Chapter 311 - Luke's Visit Before The Wedding Day (1)

Name:Ceo Unrivaled Author:inflict
Private Office of Lee Gaming Squad Founder - Brent Lee

"Brent!? Goodness! Why are you still in your gaming office, bro? Your wedding is tomorrow, right?" 

Brent was busy signing piles of paper on his desk when a familiar voice sounded in his doorway. His hand abruptly halted scribbling his signature on the page and he slowly raised his head.  Seeing the guest's face, he quickly pushed the papers to the side. "Luke, bro! What are you doing here? Have a seat, man!"

The man named Luke was not part of his gaming circle of friends. He was in the business circle of district 7. Seeing that this man was visiting him in his gaming office, Brent somewhat felt strange.

On the other side, Luke chuckled and shook his head, instantly refusing the offer of using his spare chair. "I won't be long, bro. The others have told me to find you so that we can throw a bachelor's party for you!" 

"Bachelor's party? Hmmn... I can't, bro! That's not possible right now," Brent directly refused the idea. 

"Bro, it's too early to reject this idea. We are still arranging the details of this party. You'll just have to come! Tonight, we can celebrate!" Luke defended easily.

"I'm serious, bro. It's impossible," Brent sighed after his response.

"The son of the most successful family in district 7 is denying himself of having a bachelor's party? Come on, bro!" Luke insisted with full of confidence in his face.

"Hahaha... Not that. We are busy, Luke. I swear, if I'm not busy, I would definitely celebrate such an occasion!" Brent smirked. His eyes moved in the direction of another small room within his office.

"We? Who is your companion here?" Luke raised his brows and walked towards the room. He did not even ask for Brent's permission.

The man raised one of his leg and directly pushed the door open using his foot. When the door sprang open, he saw the figure of Brent's bride. He instantly paled and took a big gulp.

Grace, was sitting at a mini desk with a stack of papers on it. She appeared to be writing something on the paper.

After the door was opened on her side, Grace looked at the man with a startled expression. But soon after, she was able to regain her composure and gave the man a confused look.

"I believe, we haven't met?" Grace's tender voice sounded in the room. 

"Ohh... my!!! So sorry for the intrusion, lady Grace," Luke instantly apologized and closed the door. He then moved his feet closer to Brent's side and playfully punch his shoulder. "What the heck, bro! I did not know that your bride would be here! You should have told me before I opened the door!"

"You're scared of my wife... but not me?" Brent joked and shook his head.

"Your wife? Heh! Not all brides became wives, bro! What if someone would abduct lady Grace today to prevent her from marrying you?" Luke's teased Brent openly.

"Abduction? Who would be so bold to challenge me or her family? Hehehe... And even if someone really abducts Grace, she will still be my wife," Brent spoke with certainty. The fact that his agreement with Grace had been sealed long before the wedding, he was never worried about any unforeseen incidents.

"Damn! You are not yet married, bro! Shameless! Fine! Still, she is the mayor's daughter. How can I act so boldly in front of her and open that door without knocking?!" Luke exclaimed, hinting at his mistake.

Even if Brent's wedding was secretly arranged, only Sofia and their parents were aware of it. Not even Luke or the other close friend of Brent knew about it.

"Grace is my wife. I just know it," Brent spoke calmly. "She is just going through some legal properties inside that room. I'm sure she was not disturbed by your boldness!"

"Whatever! Anyway, I should tell you this... After learning that you are going to settle with the mayor's daughter on such short notice, I still somehow think that maybe... you are just pranking me, bro! If it's not published through formal press announcements, I will never be convinced!" Luke expressed.

"Why don't you just say it directly? My luck in everything seemed to be really on an auspicious level. Hehehe," Brent grinned. "I am born in a wealthy family. I have perfect parents. Now, I'll have a perfect wife! It's fine if you felt a fit of small jealousy about how lucky I am, bro!"

"You are lucky indeed! That nice lady inside," Luke pointed to the door that he just pushed opened earlier and paused. "That girl is like a key made of diamond. All of us fantasize to have her and form a direct connection with the mayor's family. You are really something... to snatch her in such a short period of time, bro... well done! You deserve my highest respect! As expected of the young master of the Lee family!" Luke commented with a hint of envy in his tone.

"Hehehe," Brent could only stifle a laugh. Everyone in his business circle thought it was him who snatch Grace. But, in reality, it was the key made of diamond who delivered herself to him.

Ironically, among the bachelors in their district, only Brent never considered having Grace as his wife. Since his Lee family was never interested in politics, Brent's ideal girl was under the spectrum of gaming. He was also confused as to how he actually agreed to their arrangement!

"Ahh... since bachelor's party is not an option for you, let's talk about business then. Even if you'll treat me like a disturbance, I still need to discuss this," Luke initiated and finally took a seat.

"What do you want to talk about? Be specific," Brent stated, maintaining an easy smile on his face. "Are you having a hard time with your company?"

"Not that, bro! Don't you know? There is something so important that is happening in intersection street today! An opening that seemed to have the biggest population of customers! It's insane!" Luke started. The expression on his face turned serious. 

"You mean the Chronos company? If you are asking me if I'm worried about that business, I can tell you directly that I am not," Brent replied directly.

"It's too early for me to conclude something that had just started. But, I felt it's really odd. Let me ask you a question. Be honest, why did you choose that business as the venue for your reception, tomorrow?" Luke questioned.

"Bro, my wife is the daughter of our mayor. I have to give a face and hit two birds in one stone," Brent reacted. But in fact, this reasoning was actually from Sofia. He just conveniently copied her idea of seeing things differently.

"Give face? That's understandable that you are willing to burn some money for the reception. After all, you are the wealthiest family in this place. What I don't understand is that, of all places... and of all business, why them? Don't tell me that you took pity because the owners of that business are your fellow gamer?" Luke speculated.

"You know the owner of the Chronos company?" Brent suddenly questioned.

"Why? Of course, I know! Those kids who became champion in the last tournament," Luke answered right away.

"Hmmn... Yeah, it's them," Brent confirmed without thinking too much.

"So, you are really sympathetic to those teens who had just defeated you in that tournament?" Luke questioned. He even emphasized how Sofia's won became the loss of Brent's squad.

"They won because they are better. But, who knows? Maybe, I'll get that victory in the regional tournament?" Brent giggled.

"You are really sympathetic to them," Luke repeated.

"Well, I am. But the reason why I choose their venue for the wedding reception was that I want to help my father-in-law without involving the Lee family in politics," Brent spoke. Then, he continued to put her signature.

"What plans do you have? I think sooner or later, your family will be involved with politics," Luke stated.

"Hmmn.... Imagine, the intersection street is the worst area in the district 7. Gang fights, fraternity hazing... that place was considered hopeless," Brent replied. "If this will be the venue of my reception, it would prove that my father-in-law is a great mayor. He is capable of transforming a terrifying place into one that is bustling and jubilant under his administration!" Brent explained.

"Hmmn...  I see... That make sense," Luke spoke. The lines on his forehead suddenly creased more. "My father said something very amusing to me. It's about his opinion towards that Chronos company."

"If it's amusing to you, then, I need to hear that," Brent beamed.

"My father said, in all his lifetime, he had witnessed different figures of lions and tigers clashing in businesses... fierce competition is something common to our eyes. But... when it comes to the Chronos squad... he never expected to meet a pack of wolf," Luke started with a hint of severity in his voice.

"Your father described the Chronos company as owned by pack of wolves?" Brent spoke softly.. He was totally taken a back by what he had heard from Luke. Pack of wolf! That's rather amusing indeed!