Chapter 358: Ocean Mask

Name:Card Apprentice Daily Log Author:
Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 18:07

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card Stadium, VIP no.1

[Card Name: Ocean Mask

Card Type: Origin Card

Card Rank: Unique Grade

Card Rate: -/-

Card Durability: -/-

Card Effect: Ocean Mask is a dimensional creature with the ability to walk between the gap of dimensions. 

Additional Effect: Empty Walk, Abdomen Space Storage, Empty Watch, Empty Trial

Caution: Ocean Mask leaves a trail in the original dimensions it belongs to so that it doesn't get lost in the vast gap between different dimensions. ]

Empty Walker: The gap between the dimensions is called Empty Space. And the creature with the ability to enter, walk and exit is called Empty Walker. 

Abdomen Space Storage: The ocean mask's abdomen region has a habitable space where it can trap and store its prey to feed on later when it is on an Empty Walk. 

Empty Watch: The ability to watch into the dimensions from the Empty Space is called Empty Watch.

Empty Trail: the ocean mask leaves a trail of its fluids wherever it passes through. This trail of fluids is only visible to creatures with the ability to Empery Watch and other higher visions. 

*Boom* a figure emerged out of thin air next to Wyatt, bypassing his three Ego elementals. It blew Wyatt in smithereens of meat and blood. With the explosion of Wyatt's body, the three ego elementals dispersed. 

"Wyatt '' Soon, the room filled with the desperate shout of Luna and the other two unknown card emperors. Though it was too late, Luna called her grandfather for help. 

*woosh* Having assassinated his target, Flower thief did not wait around for the fanservice from the two titled card emperors and the renowned academician. He hurriedly escaped into the Abdomen Space Storage of his Ocean Mask. It was as if he was never even here. 

Following the plan after escaping into the Abdomen Space Storage of this origin card, Flower thief picked up his team members one by one. 

"Hurry, Catch them." Seeing the hostile card emperors vanish one after another, the axe emperor yelled in anger. But it was too late. No matter what kind of crowd control skills were used, the target hostile Card emperors still somehow managed to escape without little inference. 

"Good Job, Flower thief. No least head to the rendezvous point." Sniper commended Flower thief for an assassination well done.

"No, stay. Let's watch to see if we didn't miss anything." Unlike Sniper who celebrated early Grey fur, he felt that the job was too easy and decided to wait and watch. 


*...* silence filled the VIP box as the enemy vanished in the thin. Luna, Axe emperor, and Fire Fist emperor were left helpless. The target of their protection was murdered, and the enemy escaped without a trace. Having failed the only task assigned to and unable to apprehend the culprits, all three of them felt incompetent. 

"Where am I? What happened? Where is Wyatt? Did I kill?" The silence in the VIP box broke as the unconscious Cortney laying on Clown Masks Lap awakened. And desperately enquired about Wyatt. 

"No, Wyatt, he exploded" Clown mask could not believe what had just happened. Even though she witnessed with her eyes, she still could not bring herself to think that the holder of omnipotent power, which could turn any illiterate peasant into a protagonist, died just like that. 'How will the timeline continue now? Wasn't he the protagonist of the new timeline?' 

Just when the Clown mask was second-guessing Wyatt as the protagonist of the new timeline, a sudden thought came to the Clown mask's mind. As then, she hurriedly searched for Wyatt's grimoire, thinking, 'So what if I was not the world's best mom. With this, I can give my daughter the ability to decide her destiny.'

*Swoosh* "Luna, are you okay?" Lorenzo, getting the distress signal from his granddaughter, hurriedly returned to the VIP box only to be greeted by a bloodied scene. Seeing the blood and gore spread across the room, Lorenzo hurriedly checked to see if his granddaughter was safe. 

"Grandpa! What's wrong with you? Wyatt is dead!" Yelling at her grandfather for being himself, Luna pointed out the source of her distress. 

