Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bai Shu had overheard the conversation between Bai Jiang and Aunt Da Hua.

Bai Shu was very puzzled. Aunt Da Hua had liver disease. Could Bai Jiang cure it?

“Bai Jiang, are you not afraid that you won’t be able to treat Aunt Da Hua’s liver disease?” Xu Hua looked at Bai Jiang with a worried expression.

Bai Jiang smiled and said, “Mom, don’t worry. I’m confident in my abilities. Alright, Mom, I’m hungry. Let’s wash our hands and have a meal.”

“Ah, you child!” Xu Hua smiled helplessly.

The next day, Bai Jiang went to the village entrance for a free consultation. After treating ten people, she closed her stall.

When she returned home, she saw that the village chief was waiting for her with a dozen young laborers.

“Jiang’er, the village chief said you were looking for people to pick fruits?” Bai Shu asked.

“Yes, yes, thank you, village chief!” Bai Jiang said happily.

“Alright, no need to thank me. I’ll leave them to you. I’m busy, so I’ll take my leave.” After saying that, the village chief left.

Bai Jiang looked at the dozen or so people in the courtyard. They seemed familiar.

“Are you all from the village?” Bai Jiang asked.

One of them replied, “Yes, Bai Jiang. A few days ago, my mother went to the village entrance for treatment from you. She only took the medicine for two or three days, and her condition improved. When I heard the village chief say that you needed help, I came over.”

“Yeah, my Dad is the same. He can work in the fields today.”

“I’m the same. My parents passed away when I was young, and my uncle raised me. I was planning to find an opportunity to thank you, but when the village chief said you needed help, we came here.”

“We don’t need money. Just provide us with three meals. Where are your fruits? Are they in the back mountains? Let’s go there now.”

Hearing the conversation among the people present, Bai Jiang felt deeply moved.

She waved her hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

“Isn’t living all about having food to eat? I don’t want to take advantage of anyone. If I still need help in the future, would I dare to call for help?”

“I’ll pay you 80 RMB a day, and you’ll have three meals included,” Bai Jiang said.

“Jiang Jiang, you’re truly a good person.”

“Yes, and you have excellent medical skills and a kind heart.”

When Bai Shu heard everyone praising his daughter, he was overjoyed.

“I’ll go to town to buy meat now. When I come back at noon, everyone will have a good meal and take a good rest. In the afternoon, we’ll go up the mountain to work,” Bai Shu said with a smile to everyone.

After that, no one said anything more. They followed Bai Jiang up the mountain.

Bai Jiang only showed everyone how to pick the fruits, and everyone quickly got to work.

With many hands, the work progressed rapidly. In less than three days, all the fruits on the mountain were picked.

Bai Jiang was very satisfied and paid everyone’s wages.

When Xu Hua returned and saw the yard filled with fruits, she was dumbfounded.

“Jiang’er, how did you get so many fruits? Did you pick them all? Won’t they spoil if they’re left for too long?” Xu Hua asked.

Bai Jiang smiled and replied while processing the fruits, “Mom, don’t worry. These fruits need to be dried and made into medicine. They won’t spoil, and most of them have already been assigned to someone.”

“Oh, I see. Then let me help you,” Xu Hua said.

So, the mother and daughter worked for two to three days to process the fruits.

On the day they finished, Bai Jiang packed the required amount of fruits for the butler across the river and put them in bags to be delivered.

“By the way, Mom, where did Bai Zhen go? Where did she go so early in the morning?” Bai Jiang looked around but couldn’t see the small figure.

“She went to play with Gou Sheng. Although Gou Sheng is young, he knows how to take care of people. I feel relieved when they play together,” Xu Hua explained.

That’s how it was.

Since returning to the village, Bai Zhen’s condition had been relatively stable, and her episodes of illness had become less frequent.

Since someone was accompanying her, Bai Jiang didn’t have to worry too much.

After finishing the packing, Bai Jiang loaded two large sacks of fruits onto a cart and planned to deliver them to the other side of the river.

As soon as she reached the river, Bai Jiang spotted a small figure.

“Bai Zhen!” she called out.

However, the little figure didn’t react at all. It continued to squat by the river, seemingly observing something.

Bai Jiang put down the cart and walked over to the small figure, squatting down beside her.

“Bai Zhen, what are you doing? Why are you alone by the river? Didn’t Mommy tell you not to play near the river? It’s dangerous!” Bai Jiang scolded, her face stern.

The little figure furrowed her brows and tilted her head, looking at Bai Jiang, and said, “Mommy?”

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