20 God Domain’s Realm Jungle

Asher wasn't planning on trying to eat his new beautiful maid, but when his senses picked on who was spying on them he decided to give them a little show.

"See I told you he was a pervert."

Celestia who was now called one of the most beautiful women in the God Domain mischievously smiled and flicked her light purple hair as she berated Asher to Dawn.

"He's no good." Celestia followed up.

Dawn who was peeking at the two had a incredible blush on her face, she was mad at Asher for doing those stuff with a mere maid and couldn't help but clench her fist as she stared at Irene with resentment for seducing her big brother.

"What are you guys doing here?" A feminine voice called out from behind Dawn and Celestia

Startled, Dawn quickly turned around to see a beautiful looking young woman with glowing silvery white eyes and long beautiful white hair, she looked to be only eighteen years old. It was Alice, Asher's sister, the Third Princess.

"N-nothing." Dawn quickly replied, trying not to look suspicious.

Alice looked at this little twelve year old girl who was as beautiful as a fairy curiously, she calls her little brother,Asher, big brother and right now she seemed to have saw something that made her angry as Alice noticed her clenched fist and red face. She stared at Celestia who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, we are having breakfast now, you are going to train with Asher for four years right? We should get going."

"Mn." Dawn cutely nodded, and walked with Alice and Celestia, still mad.

They arrived at the dining table and saw Asher sitting between the Star God Emperor and Empress like always.

Everyone started eating and Dawn kept staring at Asher the whole time.

Asher felt a pair of burning eyes on him as he enjoyed his breakfast and looked up to see Dawn's gorgeous golden blue eyes eyeing him like he had stolen her candy.

He lightly smiled and winked at her then went back to conversing with his brother's and sister's about their experiences in the God Domain's Jungle.

Those actions for some reason broke Dawn as she was already like an angry little rocket ready to explode at any given time


Dawn slammed her dainty small white fist on the table silencing the whole room

"You— You—-!" Dawn was incomparably mad at Asher and ran out of the room crying.

Asher sighed as he saw Dawn running away in tears and couldn't help but think what he did was too much.

"What did you do to her Asher" Alice scowled and looked at her brother disapprovingly.

"Nothing, she will eventually comeback, don't worry about her." Asher denied and said.

He was right, about ten minutes later Dawn came back to the dining table as she was still hungry and begrudgingly sat down and ate without looking at anyone as Celestia silently snickered to herself.

Clark, noticing the weird atmosphere decided to alleviate it and announced

"Alright, we managed to gather six other people that will be joining you and Dawn for four years in the God Domain's Jungle.

Asher looked at him with interest

"Who will be joining us?"