Chapter 54: Evolution

Name:Card Apprentice Daily Log Author:
Date 1st April 2027

Time 1:23

Location Earth, Eastern Pacific Region.

An unidentified space object crashed into the eastern pacific ocean. The nearby military vessel took note of the anomaly and fished the unidentified space object.

Filing the fusion crust of the unidentified space object a human face could be seen in it. 

The Admiral of the vessel classified this as a top-secret involving national interest and asked the personnel involved in this matter to sign a non-disclosure.

Pretty soon the unidentified space object was moved to a secure base. Upon further development, it was discovered that the unidentified space object was a humanoid alien corpse.

The alien corpse was very strong compared to any other known beings to humankind, to be able to survive the harsh conditions of space and the fall through earth's atmosphere.

Many tests were conducted on the alien corpse but all of them did not yield any results because of the bodysuit covering the alien corpse. 

So, Dr Wyatt the world-renowned scientist, inventor and entrepreneur was called upon for further assistance. 


Date 2nd April 2027

Time 7:35

Location Earth, Area 501, Underground Military Base, Floor G17

Dr Wyatt was successful in removing the bodysuit covering the alien corpse. 

Then various tests were conducted on the alien corpse only to find that it was not dead but in a dormant deep sleep and could wake up anytime. 

According to the test results, the Alien physique was 97% similar to the human physique. It can even be concluded that the physical structure of the alien body was a normal human structure enhanced millions of times under evolution. 

Meaning the alien physique was human but it went through millions of evolution to achieve its current enhanced superhuman physical structure. 

When the higher-ups were considering what to do with the alien in the coma, back in the military base the alien awakened and made the first contact with Dr Wyatt. 

During the first contact, the alien did not show any hostile tendency. It tried to communicate using physical actions. 

The alien displayed superhuman strength and speed leading to several small accidents as it slowly learned to control its superhuman abilities.

The alien also showed superhuman comprehensive power as it was able to read, write and speak the English language fluently from scratch within 2 hours. 

The alien lifeform called itself a Viltronian and referred to its home planet as Viltron but denied to speak its name and preferred to be called as Viltronian displaying survivors guilty as the lone survivor of his race. 

It seems its home planet Viltron was destroyed in a massive Space cataclysm, as the strongest champion of his race he was able to escape the cataclysm using his might. 

All the information from Viltronain was yet to be verified for now we could only act under the assumption that he was speaking the truth. 

Applying for asylum on earth Viltronian continued to learn about the earth and its culture with his freedom being restricted to a cell in the underground military base. 

The government chose to keep Viltronian's existence as top secret and agreed to his asylum on earth but with the current arrangement of restricting his freedom to a cell in the underground military base and he would have to cooperate with certain experiments. 

After receiving the government's term for his asylum on earth Viltronian neither agreed nor disagreed with the terms but overnight he vanished from the military base.

With the escape of Viltronian, the earth's top leaders started to be assassinated one after another spreading mass panic. 

New world leaders were appointed to fill in for dead world leaders but they were also assassinated the very next day they came to power.

This cycle continued, the world was completely covered in panic and fear as no one knew what was happening, why it was happening and how to stop it. 

New leaders had to be appointed for the chain of command to work as with no proper functioning chain of command the world would crumble within no time. 

So no matter how many times the world leaders were assassinated new one had to be appointed, the position which was once coveted by all had now become the position dread by all. 

But during the 7th cycle when Dr Wyatt took the office as the world leader of the midwestern region, Viltronian came forward as the culprit behind the assassinations of world leaders on International news channels all over the world and brought the heads of all the assassinated world leaders as evidence.

When asked why? He gave a simple reply that he did so because he could and left behind an ultimatum for the current world leaders saying that they had to submit to him as the planet earth's Supreme ruler or next time he will not just assassinate the world leaders but also wipe out the cities they are in.

Being the current leader of the midwestern region Dr Wyatt had two choices one to sit quietly and act as if he did not know anything about Viltronian or he could come forward and explain to other world leaders what was happening.

Of course, Dr Wyatt chose later and briefed the other world leaders about Viltronian and his capabilities also sharing all the information on Viltronian over an online conference. 

All the world leaders had a different reaction to the information but all agreed not to submit and to hunt down the Viltronian bastard no matter the cost.