Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bai Jiang smiled and sincerely replied, “I will come back at this time tomorrow. If you want to buy, please come on time tomorrow.”

After the middle-aged man left Bai Jiang’s stall, he returned to the villa across the river. It turned out that he was the butler of the villa.

When a few servants saw him and a few bodyguards coming back, they quickly went forward to greet him and took the fruits from the hands of the bodyguards.

“Take these things and wash them. Put a few waxberries for me to taste, juice the lemons, add some sugar, and let me taste it,” the butler said.

This was their usual practice. These things were used by the butler for medicinal purposes. Before purchasing them, the butler would taste them first. If there were no issues, he would use them to make medicine.

At that moment, a helicopter arrived and landed slowly on the large lawn in front of the villa.

As the helicopter stabilized, the cabin door opened, and a handsome man walked out. He was the owner of the villa, Xiao He.

“Young Master.” The butler respectfully greeted him.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared from the helicopter, he went straight into the villa.

“Is Little Young Master unhappy?” The butler dotingly watched the little figure go up to the second floor.

“Yes,” Xiao He responded indifferently.

At this time, the maid who went to wash the fruits came out, holding a plate of waxberries in one hand and a glass of lemon juice in the other.

Upon seeing Xiao He, the maid quickly greeted him.

“What is this?” Xiao He glanced at the delicate plate in the maid’s hand.

The thing on the plate was very similar to the waxberries, but it was much bigger than ordinary waxberries. It was as big as an egg.

“Oh, Young Master, these are the waxberries and lemons I bought today. They are part of the prescription to treat the Little Young Master’s condition. They are better than regular waxberries and lemons. I wanted to taste them and see how they can be used in medicine,” the butler explained.

Xiao He nodded and asked the black-suited man beside him, “Have you found it?”

“Young Master, our people have investigated and found that Miracle Doctor Bai has arrived in Nanwan Town. We still need to gather more information,” the black-suited man dutifully reported.

It was quite a coincidence. They chose to reside in a small village in Nanwan Town, and now Miracle Doctor Bai had also arrived in Nanwan Town. This added another layer of hope for Xiao Yu’s illness.

Xiao He nodded and said, ” We must find Miracle Doctor Bai no matter what.”

With that, he walked into the villa.

If Bai Jiang was here, she would surely recognize the villa as the headquarters of the renowned Xiao Corporation from her previous life.

It was rumored that he also suffered from a genetic defect. Because the Xiao Corporation had a pharmaceutical company that had made great contributions to the research of genetic defects, he was able to survive into adulthood.

However, without meeting him in person, Bai Jiang naturally didn’t recognize him.

She tidied up the stall and returned home. She took out 1,000 RMB from the money she earned today and handed it to Xu Hua.

“What’s this money for?” Xu Hua asked.

“I just went to town to sell fruits and made some money. This is for you,” Bai Jiang said.

Xu Hua felt touched. “You said you wanted to start a business, so this will be your capital. You don’t need to give it to Mom. Mom and your Dad will continue to earn money, no need for you to contribute.”

After saying that, Xu Hua tried to push the money back to Bai Jiang, but Bai Jiang stopped her.

“Mom, tomorrow I want to eat braised pork ribs and roasted pork ribs. Can we buy a little more?” Bai Jiang smiled, her eyes shining brightly.

“Alright, alright,” Xu Hua felt touched and accepted the money.

The next day, after finishing her free consultation, Bai Jiang took the fruits and went to the town.

Although she had no less than five patients every day, according to the system notification, three days had passed and only one-tenth of the mission had been completed. It was too slow.

There were still 135 more people to treat in order to complete the mission. Bai Jiang furrowed her brow.

It was not the most efficient way to offer consultation in the village. She could complete the task faster.

After giving it some thought, Bai Jiang decided to offer consultation in the town. There were more people in town, making it easier to complete the task.

With this in mind, Bai Jiang brought along some food for herself and the fruits and headed to the town.

She set up her stall and placed the fruits beside it. This way, people could see the fruits and also receive treatment.

Everyone present was a bit confused about what Bai Jiang was doing. A bolder person stepped forward and asked.

“Young girl, why did you set up a fruit stall here? Are the prices the same as yesterday?”

Bai Jiang smiled and replied, “I’m offering consultations here at the stall. I’m not selling the fruits. Those who come for treatment will receive a catty of fruits.”

In other words, the fruits for today were being given away for free.

After Bai Jiang finished speaking, everyone around was stunned.

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