This is a huge mountain top. On the mountain top, there are many monks scattered everywhere. The number is very huge, enough to 50000 or 60000, and there are monks of all nationalities. But now all monks look at the sky. There are eight mountains suspended in the air, arranged from low to high, and each of the eight mountains is smaller than the other.

Qin Hao is also looking at the eight mountains in the sky. His eyes are full of confusion. Around Qin Hao are Zhang Zhen and other monks of all nationalities who crossed the dark sea together. At this time, they are also looking at the sky. Their eyes are full of confusion. Everyone remembers that they were swallowed by a huge beast, Then, under the power of vast and powerful space and time, they all fainted. As a result, they all came here after waking up.

When Qin Hao and his disciples appeared on the top of the mountain, there were already many friars here. Without exception, these friars were in the universe, and a steady stream of friars were sent to the top of the mountain through the space-time channel. After they were sent here, they could no longer leave, because there were powerful prohibitions around the top of the mountain, Even friars like Qin Hao who are in the perfect state of the universe can only fly to the sky about ten feet. If they fly up again, they will be forbidden to attack.

The prohibition here is too powerful. Qin Hao's body was easily blasted into serious injury by the prohibition here. If Qin Hao hadn't stopped in time, I'm afraid he could only be reborn from nirvana. Therefore, Qin Hao hasn't acted rashly since then. He waited here calmly. Anyway, they won't be caught here for no reason, Someone will show up and explain it to them.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Qin Hao saw that there was no hope of escape, so he began to practice at ease. The silver magic shark and golden magic shark obtained in the dark sea have been eaten by Qin Hao, which has greatly improved Qin Hao's physical strength. However, it is still far from Qin Hao's expectation. Of course, this method is effective. After leaving here, Qin Hao will try his best to find these spirit things that can quench the body similar to magic shark.

"Elder, I've found out. Some of the friars brought here are from Dachang, Daxia, Datang, and many other countries I've never heard of." just as Qin Hao looked at the eight mountains in the sky, Zhang Zhen jumped up to Qin Hao and whispered to Qin Hao.

Dachang state, Daxia state and Datang state are three huge countries next to each other, with almost the same territory. They all have more than 100000 celestial regions. Of course, Qin Hao knows very well because there are star maps in hand, but Qin Hao has never heard of the other countries mentioned by Zhang Zhen, and at this time, Zhang Zhen then said to Qin Hao, "And the monks caught in those countries, like us, were swallowed here by the giant beast."

After listening to Zhang Zhen's words, Qin Hao and others showed surprise. Then Qin Hao was silent for a while and said, "it seems that the giant beast either has a very deep space-time divine power, or has a lot of powerful parts. Anyway, we are not opponents, and we'd better watch it change."

"Senior, can't you have that secret treasure?" Zhang Zhen asked curiously after listening to Qin Hao's words.

The friars of all nationalities sitting around Qin Hao listened to Zhang Zhen's words and looked at Qin Hao curiously. They all saw the strength of the Heaven Gate of creation. They easily killed the golden magic shark comparable to the friars in the Taoist realm. Therefore, in their view, if Qin Hao summoned the Heaven Gate of creation, he would surely defeat the mysterious monster.

Qin Hao shook his head after listening to Zhang Zhen's words and said, "I don't know whether I can defeat the giant beast, but I feel that the opportunity is very small. The giant beast gives me a terrible feeling. Besides, you can see that I can't even get rid of the prohibition here. I must have no way to face the giant beast."

After listening to Qin Hao's words, everyone was silent, because as Qin Hao said, after they brought them here, Qin Hao once summoned the Heaven Gate of creation to bombard the prohibition here. As a result, it couldn't shake a penny. Therefore, Qin Hao felt that the Heaven Gate of creation could not do anything about the mysterious giant beast.

In the following days, there is still a space-time channel from time to time, and then a group of monks will be sent here until the number of monks on the top of the mountain reaches 100000. This situation finally stops. All the monks trapped on the top of the mountain realize that the people who catch them are coming and wait quietly.

Sure enough, before long, the three figures fell from the sky and appeared over the mountain top. All the three figures were shrouded in black robes, which made people can't see clearly. However, from the breath of the three black robed people, we can know that they are all strong in the Taoist realm, and the leading black robed people are more perfect in the Taoist realm, which made the monks in the universe in the presence feel awe stricken and dare not have any hope No rash action.

"Welcome to the place of trial on the 18th. It's your luck and opportunity that you can be selected by the Lord of Kongkong in the endless universe. As long as you can complete the trial here, you will have the opportunity to join the Kongkong and become the people of the Kongkong." the leader in black said.

Kongkong Taoist master? Hearing the name spoken by the man in black robe, all the monks present were very confused. No one knew who the so-called Kongkong Taoist master was. However, Qin Hao thought of Liu Kongkong at the first time when he heard the man in black robe say the words "Kongkong Taoist master", which made Qin Hao very confused and didn't understand why he thought of the obscene old man.

Since the three realms were refined into the Heaven Gate of creation, Daozu and Liu Kongkong have left one after another. Since then, Qin Hao has never seen them again. Even now, Qin Hao has incorporated the hundreds of heaven areas guarded by the endless sea into the Heaven Gate of creation, there is still no trace of Daozu and Liu Kongkong. Qin Hao naturally didn't care much before, Anyway, both of them are old thieves who never die. They won't suffer.

But now hearing the black robed man say the four words of Kong Kong Taoist Lord, how can Qin Hao think of Liu Kong? Is the empty Taoist master in the black robed population Liu Kongkong? It's impossible. Qin Hao constantly denies his speculation in his heart. After all, Liu Kongkong didn't leave the three realms for a long time, and it's impossible to cultivate to the realm of the Taoist Lord in such a short time. Moreover, the black robed man also said that the Kongkong country is the most powerful country in the endless universe, which makes Qin Hao even more distrust that the Kongkong Taoist Lord is Liu Kongkong.