"What! How is that possible? My Positioning rain array did not notice anybody entering or leaving the room." Lorenzo was confused because with his Positioning rain array covering the entire city, he should have noticed hostile card emperors in hiding launching an attack. 

"They were using some type of high-end stealth and phasing card." Seeing how the enemy could enter and leave her array without being noticed, Luna came to the conclusion that the enemies were using a strong stealth and phasing skill card. And Lorenzo could not detect the enemy attack because of the cloaking effect she added to the array to hide all the presence in the VIP box. 

"Then why aren't you guys after the enemy? Don't tell me you let them escape too!" Hearing Lorenzo's words Luna, Axe emperor, and fire fist emperor bowed their heads in shame. 

"Fook! This isn't good… This is very bad. You have to escape now. Quickly before she comes out of her field card." Lorenzo cursed and urged his granddaughter to escape before Anna knew of Wyatt's death. 

"Okay, let's go." Knowing her cousin, Luna agreed with her grandfather without hesitation and prepared to leave. 

"Wait! Senior, are you going to leave just like that? What about us?" Fire first was dumbfounded with the Raining alchemist's reaction to his grand nephew's death. 

"You guys, rest in peace… and remember not to cross paths with a crazy bitch named Anna in your next life." Fire first emperor and Axe emperor's expression turned grim seeing Lorenzo was being serious. 

"Where are you going?" Luna asked the two titled card emperors, seeing them leave along with her and her grandfather. 

"We're going out to get some fresh air…" answered the Axe emperor; he did not want to be anywhere near the Southern emperor when she learns of his nephew's death. 

"No, you can't. If you leave now, who will inform Anna about Wyatt's death?" Exclaimed Luna.

"Those two will" Axe emperor pointed at Clown mask and mourning Cortney

"Okay, let's leave. " double-checking that the job was accomplished, Grey fur ordered Flower thief to leave. 


Seeing the water mask leave, I sighed in relief. And decided to wait for another few minutes before I made my entrance. I could not trust the card emperors around me to protect me if the enemies determined to stop by for another unexpected visit. Especially not after I saw them trying to escape even without caring to avenge or mourn me. 

These people were still bickering about who will stay behind and inform Anna about my death. Honestly, a part of me wanted to hide until after Anna rips these fookers to pieces for their incompetence. And I was planning to do so, but I couldn't because the Clown mask was about to pick up my bloodied golden grimoire.

What the fook is she trying to do? Remembering the Clown mask was the one who hid the false relic soul pupils in my grimoire. It was apparent what she was after. 'This bitch' cursing the Clown mask in my mind, I had no choice but to restructure my body immediately. 

*Woosh* With my command, the blood scattered in the room gathered, forming a giant cocoon covering my grimoire in the center. Shocking the Clown mask, who was stealthily reaching for my grimoire. 

The blood that forged the cocoon mainly was from the ego elemental blood swordsman and a little bit from my avatar C1. Yes, the card emperor did not kill me but my avatar C1. When my clone exploded, I had the blood swordsman dissolve and mix with the remains of my avatar. At the same time, I be-summoned the other two ego elements. 

I successfully orchestrated my death, but it cost me two broken runes, Cloud Lord and Purple thunder. I knew the only way this battle would end with my death or by eliminating all the hostile card emperors. And the chances of me dying were higher than eliminating all the hostile card emperors, so I decided to fool the hostile forces by orchestrating my death. 

"What the fook!" Axe emperor exclaimed, looking at the blood cocoon that formed by gathering the scattered blood. 

"Hey, it's me, Wyatt! Do not do anything stupid." Feeling a killing intent from all the people in the room, I mentally conveyed that I was still alive and not to attack the blood cocoon. 

"How are you still alive?" Asked Luna while scanning the blood cocoon. 

"It's a long story, but no thanks to you people." Having lost all the respect for these card emperors, I did not care to be polite to these people. 

"Anyway, you seem to be handier than I thought. To survive a card emperors assassination at your realm is no ordinary feat. Color me impressed." Luna expressed