Chapter 375

"Half step heaven and man can know the destiny. It can mobilize a certain number of heaven and earth real yuan, and can gather and integrate with heaven and earth real yuan. Its strength is far beyond the peak of the realm. Is this the subtlety of half step heaven and man? I feel it, I really feel it, but why can't I touch it? This feeling is so strange!"

Whispering to himself, Qin Feng wanted to close his eyes and feel it again, but a short ten minutes passed. When Qin Feng opened his eyes again, a touch of disappointment appeared on his whole face.

Yes, he felt it when he inadvertently removed the impurities in his body, but when he felt it again, the strange feeling was gone.

"Curious, really strange!"

Whispering to himself, Qin Feng simply lay on his back in bed with his arms behind his head, his eyes shining and staring directly at the ceiling above his head.

Just then, a regular knock on the door sounded. Hearing the sound, Qin Feng said faintly, "the door is unlocked. Come in!"

With a "squeak", the door was pushed open. Tang Guozheng came in with small steps. When he saw the visitor, Qin Feng showed a touch of doubt on his face. Now, Tang Guozheng was wearing a light blue concealed metal armor and his face was full of embarrassment. "Qin Feng, the wolves said they would let me live in an apartment with you!"

"Well, there's just a bed over there. You can sleep there!" pointed not far away, Qin Feng reminded

There are 20 super soldiers' Apartments set up in ares base. Each apartment has two residences, which can just accommodate the soldiers of five super combat teams.

Different from the ordinary soldier camp, their residence is very spacious and tidy, just like a small villa. Of course, it would be better if they were equipped with several computers.

Naturally, Qin Feng thought about it. He knew he didn't come here to enjoy it.

"Well, good!" nodded. Tang Guozheng excitedly walked to his bed and then lay down on the bed. During the process, he simply exchanged two sentences. Then Tang Guozheng snored a little later. Obviously, he had fallen asleep at this time.

Time is like quicksand, sliding between fingers. Sometimes it can't feel its existence at all. Soon, one night later, Qin Feng got up early in the morning. In fact, there is no regional comparison in the morning and evening here. Except for the different time, there are all flashing incandescent lights outside.

He stretched out his wrist and looked at the time. It was already more than six o'clock in the morning, and Tang Guozheng was still sleeping and snoring in bed.

"Guozheng, wake up, it's time to get up!" came to Tang Guozheng, Qin Feng stretched out his hand and patted each other on the shoulder, turned over vaguely, and then Tang Guozheng stretched out his wrist and looked at the time. Then he reluctantly rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then slowly got out of bed.

"Let's have breakfast first. After breakfast, I'll take you to the battle planning room. After all, you've just arrived. It's estimated that there are still a lot of things to do!"

In this way, they went to the restaurant together. After hastily drinking some porridge, Qin Feng led Tang Guozheng to the super battle plan room.

At this time, except for the lone wolf and the cold wind, the others were not in the room. When Qin Feng came in with Tang Guozheng, the lone wolf smiled, "Qin Feng, you two are here. I just wanted to call you!"

"Wolves, do you have anything to do today? Or did the superior release the task to us?"

After sitting on one side of the seat, Qin Feng nodded and asked.

Holding his chin, the lone wolf shook his head and said, "there is no task for the time being. After all, the task of traveling three or four times in a row always needs a good rest for a day or two. Now there is something to do!" said the lone wolf, focusing on Tang Guozheng beside Qin Feng, "we now need to activate the thermonuclear gene in the national government."

"So fast?" Leng Leng, Qin Feng was surprised.

"It's not too late. Now you go with the national government!" waved his hand. The lone wolf had begun to kill him. He scratched the back of his head. Then Qin Feng didn't look at Tang Guozheng, "let's go!"

"Where to?" Tang Guozheng asked subconsciously.

"You'll know when you arrive!" Qin Feng didn't answer directly, but said so. In this way, Qin Feng left the operation planning room with Tang Guozheng and walked towards the Research Institute.

There are also super power research institutes in the God of war base. These super power research institutes can activate the genes in the soldiers, and can also inject some acquired genes into some soldiers without super genes. It can be said that this super power research institute is the core of the God of war base and the core of the God of war base to create super soldiers.

However, it doesn't mean that everyone can accept the postnatal super gene entry. Some people with poor physique can't bear the super gene integration at all. Therefore, the selection requirements in the God of war base are very high, and even the threshold for entering the super combat team is outrageous.

In the Institute of super powers, although it's only early seven o'clock, there have been researchers in power and genes working there for a long time. There are people wearing white scientific research clothes everywhere. All kinds of things are soaked in the surrounding container liquid. Anyway, people can't understand it.

