Chapter 1054

"I'm sorry." Chang Xia's eyes are full of apologies. At the same time, she did not forget to add, "but if I have other places to help you, I will certainly help you. When you want to pursue Qinna in the future, I will certainly help you."

"Well... That would be the best." Augustine was still smiling. The glass light on the ceiling was shining on his face, reflecting his eyes.

At this time, Chang Xia can find a little bit of jade like tears falling from his eyes. He is clearly smiling, but the tears fall down. When he found that he was in tears, he asked: "what's wrong with me? How can I have water in my eyes? Is the ceiling leaking..."

He wiped his eyes with his hands. He wanted to wipe the tears off his eyes, but the more he wiped them, the more they fell. The clothes were wet, the body contracted, and the face showed a kind of painful and sad appearance from the smile.

He buried his head, weeping in a low voice, and finally he collapsed. The expression he wanted to cover up with a smile collapsed completely.

Yes, no matter how strong a man is, he will cry. Augustine will not leave. Finally, he can't help crying.

Chang Xia felt very uncomfortable seeing this scene. If she had known it, she shouldn't have done so much. Now, Augustine and Jenna may not be friends. They will be embarrassed to meet each other in the future.

At this time, the guilt around Chang Xia is increasing, just like a stone on her body, which makes Chang Xia breathless. She thinks that she is responsible for these things.

Love should go with the flow, not outsiders can interfere, although Chang Xia is kind, but let this tragedy happen. Now, after a heavy stone step, Chang Xia comes to Augustine's back and caresses her hand gently. At this time, she knows that it's useless to say anything. Let Augustine cry first.

Everything in the world will not change. No matter what happens, the sun will still rise tomorrow. Chang Xia thinks that with the passage of time, maybe many things can be solved without a standard answer.

The next morning, the sun did rise as usual. Chang Xia comforted Augustine all night last night, and came back to rest in the room very late. The next morning at 12 o'clock, huaxiaoling came to wake him up, otherwise Changxia would not get up.

After washing in the bathroom, Chang Xia asked Hua Xiaoling, "where has Augustine gone... Is he still in the hotel?"

"He left early this morning, and all the guests who came to the birthday party left!"


Because it was too late, Chang Xia opened a room in the hotel for those who didn't have time to go back. Now in the morning, everyone is busy going back to their own business. But what happened last night is still in everyone's heart, especially in the hearts of Augustine and Jenna.

Now, I just don't know what happened to Qina. After leaving the hotel, Chang Xia goes back to the village of kerkeri. When she comes back to her home, she finds gerst sitting in the living room. Chang Xia was just about to find him. He was sitting on a round chair with a heavy face, as if thinking about something.

Chang Xia patted him on the shoulder from behind, and gerst bounced up.

"Ah..." it's like being scared by a ghost. Gerst is scared by Chang Xia. When he looks back and sees that it's Chang Xia, he calms down.

"What... It's you, Xia."

"Yes, it's me, or who do you think it is?" After that, Chang Xia sat down in a chair next to him and asked about what happened last night.

After Qinna left last night, Chang Xia quickly asked gerst to chase her out. I don't know if he chased Qinna.

Gerst said that he had caught up with Jenna. They sat by the sea that night and looked at the sea. The waves were white. They didn't talk about anything. Jenna said that it would be nice for gerst to accompany her to watch the moon and the sea.

It sounds very romantic. Chang Xia suddenly remembers that Jenna likes gerst, doesn't she?

But nobody knows about Jenna's love for gerst. At least gerst and Augustine don't know. Then Chang Xia asked Qinna how she was feeling.

Gerst replied, "she's in a stable mood. I thought she would be OK in a few days, just..."

Gerst didn't finish what he said, but Chang Xia knew what he was going to say. I think he was going to say that the relationship between Augustine and Qina has become like this. I'm afraid he can't go back and become friends.

"I think they will still be friends. After all, you have been in love for more than 20 years, haven't you?" Chang Xia thinks that no matter what happens to their feelings, they will never break. How can their feelings for more than 20 years change their nature because of their little confession.

Besides, Chang Xia thinks that Jenna is the kind of person who can face everything frankly. After she calms down, she will certainly be able to treat Augustine as before.

Now gerst nods his head to show his agreement. He thinks that time is the best medicine for everything. When the world is over, everything will be OK. It's just that gerst can't figure out a problem.

"You say, why did Jenna refuse Augustine? In fact, I don't think it's impossible for them to be together." Chang Xia was stunned. She didn't realize that gerst supported Augustine and Jenna together. After all, the two best friends suddenly became lovers. Chang Xia would feel strange, as if her original circle of friends had been broken. Chang Xia asked, "gerst, did you not realize that Augustine liked Jenna before?"“ I don't know if Augustine didn't tell me last night After that, gerst explained that from the beginning, Augustine was a frivolous personality. As long as she saw a beautiful woman, she would want to chat up. It's like Chang Xia's first visit to Keri village. Isn't Agustin thinking about chatting up with Chang Xia. As soon as gerst said it, Chang Xia remembered that after he lost his memory and came to the village of kerkeri, Augustine did something similar to shameless. Gerst continued: "that's why I didn't expect that Augustine would like Jenna. His personality may like anyone, but it's unlikely that he would like Jenna, because he has always been very polite to Jenna and won't do some male sexual pursuits." Chang Xia's face came down, so it's really dull to say that gerst is a dull guy. It is because Augustine has a frivolous character in chatting up with everyone, but not for Jenna, that explains the problem.