Hang up the phone, Gu qingcu standing alone in the night, like a sculpture.

Warm sitting in the car, Gu qingcu now is the whole car as a cage locked her, she can't go out, also lazy to go out.

The police car soon arrived here. She was handcuffed, took the police car and sent back to the police station.

Gu qingcu also went to the police station. It happened very suddenly. Until now, Gu qingcu still has a feeling of being separated from others.

Time doesn't stop because of one thing. In the twinkling of an eye, the next day comes.

Gu qingcu rushed to the hospital nonstop, but when she came out of the hospital, she found that there were a lot of reporters outside.

The magnesium lamp is flashing continuously, Gu qingcu has not slept all night, looks very haggard.

"Miss Gu, I heard that the third young master of Fengshi group, your fiance, died last night because he was assassinated. Is that true?"

"Yes." Gu qingcu replied, "I'm very sad. I didn't expect this to happen..."

Gu qingcu finished, tears came out of his eyes again, and the reporters took another beating.

"How do you feel about being widowed before you go through the door?"

"Miss Gu, did San Shao leave any words before he died?"

"Will Fengshi group be affected?"

"Are you willing to cancel your engagement with sanshao?"

One after another, the reporters asked Gu qingcu questions, which made him tired. Fortunately, at this time, he Zhaoyuan drove to the hospital.

At this time, the news of Feng Anyan's death has spread all over the city, and he is not surprised to know it.

As soon as it happened, he Zhaoyuan subconsciously refused to believe it, but seeing Gu Qinggu's haggard appearance on the live TV broadcast, he was a little flustered.

"Please don't ask any more." He Zhaoyuan interrupts the reporters' questions and rushes in and out with Gu qingcu. Two people get on the car and stop the reporters outside.

"Are you all right?" Gu qingcu didn't say a word. He Zhaoyuan had to drive her to a quiet place and asked.

"Nothing." Gu qingcu shook his head.

"Anyan, is he really dead?" After hesitating for a while, he Zhaoyuan asked.

He doesn't want to believe this fact. Even if he thinks Feng Anyan is too irresponsible for he Mulan, he Zhaoyuan doesn't think he will end up like this.

"Yes." Gu qingcu wiped tears and nodded to reply.

"How... How did you die?" Seeing Gu qingcu admit so simply, he Zhaoyuan still feels a little pain. After all, he is a living person, who was alive some time ago.

"Assassinate, some people don't like him, enemy assassinate." Gu qingcu replied that her answer was very simple. She didn't look at he Zhaoyuan in the whole process. She didn't seem willing to talk to him much.

"Is it really an assassination?" He Zhaoyuan asked strangely, "Anyan is a practitioner. How can ordinary assassins hurt him?"

"Can I make fun of you with Anyan's death?" Gu qingcu sneered and said, "he Zhaoyuan, what are you doubting?"

"I just think it's strange that Anyan died. Qingcu, tell me the truth, what happened? A few days ago, Anyan was ok... "He Zhaoyuan couldn't understand. If he Mulan knew about it, she would be heartbroken.

"You always believe what you are willing to believe. Who wants it to happen? But it just happened so suddenly. What can I do? " Gu qingcu raised his voice and said sadly, "do you think I'm lying to you? Or do you think Anyan's death has something to do with me? "

"I didn't say that..." he Zhaoyuan wanted to explain.

"But what kind of questioning tone do you think I cheated you, don't you?" Gu qingcu said angrily, her voice also brought despair, "why, why do you always like to guess others from your own point of view? What are you doing when others are working hard secretly for you? "

Disappointed with these words, Gu qingcu opens the door and gets off he Zhaoyuan's car. Looking at Gu qingcu's tired figure, he Zhaoyuan wants to help her bear some things, but he knows that he can't.

Gu qingcu did not return to his home, but came to the Phoenix Group. At this time, because he got the news of Feng Anyan's death, the whole company was in a mess.

Fortunately, there are Fengtian want to support things in the strong, did not let the company down.Seeing Gu qingcu coming back, Fengtian wants to step forward in a hurry: "how about it?"

"How about what?" Gu qingcu doesn't pay attention to Feng Tianxiang, just goes to Feng Anyan's office, but unexpectedly discovers that Xuan Haoyu is also there.

"Why are you all here?" Gu qingcu pinched the painful eyebrow and sat on the sofa. She didn't sleep all night, and now she is very sleepy.

"What do you say? Now everyone is saying that San Shao is dead. Can I not come? " Xuan Haoyu said anxiously.

"OK, Haoyu, let qingcu have a rest first." See Gu Qing Cu tired, Feng day want to stop Xuan Haoyu want to ask behavior.

"But if we want to see people alive or dead, we have to see them, don't we?" Xuanhaoyu pulls Fengtian out of the door and says.

"When qingcu called me this morning, he said that Anyan's body was still being identified by the forensic, and he wanted to be convicted." Feng day wants to red eyes to say, he clenched fist, wish to kill that woman directly.

Anyan tried his best to her, but she killed Anyan!

"What crime? Isn't that obvious enough? " Xuanhaoyu said angrily, "this woman must not stay! Even if you use all the connections, you'll kill her! "

"It's not the most important thing now." Fengtian wants to worry about looking at the employees who seem to work at ease in front of him. He knows that many of these people are planning a way out for their future.

This is also the reason why he must keep an indifferent appearance in the company. No matter how heartbroken and sad he is, he can't let his subordinates see it, so as not to cause trouble.

"Now does uncle Feng know?" Xuanhaoyu suddenly thought of it and asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think I can hide it for long. It's so noisy that the scene of the murder is my home." Fengtian wants to close her eyes. In this case, if you let master Feng and Lin Yuru, who are on holiday now, know, how hard will it be for them?

Xuan Haoyu's brow tightly wrinkled, he still refused to believe that Feng Anyan died like this!

All the time, Xuan Haoyu worships Feng Anyan a little. He thinks that he is almost omnipotent. How can he fall into the hands of a little girl? Xuan Haoyu refused to believe it.

At this time, Fengtian's mobile phone rang. He touched the tears in the corner of his eyes and turned to answer the phone: "Hello, housekeeper, what's the matter?"

Xuan Haoyu saw the expression of Feng Tian Xiang and immediately changed. He replied in a hurry: "OK, I'll go back now. You should stabilize your father first."