Chapter 761

"What, you mean something happened to little John?" Fu Fengyi asked incredulously. After a few days, her child had an accident. Fu Fengyi stood up and wanted to fly to Dongjiang immediately.

"Madam, now they are both in the hospital. Don't worry too much, just hurt your leg!" The housekeeper said carefully.

Can Fu Fengyi not worry? But with the housekeeper's words, she sat down again. Fortunately, it wasn't very serious.

"I see. Hang up first. I'll book the ticket." Fu Fengyi hangs up the housekeeper's phone in a hurry and dials Ye Haoran. He is Xiaohan's father and has the right to know about it.

Ye Haoran's affairs in Beijing have not been dealt with at the end. After receiving a call from Fu Fengyi, the steady man panicked at that time and directly handed over the matter to other people and rushed to the airport.

At the crowded airport, the plane still has five minutes to get in.

"I hope the child is OK." Fu Fengyi leans on Ye Haoran and says that she has no master. For this child, she has too much guilt!

Ye Haoran's heart is full of doubts, how to suddenly have an accident? He was thinking about whether to be attacked by someone who wanted to.

Yan Qingyan sits on the bed and looks at the people who come and go worrying about himself. He feels warm again. It's so simple and close to him.

Wine has been guarding Yan Qingyan, almost never left half a step. After Yan Qingyan's leg is treated, the doctor hopes to stay in the hospital for observation for two days. There is not much damage to the leg nerve, but he is not sure whether the damage will affect his later life.

When Fu Fengyi and ye Haoran arrived, the doctor was just about to leave.

"Thank you, doctor." Fu Fengyi said gratefully.

"Go in and see the patient." The doctor nodded and left.

"I wish you were OK, little Han." Fu Fengyi is worried in her eyes. Ye Haoran stands not far away and nods to Yan Qingyan.

Seeing that it was going to be dark, Fu Fengyi asked others to go back. She insisted on staying at the hospital.

Wine to stay in the hospital with Yan Qingyan, let Xia Yihan and Fu Fengyi, ye Haoran go home first, ye Zimo received Lin Dahui's call, he wants to see song wanting alone.

Song wanting does not know that she has been targeted by many people, such as ah San, whom Zhong Yuquan is looking for.

Ah San's money has been squandered by him recently, and he is heavily in debt. When he received Zhong Yuquan's task, he hesitated and decided to open his mouth. When he saw Zhong Yuquan himself, ah San knew his carelessness. Isn't this the president Zhong that is often shown on TV? But how can president Zhong let him secretly investigate and take that woman away? Do you want to take the opportunity to kill him.

Ah San shakes his previous decision, remembering that those people threaten him that once he can't afford the money, his hand won't be needed. Ah San is afraid to think about it. He thinks that President Zhong has always loved the people like a son on TV, so he shouldn't embarrass him.

"What did you say?" Asked Zhong Yuquan.

"I said, if you want me to find someone, you can, but you have to pay me double. I've investigated. Ye Zimo is not a simple person. Once I get into trouble with him, I won't have any good fruit to eat." Ah San doesn't dare to look at Zhong Yuquan's eyes and talk. Ye Zimo is afraid. Zhong Yuquan is not afraid. Now he has to speak.

Zhong Yuquan narrowed his eyes and looked at ah San dangerously. After thousands of turns in his heart, he raised his tone and asked with a smile, "you mean you are not afraid of me." He asked casually, seemingly a simple question, ah San felt like the executioner in front of the guillotine asked you what your last wish was.

Ah San shivered. How could the president of the clock not be as close to the people as he was on TV.

"I can give you double reward, but you'd better do it well for me, otherwise..." Zhong Yuquan looks at ah San dangerously, and he has plenty of ways to deal with him.

"Don't worry. Even if I have a hundred guts, I dare not do your work well." Ah San nodded and bowed. The expression on ah San's face was very flattering. He was very smart and knew what to say and what not to say.

Not long after Zhong Yuquan left, ah San put on his big sunglasses, put on his hat, bent his body and left cautiously!

It can be said that his disguise is not successful. We can only blame him for his bad luck. No matter how careful he is, he will be recognized. Haiqingqing's taste became very strange after she was pregnant. She would like to eat this one and that one! For example, on this day, she would like to eat sour plum soup from this old shop in the western suburb of Dongjiang? Hai Qingqing pitifully looks at Mo Xiaojun, stubborn and does not speak. The expression on her face obviously says that she wants sour plum soup. Mo Xiaojun dotes on Hai Qingqing and points her small nose.

As a pregnant man, Mo Xiaojun naturally shoulders the task of running errands, and he is willing to go out with his wallet!

"Wait for me." Mo Xiaojun gently touches Hai Qingqing's hair. As a man, he has to take care of his woman. This is what he has to do, and it is also his compensation for her.

Mo Xiaojun looks around for Hai Qingqing's so-called century old shop. Before he finds it, he sees ah San. He has been looking for ah San recently. This ah San seems to have evaporated from the world. Even ye Zimo didn't find him. It's so easy to find a place with broken iron shoes. I saw him here today!

Today will not let you escape, Mo Xiaojun also does not buy sour plum soup, he ran to ah San!