There are also rows of gene chains of different colors, which are packed in some spiral bottles, and some researchers are still discussing them everywhere.

As soon as Qin Feng and Tang Guozheng came in, a middle-aged man in light white scientific research clothes and myopia glasses came towards Qin Feng and looked at Qin Feng with a smile, "you are Qin Feng in group s of the super author group!"

"You are Dr. Liao. I'm here to ask you to help activate the genes in the body around me." Qin Feng smiled. Qin Feng didn't look at Tang Guozheng, and then said to Dr. Liao.

Nodded, Dr. Liao replied with a smile, "the lone wolf has told me before. Come with me!"

"Let's go!" after saying something to Tang Guozheng, Qin Feng followed Dr. Liao. Seeing this, Tang Guozheng hurriedly followed him.

"Nuclear gene is the rarest gene in the world. Similarly, the carrier of nuclear gene must have enough strong physique, otherwise he can't bear the fusion of nuclear gene. However, since he is a congenital carrier of nuclear gene, this condition can be ignored."

"Human genes are very common, nothing special, but there are exceptions. On average, there is a super gene in every hundreds of thousands of people, and nuclear genes are very rare. This is the first time I have seen the carrier of congenital nuclear genes."

As he spoke, Dr. Liao opened the container cabinet on one side, and more than a dozen propeller shaped gene liquids were stored in these containers.

After looking for it for a long time, Dr. Liao finally took out a scarlet gene medicine. "This is the only gene medicine that can activate nuclear genes in the whole institute. You may feel some pain later!"

"I have no problem. I can stand it!" shook his head and Tang Guozheng responded.

At this time, Tang Guozheng was very excited and confused. He didn't know how powerful his genes were, but when he heard the words "nuclear gene", Tang Guozheng was very restless.

Five minutes later, the three appeared in a gene activation room. Tang Guozheng lay quietly in bed. Dr. Liao put the scarlet gene medicine into one side of the machine tentacle, and then stepped aside, while Qin Feng stood and watched.

The tentacle of the machine manipulated the genetic medicine to slowly touch Tang Guozheng's arm. Finally, it seemed to rub and cling to Tang Guozheng's arm like an injection.

I saw that the scarlet gene medicine was soon used up. After the machine tentacle was removed, several needle shaped holes appeared on Tang Guozheng's arm. At first, Tang Guozheng didn't feel anything. Qin Feng asked him. He just shook his head and said it was okay, but with the passage of time, but a minute or two, suddenly, Tang Guozheng's face became a little red at this time, and bean sized beads of sweat had appeared on his forehead.

It was like sweat, and the sheets under him had been wet by the sweat on his body.

Then Tang Guozheng began to roll back and forth. Although it was not very fierce, it can be seen that he seems to be bearing something now.

"Guozheng, how are you feeling now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"I don't know. I don't know. I can't tell this feeling. I feel like something is burning in my body. I feel very hot all over and the whole person seems to be melting away." Tang Guozheng described his feelings at this time, biting his teeth gently.

Wen Yan, Dr. Liao said at this time, "you are a congenital nuclear gene carrier. This gene agent is a nuclear gene agent. Now you are activating the nuclear gene in your body. The two are merging. After activation, you won't feel this pain!"

"Dr. Liao, how long will it take to integrate!" Qin Feng couldn't help asking.

With a slight frown, Dr. Liao replied, "this varies from person to person. Some people can be fully activated in ten minutes at the fastest, while others need half an hour or even a few hours. However, there will be no danger in this process, but there will be some discomfort in the body. Don't worry!"

Nodded, Qin Feng no longer spoke, but just sat aside and waited quietly. Even if he was a meter or two away from Tang Guozheng, Qin Feng could feel a hot breath blowing in the face. This feeling was really hot. Obviously, Tang Guozheng was under this hot feeling all over. In addition, with the passage of time, The room was covered with this hot smell.

If you don't know people go in, you think you're in the steamer!

Time passed by minute by minute. After the hot breath in the room slowly dissipated, the blush on Tang Guozheng's face slowly converged. Finally, the whole person gasped and lay on his back in bed. At this time, his whole body was soaked with sweat.

"How do you feel now?"

"Well, much better. Now I feel like I'm steaming a sauna!"

With a smile, Qin Feng helped Tang Guozheng up. Now, the nuclear gene in Tang Guozheng's body has been completely activated. Then he took Tang Guozheng to take a bath and refresh his body. After that, they rushed to the battle planning room again.

At this time, there was no one in the operation planning room except the lone wolf and the cold wind. It seems that there is really no task today. Otherwise, the team leader and deputy team leader would not be present.

"Wolf team, the genes of the national government have been fully activated. Do you have any instructions now?" Qin Feng asked the lone wolf.

