Chapter 224 - Reggie Crushing Henry Under His Feet Like An Ant.


The dinner was harmonious. Unlike lunch, the dinner was filled with everyone's laughter. Esther noticed that her father had truly accepted Reggie this time. She smiled seeing both grandfather and grandson laughing together. Charles even filled his bowl with good food. He urged Reggie to eat more so that he can grow earlier and take care of Esther. 

After dinner, everyone was about to return to their rooms. 

"Dad, Grandpa... how about a drink? Since Cyrus married our family member, we should celebrate it. And have a man-to-man talk with him," Henry said. 

"Your grandpa will sleep! And your father will rest! You can drink with him! And Henry! You brat come here!" Lia's angry voice could be heard from Henry's back. 

An invisible big sweatdrop appeared on Henry's head. Dammit! He was caught! He looked at his father and grandfather's face for his rescue. Suddenly, Old Man Benjamin felt the design of the ceiling in their hall was beautiful. While for Henry's dad, he found the marble on the floor was beautiful. How can they not be, they imported those marbles from Arcadia which was beside Atlantis. Charles Benjamin liked the flower design on the marble. He felt that he should learn how to make marbles for floors. 

While... Charles Windsors felt that he should learn how to spray colors for the ceiling. Because the ceiling was painted with a gold and white mixture. And with the presence of the heavy chandelier, the ceiling looked too beautiful to him. 

Henry grumbled under his breath about his father and grandfather's actions. He swore to get revenge on them for leaving him to his demonic mom. 

If Henry was not a fool, he would not have believed that his father and his grandfather would come to his rescue. Why would they mess with the empress? It's better to put their head in the crushing machine rather than arguing with her. 

Esther and Cyrus stifled a laugh at Henry's misfortune. While Reggie danced in joy seeing his uncle's misfortune. He decided to add oil to the flames. 

"Grandma, Uncle snatched my chicken during lunch. Sobs~~" Reggie cried. 

"You brat! When did I do that?!" Henry yelled as he saw his cunning nephew. 

Uh oh! Wrong move, Henry! As an author, I am holding a candle for you! 

Lia felt angry when she heard Henry shouting at Reggie. 

"Grandma… When I was taking the last chicken piece, Uncle snatched it. Is it not equal to snatching my chicken? He snatched it even after seeing me about to take it. Uncle hates Reggie! Sobs~~" Reggie started his million-dollar drama as he made Henry's life miserable with just a few words. 

"You stupid son! Neither you got married nor you gave me a grandchild. Now… you are making my grandson suffer. I will squeeze your ears to the point they will be removed from your face! You should get married! Even your sister got married! Not once but twice! You didn't even get married! At least get me a grandson, even if you don't get married!" Lia said as she twisted Henry's ears. 

"Ahh! Mom! I will steal my nephew's ears! I will treat him well! I will never ask my father and grandfather to drink! In fact, from now on, I will remove all the wine and alcohol bottles from their rooms! Please show some mercy, Mom! Ouch! It hurts! Mom! It hurts. Ouch… Ouch! MOM!" Henry pleaded. But who is Lia? If she leaves him just because he begged then she wouldn't be called his mother! She left him only when she felt his ears grow bigger. 

"You can go now!" Lia said when she felt she made his son suffer. 

"Grandma, Please teach me how to grow ears bigger," Reggie said as he giggled, embarrassing Henry further. 

Henry gave a hard death glare to Reggie. Reggie being Reggie. "Grandma, I am scared of an uncle," Reggie hugged Lia's leg making her heart soften at his sight. 

"James! Get that new feather duster here!" Lia yelled as she decided to educate her son for his mistakes. 

Henry cried as he felt helpless. 


There was no place for innocent people like him. 

The world is unfair. 

The world bullies the weak like him and bows to the strong like Reggie. 

Henry suddenly felt Reggie became a hundred feet tall while he, Henry shrunk to one-inch height. 

He suddenly realized, Reggie raised his feet and stomped him like an ant. Henry saw the image of his death, while Reggie turned his dead body into a ball and started playing with it. And the worst thing was his mother was using a feather duster as her bat while his body was a ball. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Henry screamed and saw others were looking at him with pity. 

Dammit! That felt so real! He almost pissed in his pants at the wild imagination! 

[If I don't get rid of him, then I will have to face that! Dammit! For now, I have to bootlick that little bastard's feet! ] Henry thought. At the harsh realization, he realized he was an abandoned puppy in his home. Two streams started flowing down from his eyes as he was abandoned. 

[But bootlicking this little bastard is hard. He will stop me whenever he wants. Sobs~ Why is my life so miserable? God! If you are there, get me out of this problem!] he prayed in his heart. 

The evil face of Reggie came in front of him as he laughed at Henry's misery. 

Was there anyone as innocent as him? 

Why was the world treating him like this? 

He was a hidden gem to this world? 

Esther almost burst out laughing when she heard her brother's thoughts. He was worse than her son and husband. She bit her cheek to stop herself from laughing. 

"Mom! See there! Sister! What happened?" He shouted in shock. 

Lia panicked when she heard him. Not only Lia But others too. 

They looked at Esther to see what happened. But when they realized what he did, Lia snatched the feather duster and ran after him. 


Author's Notes:

What do you think Henry did? 

What happened to Esther?

What Lia did?

Let me know your thought in the comments.. And don't forget to vote.