Chapter 120 - My Costar Isn't Easily Fooled

Yao Shen sits up straighter under the interviewer's inquisitive look.

She adjusts her half-moon glasses and introduces herself as Ying Na, editor-in-chief of 'Crush' the magazine they're doing the editorial for.

"It's been a long time since I've conducted any interviews, so forgive me if I am rusty." Yao Shen notices there is a neat stack of notes on her lap.

Why is the editor-in-chief interviewing them? Doesn't she have a magazine to run?

Xin Hulei sprawls carelessly across the sofa, his ankles crossed over his knee with insouciant grace.

"We'll let you know if you're going too far," Xin Hulei says, meeting Ying Na's shrewd gaze head on.

She clears her throat and riffles through the notes on her lap. Yao Shen has the impression of seeing two tigers sizing each other up.

"There's been a lot of discussion and anticipation regarding the live action adaption of the novel, 'Shizun, this disciple will have to kill you,'" -- she grimaces as she reads the title -- "The expectations for 'Crimson Promise' are sky high among fan and casual viewers alike. Do Yao laoshi or Xin laoshi think the current hiatus will put a damper in the expectations?"

Clearly Ying Na thinks herself far above silly webnovels. She looks like the type who would never consume any media produced to entertain the masses. 

Yao Shen smiles a little to himself at imagining Ying Na's shelves filled with books she'll never read, but will gladly show off in the background of social media posts.

Xin Hulei spreads his arms over the back of the sofa, his fingers almost skimming Yao Shen's bare nape.

"No," he says, looking right at Ying Na.

She's clearly annoyed by his answer, but turns to Yao Shen with a polite smile. "Yao laoshi, your thoughts?"

"I agree with Xin laoshi."

Yao Shen doesn't know what exactly is going on, but he's afraid his initial assessment might have been wrong. Whoever pulled the strings to make this interview and photoshoot happen, might have second intentions beyond promoting the drama.

The hostility coming off Ying Na in waves is palpable.

"Regarding the hiatus, there are several theories online about the reason behind it. After all, it wasn't initially planned when the drama's filming schedule was released."

Xin Hulei tilts his head to the side. "It's normal for people to speculate about what they don't know."

Ying Na smiles at him. "According to some, this might be the result of the two laoshi's growing proximity."

Seeing internet gossip aired out in the open so bluntly by a renowned magazine's editor-in-chief, leaves Yao Shen at a loss for words. 

Xin Hulei doesn't have the same problem. "We're no closer than any other coworkers."

His curt answer is right for the occasion, but the dispassionate way he says it stings Yao Shen. Is that really all they are to each other?

Surprisingly, Ying Na doesn't seem disappointed by Xin Hulei's dismissive answer.

She hums, one manicured nail tapping against the thin frames of her glasses. 

"Considering Xin laoshi was seen recently in the company of an anonymous young man, and the two were seen walking back towards laoshi's Beijing apartment, perhaps we can really write those rumors off as internet gossip."

This time, Yao Shen can't hold back his tongue. "Speaking of gossip, why are we being asked these questions? I thought we were supposed to talk about our roles and the drama."

Ying Na smiles condescendingly at him. "But it is relevant to the drama, isn't it? A drama's success is often tied to its actor's fortunes, for better or worse."

Her words sound oddly ominous. Yao Shen is instantly on edge.

Ying Na's smile grows, as if his discomfort was her goal. "While some people speculate that the hiatus was due to too many personal life rumours, the vocal majority believe it is instead related to the shocking reveals that happened on a dating show mere days before the hiatus was announced."

Xin Hulei shrugs. "People will say what they want, and fools will believe what they hear."

While Xin Hulei's expression remains unchanged, Yao Shen can see through the anger hidden in his eyes. He doesn't like feeling like he's out of his depth, and Ying Na sounds like she's fishing for something.

"You have to admit though, it is odd that a group of actors would stumble on such a vicious murder by accident."

Ah, there it is, what she's been fishing for.

"I'd say the crime was odder," Yao Shen says, moving closer to Xin Hulei.

