Chapter 529

"Ask you, don't you want to go further with Mo Yang? You are a couple. " Chang Xia moved his body and asked in front of ah Yin.

"It's not that I don't want to... It's just embarrassing."

"Embarrassed? What's so embarrassing? You're a couple! "

Married for half a year, but also embarrassed, this is really the rarest thing in the world, other people do not know that they are just in love. In this respect, Chang Xia's experience has been gained. How can we say that she has been married and pregnant with children, so she can become a teacher of a yin.

Now, after holding a Yin's hand, Chang Xia asked seriously, "how do you sleep? Always in the same bed? "


"Didn't Moyang touch you?"

As soon as Chang Xia asks, a Yin stammers. In fact, she is worried about getting along with Mo Yang. Now that Chang Xia can help her solve the problem, she simply tells everything.

"It's very regular for brother Mo to sleep. Although we sleep in the same bed, nothing happened."

Generally speaking, Moyang is a piece of wood. Although it looks like a warm man, in fact, it has little love experience. Under the gentle appearance, it is a dull sultry heart.

In this respect, Moyang and Qi Qian are not like each other. Chang Xia recalls that Qi Qian didn't know how to take the initiative when he first had a relationship. Unlike his usual cold appearance, he held himself down dominantly, as if he could burn everything.

It seems that every man is different. Chang Xiayi helps ah Yin think seriously on the bed board.

"Does Mo Yang kiss and hold you on weekdays?"

"Ah?" A Yin body trembles for a while, the mood is nervous, the face is like peach blossom, her embarrassed look all show, then carefully looked at Chang Xia one eye just said, "he also did those things, just didn't happen that kind of thing."

Ah Yin said vaguely, the key is that Chang Xia understood! It means that ordinary intimacy happened between them, but no intimacy happened.

In other words, in fact, they all want to happen that kind of thing, but for the first time, no one has a good intention to put forward it.

"Ah Yin, take the initiative next time!" Chang Xia said vigorously, "ah Yang is a dull boy. You can take the initiative to make sure that you have a play. You can definitely have a baby at that time."

"Active, this is not good..." a Yin as a woman, should have some reserve or some, in her opinion, too active words are likely to be hated by Mo Yang.

This is also agreed with Chang Xia, girls should be reserved, too active, men will not cherish. But things have to be analyzed in detail. Mo Yang is a good man. He likes a yin for sure, so he is not afraid of being disliked by him too actively. The problem is that his head is made of stone!

Chang Xia grabs a Yin's hand and says with the appearance of a passer-by: "take the initiative to give him a hint. It's absolutely successful."


"Yes! Absolutely

Chang Xia seems very confident. Although Mo Yang is a wood, he is also a man. It is estimated that he always suppresses himself and doesn't dare to fool around. He is afraid that a Yin will hate him, so they haven't broken that layer of paper until now. Now as long as a little hint, I'm afraid Mo Yang can't help it.

Now the two women look at each other and understand each other, like reaching a strategic alliance for married women.

"I see, Xiao Xia, thank you." Understand how to do well, a Yin said a thank you to Chang Xia.

At this time, Qi Qian's figure suddenly appeared at the door of the room. He appeared in front of him with a white cloth bag.

His appearance can frighten Chang Xia and her two daughters. Just as they were discussing things between women, he appeared as a big man, but he didn't frighten himself to death.

"Qi Qian, why are you here..." Chang Xia asked.

"Breakfast for you. What were you talking about just now? I heard ayin say thank you?"

When Qi Qian asked, a yin and Chang Xia were in a panic. They laughed and said nothing. Then Chang Xia changed the topic and asked, "don't you buy us breakfast? What did you buy? "

"Just look at it." Qi Qian put the white package on the table. When he opened it, he saw that it was a beautiful breakfast. It was packed in peach boxes. There were five layers of boxes stacked together.

The first and second layer boxes are exquisite desserts, red bean cake, taro pie, egg tart, coconut syrup, sweet honey bird's nest.

The third layer of the box is two bowls of Japanese ramen, beef and vanilla porridge.

The fourth and fifth floor boxes are Cantonese breakfast and shrimp dumplings.

Five boxes piled together, gorgeous and spectacular, with a height of one meter. Chang Xia's eyes were wide open, obviously frightened. It's just a breakfast. Do you want to make it like this? Are you rich people so willful?

Chang Xia complained: "Qi Qian, you buy too much. How can I finish it by myself?"

"Your body needs tonic now, and you don't need to finish eating. Just choose what you like. If you don't like, I'll eat it."

His words are as clear as dew, moistening my heart, full of warmth, which can kill Chang Xia. Is it really good that this man is so gentle! Next to a Yin was shown a face of dog food, embarrassed to say: "you really love." In fact, it's really loving. Maybe it's a long time since I saw him. Chang Xia can find that Qi Qian's eyes are full of affection and spring is gentle. In fact, being treated so gently by her husband is a very happy thing, but this kind of happy behavior also depends on the situation! Chang Xia had a dry cough and took a yin to eat together“ Ah Yin, I remember you also like Cantonese breakfast, a piece of shrimp dumplings. "“ Yes, yes. " On a wooden table in the middle of the bed, several people began to eat. Qi Qian also joined in, the key is that he is also very considerate. Knowing that Chang Xia's arm was injured, he helped to send it to her early. Chang Xia is not used to it. It's not that she doesn't want Qi Qian to feed herself, but that a Yinggan, who is opposite, stares at the happy breakfast. Ten thousand alpacas ran across the grassland, and Ayrton was embarrassed. This embarrassment was transmitted to Chang Xia like a virus infection. Therefore, after being fed a few mouthfuls by Qi Qian, Chang Xia endured the pain of her arm and had to eat by herself. The sun was warm in the early morning, and the light shone gently on the whole earth, as if the sadness of the past had been dissipated, and everything could come back. On the other hand, since learning that her eldest son is safe and sound, ye Caixin has recovered a lot. With proper care and medical care, she can leave the hospital. Just sitting on the sofa in Qi's living room, she was in a good mood no matter what, because she had just heard a report.