If Qin Hao's physical body is strong enough to withstand the divine power released by the Heaven Gate of creation, it can smoothly integrate the divine power of the Heaven Gate of creation with the inner world, so that Qin Hao can successfully integrate the Tao. Unfortunately, Qin Hao's physical body is not strong enough, so Qin Hao will fail to integrate the Tao.

In order to make the flesh stronger, Qin Hao naturally needed to practice Nirvana Sutra. He just looked at the empty world around him. Qin Hao couldn't help scolding. The Heaven Gate of creation was too greedy. He not only swallowed up all the heaven, but also the yuan Qi and divine power in this world. Finally, he even swallowed the endless sea completely transformed by divine power, This makes the universe a vacuum. It is unknown how many chaotic periods it will take to restore to the previous level.

Therefore, Qin Hao certainly has no way to practice here and can only choose to leave. However, now that all celestial regions and all creatures in the universe are integrated into the Heaven Gate of creation, Qin Hao can naturally leave directly. With Qin Hao's departure, all creatures in all celestial regions will leave with Qin Hao and will not appear in the universe again.

"Alas, I knew I had gone with them just now. At least I had a company." Qin Hao muttered as he fled forward, his face full of regret.

However, the three of beichenyue have left, and Qin Hao can't catch up with them. As for the Tianting people in the Tianmen gate of fortune, they can't leave the Tianmen gate of fortune until they step into the state of harmony. Therefore, Qin Hao can only go on the road alone, and no one can accompany him. Although it's a little lonely, it's better to be carefree, so Qin Hao doesn't take it to heart.

Because Qin Hao only has the star map on the side of the endless sea in his hand, Qin Hao naturally doesn't know where to go next. Qin Hao doesn't care. He chooses a direction and flies straight ahead. At the same time, Qin Hao is also urging the nirvana fire suspended in the gate of heaven of creation to release the cause and effect line and entangle all the creatures in each heaven.

The creatures of all nationalities in all regions of the sky have been swallowed into the gate of heaven. Under such circumstances, they can naturally be guarded by Qin Hao. As long as Qin Hao does not die, all the creatures in the gate of heaven will not be hurt. However, under the protection of Qin Hao, they have to pay a little protection fee. Qin Hao only needs the creatures of all nationalities to gather some incense and vows for him, Shouldn't it be too much? Moreover, with the entanglement of cause and effect line, all kinds of creatures can also enjoy the treatment of Nirvana rebirth, which is their great creation!

Of course, because the Heaven Gate of fortune swallowed up all the spheres of the whole universe, and there are trillions of creatures in each sphere. Under such circumstances, winding the cause and effect line is not an easy thing. Qin Hao did it while flying forward. It took him 50 years to finish it, but he was exhausted, However, feeling the continuous flow of incense vows, Qin Hao felt that everything was worth it.

For 50 years, Qin Hao tried his best to fly forward, but what he saw was always a void. He didn't encounter a sky, a chaotic ancient star, or even a living creature. This made Qin Hao feel very helpless and had to continue to fly forward. Fortunately, after 50 years of flying like this, The vitality and divine power in the surrounding heaven and earth finally returned to the normal level, and Qin Hao can continue to practice.

In this way, while practicing and flying forward, another 50 years later, a huge chaotic ancient star finally appeared in front of Qin Hao. When he saw this chaotic ancient star, Qin Hao was ecstatic and almost burst into tears. He flew alone in the nothingness universe for a hundred years, and now he finally met a chaotic ancient star, Qin Hao didn't know how to describe his mood and flew forward with all his strength.

This chaotic ancient star is extremely huge, and the boundary wall is naturally very strong. However, Qin Hao's cultivation naturally makes it easy to go through it. After falling on the ancient star, Qin Hao's divine knowledge sweeps away, and he immediately widens his eyes, because he actually found hundreds of space friars on this chaotic ancient star, which filled Qin Hao with surprise, You know, there are only a few cosmic friars in their original universe, and there are hundreds here!

At the same time, Qin Hao looked at the place where the friars in the universe gathered. He saw that there was a huge space-time transmission array with a radius of ten thousand miles, and there were cities around the space-time transmission array. The friars in the universe lived in the surrounding cities. Seeing this, Qin Hao flew towards these cities, In the twinkling of an eye, he came to a city, in which there were more than a dozen universe friars, but all of them were friars in the small and great realm of the universe, and there was no perfect realm of the universe.

In fact, none of the universe friars in the cities around this huge space-time transmission array reached the perfect state of cultivation, and Qin Hao was the first. Therefore, when Qin Hao's breath appeared here, it immediately attracted the attention of all the universe friars and quickly appeared in front of Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked at the friars in the universe who appeared in front of him, most of them were human friars. However, although some were human, they had evil spirit and evil spirit on their bodies. It was obvious that they were friars of both evil and evil races, and the rest were friars of different races. These friars looked at Qin Hao and had a little vigilance in their eyes.

"Elder, did you come to bimonthly star to go to the dark sea through the transmission array?" after a while, a human friar asked Qin Hao carefully.

The Terran friar only has a small realm of the universe, but he seems to have great courage. Others dare not ask Qin Hao, but he stood up. However, Qin Hao just needs such a person to appear, so after listening to his words, Qin Hao nodded and said, "yes, I'm going to the dark sea, too."

"Really? Great! If you go together, we can pass through the dark sea more safely." the Terran friar shouted excitedly after hearing Qin Hao's words.

After listening to Qin Hao's words, other friars of all nationalities still showed a trace of vigilance towards Qin Hao in their eyes, but their faces became a lot easier. As long as Qin Hao wasn't thinking about them, and as the Terran friar said, there was a friar like Qin Hao who went to the dark sea with a perfect state of the universe, They can indeed pass through the dark sea more safely.