Chapter 257 - Jing Jing Meets Heiz (1)

Name:Ceo Unrivaled Author:inflict
The last beads of dew dropped from a wild grass leaf as the sun rose the next day. Because of the heavy rain, the environment of district 7 looked crisp and green as people inhaled the clean air. 

The azure sky was ornamented with a blast of glamorous sunlight. And the newly awakened residents were treated to a spectacular scene as a few birds danced about the clouds, chirping happily as they flew around.

The remnants of the rainy night started to evaporate as the people starts their new day.

Thursday, 23rd of February

As early as 6 AM, news about the wedding ceremony started to spread around. 

"BIG NEWS! LOOK!!!" the delivery boy repeatedly yelled on the street as he distributed the newspaper.

Boss Wang had a sleepless night as he made sure that such an article would be able to publish as headlines in the local newspaper. On top of that, he also made an announcement to the local channel on television and radio. 

People who were still holding a mug of coffee began to gossip with their neighbors and family. Some of them were able to read the news while cooking their food for breakfast.

Various speculations quickly circulated on the streets about the bride. "The mayor's daughter is getting married! Woahh... best wishes to her family. But, who is the groom?"

"Why is this news not complete? Useless! The press should put all the information about this wedding!"

"I've never heard of the mayor's daughter having a boyfriend? Have you seen her dating?"

"Which family would tie a knot with the mayor's sweet daughter?!"

While the news stir all the curiosity towards Grace, it did not concentrate on her family. But still, it was enough to give the spotlight to her.

Amidst the release of the first news, Sofia's mobile screen had been flashing non-stop. The device was placed on the floor, just above her head. There were four people that subsequently called her: Jing Jing, Grace, Brent, and boss Wang. 

However, Sofia and the others were still asleep and the volume setting of her phone was in silent mode. All missed calls were displayed on her notifications.

Among the four people, boss Wang was the one that had persisted in calling Sofia. He had not left home and stayed in his company for the entire night. Just as he planned to go home early to catch some sleep, he suddenly caught the complaints of the citizens about the news.

The complaints were mostly directed to his press company. Because they had not revealed the full detail of the wedding ceremony, people ridiculed them and dubbed his article as written by an incompetent reporter.

"Jing Jing, you really bring misfortune to me! Look at what the people had been saying in the news! They are bashing my company!" Boss Wang angrily scolded Jing Jing. After he failed to contact Sofia, he could only call Jing Jing and vent his anger.

"Boss Wang, it is early in the morning. Why are you so angry? That's bad for your health!" Jing Jing responded. She was also bothered by the reaction of the other people as it was her former company that was targeted. But now that boss Wang was scolding her, she started to feel that her worry was not necessary. "I think Miss Sofia is still asleep. I will contact you once I discuss this matter with her."

"Hmmph! You jinx! You brought me bad luck! It's really you! You better tell your new boss what her plan is! If I don't hear anything from you, I will release the information of the groom!" Boss Wang threatened. 

Initially, they planned to control all the attention of the people. So, they decided to make a time interval of the announcements. 

The 6 AM was about the mayor's daughter. This news was intended to be spread using every means available. Then, the identity of the young master of the Lee family will be announced at 10 AM. They planned to use the local magazine to announce the news. And by noontime, they will announce the last news, which was about the venue of the ceremony and the cost.

There were still several hours before the second announcement should be published. But, boss Wang suddenly wants to put all the information out to the public in order to save the image of his company!

Jing Jing forced a smile and took a sip of her coffee. "Boss Wang, you better follow what we have discussed yesterday."

"AH! I do want to follow what we have arranged. But, the reputation of my company is at stake! People are calling my employees ret*rded for publishing a piece of incomplete news!" Boss Wang reasoned.

"There is a purpose why we have set a time interval of the news. If you want to act like a willful brat instead of a grown man, I cannot help it. Now, I will finish my coffee. Boss Wang, please have a great day!" Jing Jing said and ended their conversation. 'I'll just go to Miss Sofia's apartment and talk to her personally.'

While Sofia was asleep, Heiz left her place and went down, carrying her baby. At the lobby, she looked around to see her wooden cart. 

'Where is it?' she nervously asked in her thought when she could not see the cart at the corner of the lobby.

Her face was still covered with facemask as she walked carefully towards the exit of the building and approached the guards.

"Hi," Heiz called one of the guards in a friendly tone.

"Good Morning, ma'am. Are you here to get your cart? I placed them at the back," the guard gestured for her to follow.

"Who is she? Who allows that homeless to come in and out of this property?" the other guard whispered to his colleague. But his voice was actually loud enough for Heiz to hear his question.

"This lady is Miss Sofia's companion last night," the first guard answered. Then, he smiled at Heiz and said, "Don't mind my colleague. This way, ma'am."

As the guard took his step, Heiz quickly waved her free hand. "Sir, I came down to inform you if it is possible for my cart to stay on this building? Miss Sofia hired me as her employee." She was just there to inform the man that she won't take the cart for the time being. 

"Well, okay. But I won't take any responsibility for your belongings this time. If someone steals stuff in your wooden cart, don't put the blame on me. My suggestion is for you to get the things that you left in the cart," the guard stated. 

Heiz nodded her head and understood the man. "Thank you." 

"Hmm... Come! My shift is over anyway. I will help you pack your things," the guard offered while glancing at the baby in her arms.

The things in the wooden cart were the merchandise that Heiz was selling on the street. To other people, it may not be that valuable. But, for Heiz, she had put all her penny to but those merchandises to retail it.

Even if Sofia had offered her a job, she was unwilling to discard them.

The guard guided her to the back where her wooden cart was placed.

"To be honest, the owner of the building does not allow anyone to leave their belongings to us. I have transferred your cart here so that no one would notice it," the guard explained as they continued to walk.

"Thank you, sir," Heiz repeated, unable to think of other proper words to say. She did not expect that the man would go that far and hide her wooden cart safely. It had been so long since someone had acted her in her favor. Such a gesture made Heiz feel moved. 

"No need to thank me. You are Miss Sofia's employee now. Are you a cleaner?" the guard inquired. He assumed that Heiz might be there to help Sofia clean her apartment unit.

"AH, something like that," Heiz vaguely replied.

"Then, we will probably see each other often," the guard commented. 

Since Heiz was holding her baby, only the guard was doing all the work. He put all the merchandise in one bag and volunteered to carry them.

One man was still in his uniform, carrying a huge bag, and one woman carrying a baby in her arm. Such a sight greeted a few boarders of the apartment.

The two casually walked side by side towards Sofia's apartment unit. But as they were a few meters away from the place, they saw a woman standing at the door.

Heiz paused her steps but the guard continued and even smiled at the woman. "Hi, Miss Jing Jing!"

It was indeed Jing Jing. She just arrived at the place and was about to knock on the door when he heard the guard call her name.

"Hello, chief! I'm checking Miss Sofia. I have an important matter to discuss with her," Jing Jing said.

"Okay. Well, I am helping the employee of Miss Sofia to carry her things," the guard stated with a grin on his face.

"Employee?" Jing Jing slightly raised her eyebrow and looked at the lady behind the guard with a small smile on her lips.