Ah San has been paying attention to the surrounding environment. As soon as he is targeted by Mo Xiaojun, he finds out that he has offended too many people, and there are many creditors. No matter who he is, he should get rid of him first. Ah San runs away and Mo Xiaojun chases him.

The pedestrians on the street looked at them. Some suggested calling the police, some pretended not to see them, some said to mind their own business. Mo Xiaojun was not in the mood to pay attention to other people's behavior. He was determined to catch ah San!

Ah San runs away. This scene is just seen by Zhong Yuquan. Originally, he didn't want to take care of ah San, but he changed his mind when he saw that the man chasing ah San was mo Xiaojun.

Zhong Yuquan won't forget that Xia Yihan's case was overthrown by several of them!

I'm afraid that I'll take A-San with me temporarily. Besides, now A-San is helping him. Once A-San has an accident, he has to find someone else.

"Why is he after you?" Zhong Yuquan asked seriously. He looked at ah San, who was still out of breath, and wanted to make sure that it was the same as what he thought.

Ah San is a little afraid of Zhong Yuquan's eyes. He can't cope with such a big man's Aura! He doesn't know why that smelly boy outside is chasing him.

"I don't know. I have many creditors. That's why I want so much money." Ah San carefully said that he did not dare to take any chances. In front of Zhong Yuquan, he knew that he could only tell the truth. He also told Zhong Yuquan from the side that he had to.

Zhong Yuquan signaled the driver to drive faster.

Mo Xiaojun looked at the car leaving, he took out his mobile phone and photographed the license plate number. Several times he let ah San run away, Mo Xiaojun doubted whether it was arranged by God on purpose, but he would not give up. After the car stopped just now, the figure of the man far away was too much like Zhong Yuquan.

Zhong Yuquan and ah San, if they dig down this vine, they will not necessarily dig out the scandal of Zhong Yuquan.

He's not a paparazzi. He specializes in digging into other people's private affairs. Xia Yihan has such a father. He has to think more about Xia Yihan. That's all he can do in the future, and that's all he can do.

Unable to catch up with ah San, Mo Xiaojun plans to help Hai Qingqing buy sour plum soup first. He has been thinking about how to catch ah San in the next action. Today, when he saw people like Zhong Yuquan walking with ah San, he was more determined to catch him.

Ye Zimo must have sent someone to pay attention to ah San's situation. Mo Xiaojun decided to go to Ye Zimo and tell him the situation this time.

"Boss, give me some sour plum soup." Mo Xiaojun takes out his wallet and takes out the money. There is a small gap in his wallet, which most people don't pay attention to. There is a photo in it all the time. Thinking about Hai Qingqing, Mo Xiaojun thinks it's time to return the photo to Xia Yihan.

After buying sour plum soup, Mo Xiaojun dials Ye Zimo. He is always hostile to Ye Zimo, so he doesn't talk nonsense.

"Today, I met ah San and almost caught him. Later, he was taken away by a man who was very similar to Zhong Yuquan. That man is Zhong Yuquan in all likelihood." Mo Xiaojun didn't know that Xia Yihan was beside Ye Zimo, so he didn't care much about his words, and he didn't have to call him president Zhong so respectfully“ I don't think he's thinking about how to use Yihan again. He always thinks that he won't do it. "

Xia Yihan is next to Ye Zimo. She clearly hears Mo Xiaojun's words. If she has to choose, Xia Yihan will choose to believe Mo Xiaojun. After all, Mo Xiaojun has been in love with her for 20 years and has taken care of her since childhood. But Zhong Yuquan is her father. She really doesn't want to believe that he has cheated herself again and again.

Ye Zimo quietly looks at Xia Yihan, baby, Zhong Yuquan, the old fox, is not worth your sorrow for him.

"Let's go out and talk tonight." Ye Zimo doesn't want to put his woman in a dilemma any more. She's on the top of his heart. If Zhong Yuquan embarrasses her again, he'll settle the old and new accounts together.

Xia Yihan follows Ye Zimo silently all the time. She doesn't speak and doesn't know how to talk about it. The man in front of her is just thinking about her. Besides, they don't deal with Zhong Yuquan.

"Go back, don't worry. It's OK. Tell mom I won't eat at home today." Ye Zimo kisses Xia Yihan's forehead and leaves.

"Young lady." Said the housekeeper respectfully.

"Go in." Xia Yihan hard to pull up a beautiful smile, she went in alone, did not see the housekeeper and Xia Yiqing behind.

Fu Fengyi and ye Haoran came back later than ye Zimo's car. Before they got down, they saw Ye Zimo get into the car and leave Ye Zhai.

"Housekeeper, what's the matter?" Fu Fengyi looks at Xia Yihan walking into the room alone. Her back looks cold and thin.

"Madam, I don't know. As soon as I came out, Mr. Ye left." The housekeeper said suspiciously that he really didn't know the reason why Ye Zimo left suddenly.

"Go in and see Xiao Han in the hospital after dinner." Fu Fengyi leads Ye Haoran into the main restaurant. It's time to have dinner. Fu Fengyi is very relieved about ye Zimo's son. He is her pride.

At the table, Fu Fengyi gave Ye Haoran some of his favorite dishes and Xia Yihan some of her favorite dishes.

"Mom, I'll do it myself." Xia Yihan looked at the dishes in the bowl and realized that he was distracted again.