They're alone in the room with Ying Na, none of their assistants have been allowed in. Now Yao Shen suspects that it's so they couldn't have cut the interview short.

"I don't think our agencies would be comfortable with us answering these questions," he says, standing up to his feet suddenly. "Let's go Xin laoshi."

Xin Hulei hums, and unfolds himself from his careless sprawl. "Yes, I think we'd better leave. I trust the photos will be enough for the editorial spread."

For the first time, they've managed to fluster her. "Some rumours are saying that the big public reveal of such a high profile crime is nothing but a fight between networks, considering the identity of one of the suspects."

Halfway to the door, Xin Hulei pauses. He gives Ying Na a cryptic smile over his shoulder. "Is that what they're saying?"

He holds the door open for Yao Shen and then leaves after him, leaving Ying Na alone to mull over her half-finished interview.


"What the hell was that?" Yao Shen asks, once they're alone in the hallway.

"A reminder that the mortal world's petty gains and losses cling to one like a bad stench."

"I don't understand," Yao Shen asks, confused.

"Clearly the whole reason for this interview was to discover our true motives for revealing the crime in the hotel," Xin Hulei says, turning a corner towards the dressing rooms.

Yao Shen gives the idea some thought. "All the murderers were high profile individuals, maybe..."

Xin Hulei cuts him off with a derisive snort, not directed at Yao Shen but at the entire situation. "They think a competitor tried to expose them, and they think it's related to the entertainment world because of us."

Just thinking about it leaves a bad taste in Yao Shen's mouth, but thinking about those involved, it really shouldn't have surprised him. "They think we got something by exposing them."

Xin Hulei hums. "In their minds, it's the only reason why anyone would care about what happened to a couple of prostitutes."

"Have they all been arrested? I haven't-" Yao Shen struggles to admit he hasn't kept up with the case after their reveal on live TV, now he's beginning to realize he was foolish to think that was the end of it.

"They have, the trial will happen soon. This might be a strategy devised by their defense team." They're almost at the dress rooms when Xin Hulei stops Yao Shen from going inside with a hand on his elbow. 

"Be careful," Xin Hulei says, his dark eyes looking into Yao Shen's intently.

It never occurred to Yao Shen to be scared. "I will."

Xin Hulei must not believe him because he lets out a sigh. "Whatever you're getting yourself into on the Underworld, don't forget that mortal men can be just as dangerous. Watch your back."

His concern should fill Yao Shen with hope; about an eventual reconciliation, about Xin Hulei returning his feelings, but instead it leaves him hollow. 

He knows Xin Hulei well enough by now to know that if this perceived threat had happened before, Xin Hulei wouldn't let him out of his sight.

"I will."

He's about to walk towards his own dressing room, when he remembers something. "Oh, I don't know if Tan Liansi told you, but soon we'll be able to remove your seal."

From behind, he can see Xin Hulei pause with his hand on the door to his dressing room, and then nod, before walking inside.


Back in his apartment, Yao Shen has nothing to do but wallow, which is never as attractive as the dramas make it out to be. 

He checks the gold mirror from time to time, but refrains from calling for Xie Bian for fear that he'll just snap at him.

He still doesn't know what he's going to do about the whole Gao Wu situation, but he supposes Xin Hulei told him to not get himself involved. He can't help worrying, though.

In a fit of boredom he ends up browsing weibo, trying to get his mind off everything, and ends up stumbling onto something unusual.

For once, the most recent scandal doesn't involve him or Xin Hulei, but Tan Liansi.

[Melon Spitter: Actress Tan Liansi rumored to be a bully on set? Several former costars come forward]

[See-saw: What's going on right now? If you ask me I think this drama is cursed.]

Yao Shen has to agree. He logs off weibo with a sigh, regretting going there in the first place.

He's getting ready for bed when he hears a disembodied voice call his name. Xie Bian's beautiful face looks at him from the golden mirror perched on the nightstand.

"Tomorrow," is all he says before disappearing with a haughty curl of his lip.