"Qin Feng, you've worked hard yourself. Go and have a rest first. Just teach us the next thing!" waved his hand and the lone wolf said.

Hearing the speech, Qin Feng nodded, and then left slowly.

Without the task, Qin Feng only felt very boring, because he felt that there was nothing to do. Just when Qin Feng was daydreaming, a figure appeared in front of him. It looked familiar. He glanced at it. Qin Feng said, "why? You want to compete with me?"

This person is no one else. It is Chen Hui in group A who wanted to compete with Qin Feng last night but was rejected by Qin Feng.

"No, I have something to ask you for help this time. I hope you can agree!"

When Chen Hui said this, Qin Feng scratched the back of his head, "no, you're a super soldier. Do you still need my help? Don't tease!"

"I'm not kidding. The supreme leader gave me a task this time, but the difficulty coefficient of this task is more difficult than I want to think, so I want to ask you for help and travel with me this task!"

"You're from group A and I'm from group s. besides, this is a personal task given to you by the supreme leader. I'll follow. There's no such rule!"

After spreading his hand, Qin Feng was ready to leave. Seeing this, Chen Hui hurried to follow Qin Feng. "In the Ares base, the super soldiers can cooperate with each other to perform a task, which is everyone's default. After the task is completed, I can transfer you 300 task points."

Mission point, one of the unique settings in ares base.

Here, a scientific research institute can use mission points to exchange some equipment, such as higher density concealed metal armor, such as laser weapons dedicated to super soldiers, or protective tools. In addition, these mission points can also be exchanged for money. When soldiers retire, they can exchange all the remaining mission points for Grandpa Mao, To ensure that the rest of your life is free from food and clothing and live and work in peace and contentment.

This is also a major feature of the Ares base.

Qin Feng naturally knows these, but Qin Feng doesn't like them. After all, Qin Feng is not an ordinary super soldier.

Of course, the higher the task point, the higher the number of times you complete the task. It is also a symbol of honor. After thinking about it, although three hundred task points can't exchange for anything good, you can change a slightly more advanced armor at least.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng nodded, "yes, but before that, I have to ask our wolves for instructions!"

Qin Feng said so, which is equivalent to Qin Feng's acquiescence. Suddenly, Chen Hui showed a smile on his face. Now, he has seen hope. Although he hasn't had a serious fight with Qin Feng, Chen Hui felt something in his heart after two moves with Qin Feng last night.

Through the wireless intercom, Qin Feng contacted the lone wolf. After explaining the situation, the lone wolf agreed. In the words of the lone wolf, he has performed more tasks, and can also hone his own combat experience and team cooperation consciousness, which is beneficial.

"Well, our wolves have promised, but you have to tell me what the task is!" swept to Chen Hui, and Qin Feng asked slowly.

"In an abandoned underground research institute in Western China, there are two pieces of research data scattered. These data are very important. According to the superior, a group of foreign powers learned the news from unknown channels and wanted to steal China's research data on power genes, so they specially sent me to collect the data."

"What I'm worried about is that the group of foreign powers realized that they entered the Western underground research institute before me, so in case of accidents, I can only find someone to perform this task with me."

After ordering, Qin Feng replied with a smile, "in that case, let's go!"

Anyway, the lone wolf has nodded and agreed. Qin Feng has no worries, and he doesn't travel in vain. Therefore, Qin Feng naturally wants to "make a quick decision".

"Thank you this time, Qin Feng!"

"Anyway, I'm not on a white trip." he nodded. Qin Feng was indifferent.

Seeing this, Chen Hui said, "now I'll transfer the task to you!" when he spoke, Chen Hui found a card from his pocket. This card is similar to a bank card, but his personal head is printed on it. The surface is also very smooth and emits some white light. It looks full of science and technology.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was not polite. He directly took out his task system card from his pocket. After docking, he saw that the "3600 task point" on the card was instantly increased to 3900 points.

After putting the task system card back into his pocket, Qin Feng and Chen Hui have appeared at the speed elevator leading to the exit.

The western region is a desert mixed with Gobi desert. The oxygen content in the air there is not high, which is likely to produce altitude sickness. Fortunately, they are equipped with breathing masks before departure, so there is no need to worry about this. The only thing to worry about is that these overseas power groups may enter the underground research institute before them.

Five minutes later, Qin Feng and Chen Hui have appeared outside the base. They are about thousands of kilometers away from the West. The speed of ordinary Wuzhi is too slow. They just travel together. Of course, the plane they take this time is very different from the past!

A hawk shaped fighter appeared in the sky above them. With the fighter landing slowly, the door was opened with a creak.

Then, they looked at each other, and they got into the cabin before and after.