Chapter 131 - Unfaltered

Name:Ceo Unrivaled Author:inflict
Inside the guidance office, a woman with a striking eyeglasses on her face was reading a thick psychology book. She was using a highlighter pen to color some lines of the words on the page that she was reading when she heard a knock on the door.

The woman looked up and consciously moved the wooden plate with her name carved in it.

Ms. Irene Trice

Guidance Counselor

"Come in!" the woman responded and tucked the book below her desk. She also made sure that the wooden plate was in the center of her office table.

"Hello, Ma'am Irene! My name is Sofia. I am a junior student in the night class," Sofia introduced herself the moment she stepped inside the office. She closed the door behind her and stood straight.

The guidance counselor adjusted her eyeglasses and looked at Sofia in scrutiny. The lady appeared confident while standing in her office.

All students subjected to the counselor's sharp gaze would usually fidget and felt nervous. However, Sofia maintained her composure and eye contact with the guidance counselor.

She appeared not intimidated at all.

"Sofia! Have a seat, young lady!" the woman ordered.

"Thank you," Sofia easily responded before she took a seat. Everything about Sofia's sitting posture made the guidance counselor arched her brows.

'Which family is this student belonged?' she secretly asked in mind. She approved of the proper etiquette that the young lady displayed.

"It is rare for me to have a visitor from the night class. So, what brings you here?" the woman asked directly.

"I came here to ask your help ma'am," Sofia started.

"Of course, you are!" the woman smiled but there was a hint of sarcasm in her tone that Sofia easily noticed.

"I have no position other than being a student in this school so my options are limited. But, with your help, I'm sure you can impose proper discipline on the six male students harassing my friend and almost dislocated my arm," Sofia responded calmly. Her calmness felt almost like a foreboding to the woman listening to her response.

'I have no position... my options are limited...' the counselor repeated Sofia's words in her head. She was an expert in psychology and she could tell if the student is threatening her or just plain arrogant. But with Sofia, this was not the case. It sounded like if she was in her position, she had already taken the matter with her own hand!

A long silence engulfed the office while the guidance counselor just stared at Sofia. Suddenly, she found herself in disbelief of how the young lady had spoken with much more authority than any other person she had in her office before. Even most teachers would not dare talk to her with such a degree of eloquence.

"Sofia, tell me the names of these students and I'll call them to come here," the guidance counselor finally snapped and asked.

"I have no complete names of these students. But, I caught a glimpse of an ID from the student who grabbed my arm. It's Ash Martinez," Sofia answered.

"Ash Martinez? T-this boy is a senior student. He is a frequent visitor here in my office but I'll set your expectation... His uncle is a powerful political figure in our district. So, even I would not dare discipline this boy," the guidance counselor explained.

Normally, she would brush off all the complaints that she had received in the past that involved Ash Martinez. She used various reasoning for the students not to pursue the complaint. 

But, the counselor sensed that if she would do the same approach to Sofia, it would not be productive. So, she conveniently told her the family background of the involved student.

"I understand," Sofia nodded. Her hand slightly clenched at the clinic report that she was holding. Her tone did not change and there was also no emotion that can be read in her face.

"You are a smart girl," the guidance counselor expressed. She suddenly felt a slight fear of how calm the student responded to her explanation.

"Thank you for having me, Ma'am Irene. I'll take my leave now," Sofia stood from her seat and quietly walked towards the door.

The guidance counselor only stared at her back until the young lady pulled the door open. 

"Wait!" she suddenly called Sofia before she could step out of her office. For some reason, she felt a pang of guilt for not helping Sofia.

So many students had already complained about Ash Martinez in her office but only Sofia's reaction scared her. Calmness was indeed a powerful reaction. She could not read what the young lady was thinking. The uncertainty she felt was terrifying.

"Young lady, please be careful," the woman added unsure of what really to advise to her.

"Thank you, ma'am. Have a good day," Sofia finished and head out to the office.

Few minutes after Sofia left the office, the school nurse barged into the guidance office completely startling the guidance counselor.

"Irene, did the young lady come here to file a report?" the nurse asked.

"Yes, she just left. I can't help her," the counselor admitted.

"Ohhh... here you go with that attitude. You are too cowardly to be in this office," the nurse criticized.

"You can't blame me. The school cannot offend the Martinez family," the guidance counselor defended. "But I think that the young lady understands my resolve," she quickly added.

"Heh! Even if she understands your decision, does your position still have its significance in this school? You should be ashamed," the nurse shook her head in disappointment and left the guidance office with a loud bang on the door.

"You have no right to say that to me!" the guidance counselor followed the nurse in haste.

"You are right, just forget what I said. But, I like that student. I can see her resolute bearing when she asked for my clinical report of her bruise," the nurse randomly said.

Resolute. Indeed, this was the exact description that the guidance counselor had also sensed when Sofia discussed her concern. Her tone was too firm giving her no room for argument.

"I've explained to her the situation about the connection of Ash Martinez," the guidance counselor admitted.

"I told the young lady that I will help her. But, that's your office. I won't intervene in your decision," the nurse coldly spoke and strode back to the school clinic.

The guidance counselor took off her eyeglasses and exhaled all her frustration. Her chest felt heavy like she was also disappointed by her decision of dismissing Sofia right away.

Political power was enough to make anyone retreat. But, these people in the government never dared disrespect nor offend Sofia in her past life. It did not scare her. 

After all, those with political power in their district were public servants. If they use their power to scare the civilians, then, it would be a direct betrayal of their oath. This was the very reason that Sofia was not faltered by any politician.

However, she understood the situation of the guidance counselor, hence, she did not waste her time arguing. 

There are a hundred ways to solve a single problem. Instead of engaging in a verbal confrontation and criticized the counselor for her lack of dignity, Sofia had chosen to just walk away in her office calmly.

Just as her initial plan, Sofia went to the school library. But instead of drafting a business plan, she made a quick research about the family background of Ash Martinez. 

With the help of the fast internet connection, she quickly found out that there was only one Martinez in their district. He was one of the district councilors. Lucas Martinez.

Since their guidance counselor won't help her, she would take the matter to the root of the problem. 

Ash Martinez was not the root of the problem. His behavior was just the effect of the special treatment he had received because of his connection with a politician relative.

Sofia realized this matter right after the guidance counselor dismissed her concern. The right solution to her problem was to directly engage with the main source. 

The logic to this was just like a gaming strategy. When playing the online game, it would be utterly useless to attack the tank if the healer is continuously supporting the tank from behind. To be able to tackle down the tank, the healer must be dealt with first.

And since District Councilor Lucas Martinez was a public servant, dealing with the matter would be a piece of cake.

Sofia dialed the office number that she saw in her research. It was answered on the third ring of the call.

"You have reached the office of Councilor Martinez, this is Imelda, his secretary," the woman on the other line stated enthusiastically.

"Hello, Miss Imelda! This is Sofia. Can you set me an appointment to have a discussion with the councilor? It's a civil matter and personal," Sofia started.

"Councilor Martinez is free to speak anytime tomorrow, Sofia! You can come here in the office for your concern directly," the secretary immediately responded.

"Oh, that's good. Anyway, can you confirm an appointment for me? I'll take the 9 am. It won't belong. Just about half an hour," Sofia insisted. She did not know the arrangement of meeting politicians in district 7 but she had her own standard of having a formal meeting. If there is no confirm appointment there would be a tendency that she would be neglected when she arrived there.

"Okay, I'll confirm an appointment with you, ma'am. Please give me your complete name?" the secretary complied at her request without any objection.

"Thank you. The name is Sofia D. Su," she responded before the two of them ended their conversation.