Array, in the original world, but all practice, more or less will understand some. And those array masters know more. Murongyu is one of the array masters.

He knows countless arrays.

However, in the dark world, there is no need for him to use those deep arrays. Because the array of the dark world is too shallow. You can kill many dark creatures with a few shallow arrays.

At this time, murongyu has directly transmitted some ordinary killing array and trapped array to some high-level memory of the bereaved tribe.

& \ (mnbsp; It's too late for Murong Yu to set up his own array. Therefore, he had to rely on the strong of the bereaved tribe to set up the battle.

What he taught the dark creatures were all ordinary arrays, but the power they displayed was not small. Especially in the battle of the army, the lethality is particularly terrible.

Because of this, these arrays have been transformed by Murong Yu. When these arrays go to the original world, they can easily be seen and broken by people with array attainments in the original world.

Otherwise, what if these arrays are spread out and used by dark creatures to deal with friars in the original world? Although the strong of the bereaved tribe will never spread it.

Because they all know the value of these arrays. If they make good use of them, they can use these arrays to sweep the dark world and eventually become one of the most powerful tribes in the dark world. It can even unify dark creatures.

Although the strong of the bereaved tribe have such thoughts, what if they are killed by the stronger people and read the memory?

So, prepared, Murong Yu is still in the array.

At the command of the Grand Marshal, the whole bereaved tribe cooperated. The soul of mourning is to cooperate with murongyu. Any material murongyu needs can be obtained from the soul of mourning tribe.

With personal cooperation, it doesn't take a day for murongyu's array to be arranged. It's on the way of the 500 million troops of the poisonous dragon tribe.

At this time, nearly 100 million troops of the bereaved tribe have already poured out, lurking in or after the array.

At this time, in the distance, the 500 million troops of the poisonous dragon tribe have rolled in like a torrent. People have not yet arrived, bursts of terror on the crazy squeeze over, so that this void is full of repression.

Seeing that there were several times more troops than our own side, we rushed to kill them. Apart from murongyu, the bereaved tribes were all nervous. Even the head of the bereaved tribe was in a cold sweat.

"Marshal, are you sure these arrays can kill the 500 million army of poisonous dragons?" The mourner looks at murongyu nervously. However, when he saw murongyu's confident smile, he suddenly became less nervous.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that as long as murongyu was still there, they would not fail.

Murongyu nodded: "Lord, wait to see the play. Today, we will let the 500 million army of poisonous dragons never come back. But, my Lord, I want 100 million nuclei. "

Mourning laughs: "although my reputation of mourning is not very good, I'm definitely a man of great eloquence. Don't worry, as long as I can wipe out the 500 million army of poisonous dragons today. I'll give you all the nuclei. "

Murong Yu nodded and ordered: "wait for my order to start again. I didn't give my order. No one can do it, or I will be killed!"

The people of the whole army are awe inspiring. They dare not make any changes, otherwise they will be beheaded by Murong Yu. As a result, they can only watch the 500 million troops of the poisonous dragon tribe coming, which is quite terrifying.

The oppressive atmosphere made many soldiers of the bereaved tribes feel that they were not breathing well. However, they still strictly abide by murongyu's orders and must not move, or they will be killed!

blot out the sky and cover up the earth!

There was no end at all, and a dark force rose to the sky, even the sky became dark.

"Come in! They are all in the array. "

Seeing that the front team of the poisonous dragon army has entered the array. In the excited and nervous mood of the bereaved tribe, the poisonous dragon army did not find anything unusual and was still marching forward.

"Come in all! Come in all of you

Seeing this scene, the bereaved tribes were excited. One by one, they were shouting in their hearts. In their expectant mood, the 500 million troops of the poisonous dragon tribe quickly swarmed into the array.

All of them are in the array range.

However, no one in the bereaved tribe changed their mind. They all looked at murongyu and waited for the order of the Grand Marshal murongyu."Start the array and let all the people of the poisonous dragon tribe stay!" Murong Yu gave a big drink.

Before murongyu's voice fell, the arrays were started.


All kinds of light burst into the sky, an array burst out of terrible power, instantly shrouded in a piece of heaven and earth.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The power of terror burst out, constantly hanging out. All of a sudden, the dark creatures of the poisonous dragon tribe, who had no preparation at all, screamed one by one and were hanged to pieces.

In an instant, at least tens of millions of dark creatures were strangled.

It's a trick!

The dark creatures of the poisonous dragon tribe, no matter how stupid they are, have already reflected that they are trapped. So, one by one, they began to go backwards. However, after entering the array carefully arranged by Murong Yu, how can he leave easily?

Murongyu's arrays are killing array, trapped array and all kinds of illusory array. There is no other array except these three.

And these three kinds of arrays cross each other, intricately mixed together, the power is quite terrible. Let the dark creatures of the poisonous dragon tribe rush left and right, but they are trapped or in an illusion. They can only passively bear the attack of the killing array.

"The Grand Marshal is a man of God!" Seeing that our side didn't have to fight, there were a lot of dark creatures falling from the Dragon tribe, and the people in the bereaved tribe were extremely excited. Each one looked at murongyu with admiration and awe. And mourning is to murongyu praise again and again.

Murongyu looked at the front indifferently, and there was no emotion in his eyes. After all, these are dark creatures, though they are also life. But if they don't die, then the life of the original world is dead.

The original world is murongyu's hometown, where there are his relatives and friends, he does not want to see the original world of life.

Therefore, murongyu can only choose to let them die. Who makes the two sides antagonistic?

This book comes from