Chapter 282

Chang Xia's face is red now, and she looks very embarrassed and embarrassed, because Ning Ke'er can say her own scandal in front of anyone. But what she says in front of Qi Qian, Chang Xia will feel uncomfortable, probably because Qi Qian is her husband now.

Well, driven by curiosity, Chang Xia still asked, "what did she tell you?"

"What do you want to know? She said that you were late for class and were punished by the teacher to stand in the corridor. She sneezed all over her face when eating. She also said that you had pursued a boy before and was rejected..."

Qi Qian's every word makes Chang Xia blush and panic. He didn't expect that he would rather tell Qi Qian so many things.

Now Chang Xiarou clenched her fist slightly and swore that if she saw Ning Ke'er, she would kill him! This wench owes herself to be so good to her. As a result, she actually does a lot of things in Changxia. It's strange to say that she's not angry.

Seeing Chang Xia's embarrassment, Qi Qian touched her face with his hand: "your face is very red. Do these things make you so shy?"

"No, I just... I just blushed when I was angry. Don't say that. Don't you want to go on a date? Let's go!"

Chang Xia pulls Qi Qian out of the door.

The weather is beautiful and cloudless. Now Qi Qian is driving a black sports car to the amusement park with Chang Xia. It has to be said that this is a real date for two people. There are no bodyguards or strangers, just the two of them.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Chang Xia can just see Qi Qian over his head. The sunshine hits his side face, showing a clear and handsome outline. The breeze blows enough, and his hair is flowing. He is so handsome.

So, it's good to have a handsome husband. Although Chang Xia is not a Beauty Association, if you can choose, of course you will choose a more handsome one. Even if you can't eat as a meal, you can enjoy yourself and eat more.

Qi Qian didn't know Chang Xia's wishful thinking. As he was driving, he suddenly said, "besides Ferris wheel and carousel, what else do you like to play with?"

"Ah? I like to play a lot. In fact, as long as it's exciting, I like it. " Chang Xia likes exciting things. Why do you like exciting things? It's still attributed to the fact that everyday life is too dull.

When she was in college, she was an honest person. She participated in clubs, had rich after-school life, and actively won scholarships. Compared with many people, she was rich, but in her eyes, she was still very ordinary. What she wanted to pursue was a different life, something that her heart beat when she thought about it.

Qi Qian heard that she liked exciting things and suggested, "have you ever played bungee jumping?"

"Bungee jumping? Did not play... "Leng for a while, Chang Xia did not know why Qi Qian would mention this, so he asked:" do you want to play? "

"If you like to play, go and play. Bungee jumping is very exciting. I think it will make you unforgettable for life."

Seeing that Qi Qian strongly recommended it, Chang Xia certainly wanted to have a try. Long ago, she heard from her friends that bungee jumping was very exciting. Once she played it, she would remember it, and some people would become addicted to it. Chang Xia thinks that life is just once, and it's also a waste if you don't try, so now she also brings up her courage and decides to try.

After all, bungee jumping was a dream in my school days, but I didn't know where to play and didn't have much time to go.

Now the opportunity is rare, and Qi Qian has proposed to play bungee jumping, so go.

The playground is located in City C, which is another city 20 kilometers away from city A. Chang Xia did not expect that Qi Qian would take him so far away.

Now the car stops and Chang Xia walks down from the car. Originally, she is still full of joy, but when she looks up, she shows a petrified state.

"What's the matter..." Chang Xia murmured, her tone full of disbelief, because she saw that there was no one in the playground.

Yes, there was no one in the open playground. It was empty, as if it was a ghost town. The only thing that was moving was probably the facilities in the playground and the staff in twos and threes.

Qi Qian went to the side, he saw the scene, but nodded with satisfaction: "how about, Xiao Xia, do you like it?"

"I like it? How could I like it? " Chang Xia said impatiently, "what's the matter with this place? There are no other tourists."

"Because I've made it." Qi Qian is very reasonable. Chang Xia is almost angry with him.

Rich and willful, for Qi Qian, President of Qi Family University, it's not difficult to wrap up the whole playground, but it doesn't have the atmosphere of the playground, does it?

Chang Xia's impression of the playground is that it has a lot of people. Everywhere you go, you can see the smiles of tourists and hear the children's words. What you see in front of you is a "dead city".

Chang Xia felt very disappointed: "Qi Qian, I don't like here. This playground is not fun at all."

"Why? Isn't that good? There's no one to disturb, just the two of us. " Qi Qian's imagination, the so-called date is two people spend two people world, no one disturb, otherwise he would not specifically package the whole playground, right? Secondly, Qi Qian specially asked Luo Ziwen for his opinions. According to Luo Ziwen, girls are most likely to be moved by romantic things. It's like wrapping up a movie theater or a hotel for girls. Luo Ziwen has rich experience in falling in love. Qi Qian thinks that what he says is reasonable, so he wraps up the whole playground. Now looking at Chang Xia's bitter gourd face, he doesn't know what he did wrong. Well, Chang Xia needs to compromise in this aspect. After all, he has no love experience at all. Besides dating himself, he has never dated any other girls. I'm afraid he doesn't understand any skills in "picking up girls". Chang Xia is not the heroine of that kind of TV series, so she pretends to pursue romance. What she needs is simple, happiness“ Qi Qian, in fact, you don't have to take so much trouble. Just take me to the amusement park. You don't need to wrap up the whole playground. " Chang Xia now side head said, but at the same time she also comfort up, "since you have wrapped up the whole playground, if we don't play, also waste, so let's go in." Although there was no one in the playground and it didn't seem lively at all, Chang Xia went in with the idea of thrift.