redder!

She got up in a swish and started working... Cyrus helped her while she was working. Till evening they worked together.  Esther couldn't even complain about his presence as she was too engrossed in her work. Finally, she finished her work. She leaned back and flexed her muscles. "I am tired," she whispered.

"Take a walk with me," he said.

"Let's take Reggie too," she added.

"Okay," he said.

She closed her laptop and was about to get up when he suddenly bent down and gave her a breathtaking kiss, taking her by surprise. Cyrus smiled at her and went out leaving the angry Esther in the room.

Esther stood up and cursed Cyrus in her mind. "I should not have lived in the same room with him," she yelled in her brain.

She washed her face and came out.

"Mom! Reggie is ready!" he said as he jumped towards her. He came running and hugged her leg.

"Let's Go!" Esther said.

"Yesh!" Reggie said.

The family of the three walked out as they watched the evening beauty of their locality. Just like them, many people were taking walks. Few people came out with their dogs to take a walk. While... few couples were walking hand in hand. Few couples came with their kids and played with them on the roads.

The three of them walked for an hour. They reached a park. "Mom... Let's play for a while," Reggie said as he dragged her.

"Yes," she replied.

Reggie saw a swing and started swinging. Esther continued to rock him. "Mom, Higher!" Reggie screamed as he felt happiness filled in his chest. He used to feel envious when he saw those dramas where kids played with their parents but now he no longer felt that. He felt happy. Reggie wanted to rejoin the school and boast about his parents to his friends. But such a pity he cannot go to school. His father said he can go out after a year. sigh... he has to get bored by himself all this while. Maybe he should ask his mother to help him out from this tricky situation. With these thoughts, he decided to talk with his mother. Reggie didn't know that the serious expression on his face looked comical for Esther. Esther resisted the urge to smile as she gazed at her son.

"What are you thinking, Reggie?" Esther asked.

"Mom, Let's have a serious meeting after we reach home," Reggie said as he mimicked his father. Esther couldn't hold it anymore. She laughed out loud seeing his cuteness.

"Sure," she said with a smile.

She continued to rock his swing as she smiled contently. She didn't notice she doesn't have red eyes now. Cyrus looked at the mother and son who laughing and smiling as they played. He wished this happiness lasts for longer.

After a while..."Mom, enough. Reggie is tired," Reggie said as he panted.

"Mom! Cotton candy! Reggie wants it!" he said as he pointed at cotton candy.

"Let's send dad to get it. okay?" she said. The little one nodded his head.

"You want cotton candy?" Cyrus asked.

"Yes! Mom said you will buy it for me," Reggie said.

"Okay," Cyrus said.  Then he went away.

"Reggie, Where is your father?" she asked.

"He went away to buy cotton candy," Reggie replied.

"Oh, okay," she said.

"He will be back soon," he said as he smiled.

Esther smiled back.

"But mom, I still want to go to school. Dad says that he will send me after a year." Reggie said with a pout.

"This is what you want to talk about with me?" Esther asked. Reggie bobbed his head.

"Okay, I will talk with dad," Esther said as she ruffled his hair.

"Mom is best!" he said and kissed her face with a big smooch. That was the second Cyrus returned with three cotton candies in his hands. When he saw Reggie kissing her felt jealous. He wants the kiss too.

"Then what about dad?" he asked Reggie as he crossed his hands. 

"Dad is like... like a monster," Reggie said with a pout. Esther laughed at his words as she felt amused.

"Fine, dad will eat Reggie's candy since he is a monster," Cyrus threatened.

"No... No... Dad! DAD is the best dad in the world!" Reggie said hurriedly as he craved to eat his cotton candy. He shouldn't piss his father till he got his candy.

"Oh, then kiss daddy," Cyrus asked mischievously. Reggie walked forward and kissed his father's cheek. Satisfied Cyrus handed the cotton candy to his son.

Esther also waited eagerly to take the cotton candy. But he didn't give her. "what now?" she asked Cyrus feeling irritated. She knew he was up to something. 

"I will give you when I get a kiss," Cyrus said.

"Why?" she asked innocently as she batted her eyes.

"Because you are mine darling," Cyrus said with a smirk.

"You are shameless!" she pointed to him.

"Only for you baby," he said with a wink to her.

"Hmph!" she huffed.

"I won't kiss you!" she said angrily crossing her arms.

"Then I will kiss you," before Esther could register he kissed her lips for a slight second leaving her dumbfounded. He gave her the cotton candy. Esther was surprised when she realized what had happened. She punched his chest which didn't hurt Cyrus.

"You pervert! There is a kid beside us and this is a public place!" she whisper-yelled at him.

"But you are my woman. So, I can do anything to you," he said as he kissed her again on her cheeks shocking her further.

"What is this?" she asked Cyrus.

"Cotton candy," Cyrus said in a tone that suggested she should have known what it is.

"That's what I am asking. What is it made of?" she asked again.

"Cotton," he said as it's a matter of fact. Esther felt her mind was going to blast at his words. Dammit!

Esther felt talking to him was a waste of time. Thinking the cotton candy was him, she bit it hard begrudgingly. She only took a bite to spite Cyrus.

"Hey! What are you doing?" she startled when she saw him leaning forward and taking a bite from her candy. 

"You are... eating my cotton candy," she said as she ate the rest of her candy to take away from him.

"Hey!" he said when she took away the rest of his cotton candy.

"You are eating my cotton candy," she said.

He leaned forward and licked her lips were few crumbs of the cotton candy shocking her.

*cough* *cough*  a cough could be heard beside them. It's not Reggie. When they looked at the person they were shocked!!!

Author's Notes: 


Guys, there is something more coming. Oh yeah... I will be uploading another amazing aesthetic of Shakti Basilisk. See it and enjoy. I hope I will receive replied to that comment. yeah... I will post them in the first comment.. Like it, so that it won't be drowned by all your sea of comments.